




















简介这个勇者自称“老子明明很强”,却谨慎过头漫画 ,超慎重的勇者&二流女神组合的新异世界救济谈












内容简介:全球各地突然出现了几十个通往幻界的时空门,人员可以穿越两界,物资可以双向流动。幻界里面的一切和游戏差不多,杀死幻兽可以获得升级的经验,可以获得装备和能量币,人们在幻界死亡也可以复活。幻 界里资源丰富,不仅有石油、煤炭以及稀有矿产,更有价值无限的灵药、幻宠和NPC工人。各国官方机构和商业团体大举开发幻界,人类迎来一个崭新的时代。在这个波澜壮阔的大时代,一个网游职业玩家在幻界崛起……各位书友要是觉得《都市幻界》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78416 >>




内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者不做打工人的经典小说:《大秦金榜现世我皇子的身份瞒不住了》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说始皇东巡,觅长生之道。东海之上,却见皇榜凌空。凡位 列榜单之上,皆受天道庇佑,福泽加身。大秦帝国,赫然在列。是日,始皇震怒。“朕的大秦,万古不灭,永世长存!”而作为穿越者的赢遥却是一脸懵逼,“说好的三年之期,这榜单误我……”1w0-75280 >>


内容简介:标签:生子星际甜文穿书关键字:主角:安风清,崔玦┃┃其它:攻和白月光,同被打耳光安风清穿成了一本abo文里的替身男配。男配与攻签下恋爱合约,明知道攻不会爱他,还是心甘情愿成了白月光的影 子,只要能留在攻的身边就好。安风清:男配你脑子进水?作者你出来挨打!现在他穿成了omega男配,第一件事就是毁了这垃圾契约,踢开渣男,再享受被众多alpha捧在手心里的五彩人生!后来——帝国出现了个医界大佬,专治医疗舱也搞不定的疑难杂症,连史上最大医学难题脱发也能治好。全星际的权贵们出重金想求大佬面诊,却得知还要抢号,一个月一个号。1w0-108546 >>


内容简介:【甜宠!】穿越到星际时代的时觅薇,妈妈嫌弃妹妹陷害,她果断反击虐渣。偶遇重伤的小狼崽,拖走扑倒。小狼崽醒后奶萌抱大腿,“姐姐,你别不要我,我会很乖的。”“姐姐,你是我的。”“姐姐,我们 结婚吧。”……联邦帝国最高指挥官祁遇,失踪后回归,发现很多不可思议的事情。穿着女装逛街的男人为什么这么像他?工地搬砖的男人绝对不是他!他个人信息为什么显示已婚?对方居然是是个挺漂亮的小姑娘?深思熟虑后,祁遇拿着结婚证明找上门。时觅薇摇头:不是我,别瞎说。祁遇一改冷冰冰,狼态尽显把她压在墙角,霸道宣誓:“姐姐你是我的,别想逃跑。”时觅微愣住:“你……你都想起来了?”祁遇:好家伙,还真是他!婚后时觅薇才发现联邦帝国守护神,拥有SSS精神力的祁遇时不时会露出狼耳狼尾有损他战神形象。她一天天胆战心惊跟在后头,“祁指挥管,你的耳朵和尾巴快藏好!”祁指挥邪魅一笑,把人拐上星舰,“老婆,帮我。”1w0-103792 >>


内容简介:喜欢你的第十年简介:1高中时的程越之长相优越,成绩突出,是老师们赞扬的榜样、同学们羡慕的对象。没有人知道他心里的秘密。他一直怀疑——乔稚宁的眼睛是不是被糊了十八层的隔离滤镜?不然,她的 目光怎么就永远落不到自己身上?高中时的乔稚宁人缘好,朋友多,爸爸宠,生活过得简单快乐。她只有两个小小的烦恼。一是,到底怎样才能证明,她和程越之真的只是单纯的朋友关系啊啊啊?!!二是,如何在“一”的基础上向意中人表白?后来,乔稚宁的这白没表得成,和程越之的关系倒是被澄清了个彻底。身边几乎所有朋友都认为1w0-79544 >>


内容简介:山野二流子被老乡骗入非法传销窝点,逃出后千里一路要饭回村复仇,却被村霸打出村。他在山里差点冻死竟意外获得上古传承。从此废物逆袭成大神,村霸给他打工,豪门千金给他看家护院,富豪大佬争着做 他的迷弟。他带领村…1w0-99470 >>


内容简介:安瑶一直以为自己的丈夫窝囊、无能、没用,等到某一天才发现,他竟然是…… 新建交流群:621888312 欢迎大家进群讨论!1w0-1166




内容简介:王晖很忧伤。他从小就发现自己的特质很特殊——任何和自己谈恋爱的女人,运气都越来越好,走向人生巅峰!绝美校花:“王晖,我最近运气好差啊,不如我们谈个恋爱吧?”美女总裁:“王晖,我的公司股 票大跌,所以我缺个男朋友,算了,我摊牌了,我要你!”国际影后:“王晖,我真不是为了电影票房,我就是单纯缺个老公,我觉得你很合适。”王晖:“对不起,你们都是好人,我真的不想谈恋爱。”【本书又名《我真不是国民男神》、《开局666个前女友》】各位书友要是觉得《都市之超级恋爱系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25889 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:和周姐结婚后,我无双科学家曝光】叶尘穿越到平行世界,并且在24岁时成为最年轻的教授。某天,叶尘正在魔都大学讲课,身为当红女主播周淑芬忽然来了。正当所有人疑惑时 ,周淑怡红着脸看着叶尘说道:“那个……叶尘,你能不能陪我去做个孕检?”叶尘:“?????”正在叶尘懵逼时,他激活了神级选择系统。【选项一:拒绝周淑怡,奖励:十万现金】【选项二:答应周淑怡,奖励:魔都汤臣一品房子】叶尘这才反应过来,周淑芬怀孕正是他的杰作!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢和周姐结婚后,我无双科学家曝光,别忘记分享给朋友和周姐结婚后,我无双科学家曝光TXT下载1w0-77553 >>


内容简介:妙妙有个大将军爹,声名赫赫,战无不胜,所向披靡。这是她娘临死前说的。她也没见过她爹。他们都说她爹是个游手好闲的混子,在她出生前就死了。她跟舅舅一家生活,住最小最破的屋子,干最脏最累的活 。有一天,她被舅舅从小破屋里赶出去,和家里大黄狗一起住。村口来了一队兵马,为首之人骑着高头大马,战甲闪着寒光,威风凛凛。她的大将军爹1w4455-71886 >>

Tonari No Kaibutsu-Kun

My Little Monster targets the relationship between Shizuku Mizutani, who has a lad named Haru Yoshida, who sits next to Shizuku in course but seldom attends school and her strategies for the long run, as well as certainly no interests except in analyzing. After Shizuku is tasked with providing course printouts to Haru's house, she meets with Haru, who promptly greets her as a buddy, beginning their new connection. Nicknamed 'dry ice,' Shizuku is celebrated as a woman who's emotionless and cool. But when Haru was met by her his innocence and his insufficient knowledge towards human associations touched her. Haru is really tender and kind, though recognized as a violent and uncontrollable creature. It requires considerably more for Shizuku to understand and take her own emotions towards Haru, although Haru promptly declares his love towards Shizuku. Collectively, as 2 beings that are formerly unsocial, they help each other understand the best way to take care of others and make friends.

Kagerou Inazuma Mizu No Tsuki

A collection of stories set amongst the oiran (high-rank courtesans before the time of geisha) in (mostly) the Yoshiwara district of Edo, a famous historical 'red-light district.' 1. Kagerou no Shou When Kagerou was a child, her parents sold her to be trained as an oiran in Yoshiwara. On her way there, she fell in love with the man who transported her, Ryuuji, and insisted that he be her first sexual customer when she grew up. Now, she is approaching the time when she will lose her virginity, but will Ryuuji be able to be her first? 2. Inazuma no Shou Wakana works in Yoshiwara, but she plans to one day buy her own way out. She seduces presents out of the men who buy her, in order to save money for her future. But one man, Mitsunori, is not like all the others. Will the skilled seductress Wakana be able to cope with real emotion? 3. Mizu no Tsuki no Shou Suigetsu is approaching the time when she's meant to lose her virginity. One day, she miraculously meets with a relative who knows her by her real name: Saya. Is it possible for her to be rescued from this life? 4. Nagasaki Bojou Suigetsu, an oiran-in-training in Nagasaki, is slated to lose her virginity. However, she's been told she's going to have a Dutch man as a partner! She's frightened of sleeping with a foreigner who may not even speak her language! However, the man in question is nothing like she feared...

100 Kaime No Kiss

[taken from fictiondb] SHE FELT LIKE CINDERELLA AT THE BALL! Whisked from typing pool obscurity to overnight fame as The Nightstar Girl--the ultimate model for Rayven Cosmetics' sensational new perfume--Caren Ainsley felt that at any moment the dream would vanish, that devastating Marc Rayven would cast her aside once she had served her purpose. But Caren was determined to hold on to her dream despite Moira Evans, Marc's ravishing assistant who attempted to sabotage her at every turn. She'd fight fire with fire with Moira, but how would she handle Marc? Were his kisses false or did he offer her a heart full of love?

Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro

The father of high school student, Katsuragi Yako, has been brutally murdered. The incident filled with mysteries drives Yako's daily life into confusion... As the investigation progresses slowly, a man named Nougami Neuro appears before Yako saying that he wants to eat the ultimate 'riddle'...! The Demon Neuro has a raging hunger for ‘mysteries.’ Being dissatisfied with his current regime in hell, he’s come into the mortal realm in order to satiate his ever-growing appetite. The murder case of a young girl’s father seems to be sufficiently enticing for the Demon’s needs... But what else might happen between these two?

Kiss With Mr. CEO

Kiss With Mr. CEO summary: Fate is a funny thing.
A random stranger Chen Yi kissed to p.i.s.s off her ex turned out to be the CEO of the Li Corporations?
Chen Yi, the girl with impeccable beauty that could trample the heavens and devastate earth-eyes like dark shimmering brown gemstones, hair like a cascade of chocolate brown color. Skin pale like snow. Features delicate and flawless like a porcelain doll.
Abandoned and wronged by her family, cheated by her ex, betrayed by her cousin...
Sounds usual, doesn't it?
But things take an exciting turn when a certain CEO appears a at her doorstep with a contract in his hands.
'It's your choice. Either pay for the losses caused by you or sign this contract and become my wife.'
One kiss and she was bound with the formidable CEO for her life.
-Sneak peek into a chapter-
'Mr. Li, could you exclude the term of the conjugal relationship between the married couple?'
Li Luxian was momentarily surprised to hear that. Then the mischievous smile returned to his lips.
'May I ask why? Could it be you don't find my body attractive enough?'
Chen Yi was speechless.
Of course, he was attractive. He was simply a G.o.d for his looks. Did he even need to ask that? But he couldn't expect her to sleep with him right after the marriage. They needed to familiarize themselves with each other first.
That was a common-sense everyone with a relationship experience would know! Unless this impossible man had never been in a relationship before. Chen Yi looked at him. Could it be really so?
Just what in seven h.e.l.ls Chen Yi was getting her into! Oh well, it's not like she had a choice.
'It's not about that...' Chen Yi coughed. She didn't know what to say to this man. To moisten her dry throat she picked up a gla.s.s of water and chucked it down.
'Not that? Could it be that you are worried that I wouldn't be able to pleasure you well enough?' With a raised eyebrow Li Luxian asked.
Chen Yi spit out everything in her mouth. He did not just say that!
'And if you are still worried then we could always try out something so that you could confirm beforehand that I am good enough' Li Luxian rose up from the chair.
Chen Yi almost fell out of her chair.
This was not happening!
At least take your secretary in consideration who is still standing here!!!
'Mr. Li I'll take my leave then.' Secretary Zhang bowed with a stiff face and proceeded to leave her alone with his boss to give his boss some privacy to certify his skills.


Trinitatis summary: Trinitatis summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Trinitatis. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Journey to the Centre of the Earth

A Journey to the Centre of the Earth summary: A Journey to the Centre of the Earth summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Journey to the Centre of the Earth. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought To A Different World To Live Freely

29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought To A Different World To Live Freely summary: 29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought To A Different World To Live Freely summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of 29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought To A Different World To Live Freely. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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