






























类别热血 玄幻 都市


内容简介:  最牛修真指南三大秘诀:活着、好好活着、长长久久好好活着!  成为出场三章就将身死道消的炮灰女配,张依依果断开启自救模式。  这是一个小姑娘从亿亿万炮灰中拼杀而出,最终证道飞升踏破虚 空的故事。PS:本文有CP,但为剧情男主,感情线微乎其微,甚至于可以当成无CP看,介意者勿入,谢谢!1w0-938 >>


内容简介:“叮!”“第1233笔交易完成,完成度800!”“奖励:【千年时间】、【万载寿命】、【神品天赋】、一副【绝世容颜】、一柄【圣器之王】……”陈凡早已习以为常,懒得继续看完,随手扔进库房。 自从掌管万界钱庄系统,他每天耍耍剑,练练刀,和美女唠唠嗑,便是资源不断,实力暴涨,众生向往、万族臣服!1w12184-28940 >>


内容简介:传闻,霍少的未婚妻是乡下长大的,长得很丑,没有学问,跟个草包一样。宴会上,舒情露面,众人纷纷都惊了!“这哪里丑了!”“据说影帝是她小弟!”“她爹是世界第一首富!”“神秘的leo服装设计 师就是她!”一个个马甲掉光,众人都惊呆了,不过那又怎样,霍云城又不喜欢她。当天,霍氏集团官方发了条微博。“感情很好,即将准备结婚。”1w5556-25665 >>


内容简介:  为了拯救人类,通过时间机器打入敌营!  原本以为穿越能够让我摆脱父母这个不负责任的名字!  没想到穿越之后……  姓名:土宫阿米妥  职业:男巫  特技:脱发,呸,是降灵术!  ( 综漫同人,谏山黄泉,两仪式,桔梗。)  第一副本:食灵零  第二副本:火影(有点失败,不喜欢可以跳过。)第三副本:空之境界第四副本:犬夜叉———————————读者群:2029834351w0-2218 >>




内容简介:他是富可敌国的帝国总裁,俊美逼人,心狠手辣。他叫她小疯子,只有她,能近他的身,入他的心。小疯子闯进他视线的那天起,他的世界彻底乱了套。苏芙问“我是你的什么?”“你是我的安眠药。”“为什 么是安眠药?”“因为这样我就可以先吃掉你再睡觉。”上官凌目光邪肆,欺身而上,她美眸微瞪“你干什么?”男人勾唇“该吃药了。”婚后苏芙怒视占有欲超强的老公“离婚吧,这日子没法过了!”上官凌冷冽一笑“不过就不过,谁不离谁是孙子!财产给你,小包子给你,我也给你!你去哪里我也去哪里!”(暖宠)1w0-27634 >>


内容简介:宁天穿越到平行世界的龙国,这里的历史有着极大的断层。为了探寻那段缺失的历史,一款黑科技产品,灵魂全息影像头盔随之问世。带上灵魂全息影像头盔的人,都能够通过头盔将画面投放出来。“我的前世 竟然是一位将军?”“我的前世竟然是一位富商?”然而当宁天带上灵魂全息影像头盔后,画面却是一个比一个震撼。。“以铜为鉴可以正衣冠以人为鉴可以明得1w0-65166 >>


内容简介:归元派有一座道观,隐居于山林之中,传承千年,能将钱财自动转为功德,庇护弟子,不受五弊三缺的干扰。没想到第一百零一代观主意外被害,第二代观主池西只能借尸还魂,从地下爬上来收拾残局,暂代第 一百零二代观主之职。谁曾想,道观超前消费,兑换了庞大的功德,欠下大笔款项。不管是活着的时候做玄学大佬,还是死后在地下做自由鬼的时候,都没有为五弊三缺烦恼过的她,马失前蹄,成了一个彻彻底底的穷鬼。——今天也是为钱烦恼的一天。——为了还钱,她付出了太多。——什么时候才能找到弟子继承这庞大的债务。1w0-4459 >>


内容简介:身为世间唯一一只神兽紫狐,洛简没什么特点,就是懒了点。系统每天都要为此操碎了心,痛心疾首,语重心长:“宿主,你现在身负一千万点罪孽值,罪孽深重,请你好好做任务!”狐狸动了动紫色的毛茸耳 朵:“……哦。”大概是老天看不惯她这么懒,于是出现了牧亓这个克星!她不动,他便主动靠近,一步步将她纳入怀中。待回神,她又双叒叕被他叼回了家。洛简:“……”放开我后皮颈!1w0-77528 >>


内容简介:【文案】作者专栏【一碗麻辣烫】人人都说傅少不好惹,脾气差、出手狠对此,余曼深以为然,平时他看上去禁欲、高冷的一笔,偏到某些时刻就发疯,力气大到能把她揉碎了嵌入骨头一次聚会,她被灌了几杯 ,趁他去接电话,不安好心的人凑过来套话。“鳗鱼,你觉得傅卿言最大的优点是什么?”微醺的她单手托腮,红着脸答道:“善良!”周围人倒吸一口凉气,不死心的继续问。“那他最大的缺点是什么?1w0-116669 >>


内容简介:  洪武元年,奉天殿上,龙椅上的明太祖朱元璋一挥手,礼部尚书捧起册封诏书宣读起来 奉天承运皇帝、诏曰:朕之长子朱标,为皇后所出,宗室首嗣,天资粹美,品格贵重,兹恪遵初诏, 载稽典礼,俯顺舆情,谨告天地,宗庙,社稷,授以册宝,立为皇太子,正位东宫,以重万年之统,以繁四海之心。布告天下,咸使闻知! q群8056874011w0-1722 >>


内容简介:  古代现代各活一回后,再次回到过去的霍云浅决定,拯救自家阴盛阳衰的卫国公府开始,顺便报复过去所有让她不好过的人。 顺便……投入墨门学点古代高科技? 再顺便……把那个让她又 爱又恨的老男人收了?(上架啦!再加上开学了,改为每天晚上七点更新,大家见谅~)1w0-2267 >>

Hanabatake No Iberico

When Riko earned the nickname 'Flower Garden's Iberico-chan' in junior high by her crush, she was devastated. Reunited again in high school, Riko has undergone a 180 degrees change. Will he be able to recognise her...?!


From Tokyopop: Aliens have landed on Earth and are now a normal part of society. These beautiful beings have been given the name 'DearS' and are trusted and welcomed by most humans. In order for the 'DearS' to learn Earth's customs, they are sent to random high schools to 'home-stay.' When Takeya helps a DearS in his school, she calls him 'Master.' Thus begins the humorous life of Takeya and his sexy alien follower, Ren, who tries to figure out the wacky customs of this place called Earth!

Kimi O Chuushin Ni Sekai Wa Mawaru

First story. The student is a 17 year-old girl named FUJIWARA Kayo. She loves games. She is always playing her handheld (It looks a lot like a PSP) in class. One day, her teacher, a handsome, but kind of mean-looking guy named HAIBARA-sensei, catches her playing it in class, yells at her, and confiscates it. Grr, stupid Haibara-sensei, always ruining her fun! Kayo can’t stand him, and doesn’t understand why he is so popular with all the other girls at school. Ah, but Kayo is in for a surprise! The second story. It’s about a shy girl named ICHII Ekko who has a great imagination and a talent for drawing. Every day at school she fills her lined notebook with drawings, complete manga stories, about the people around her. She can turn any minor interaction into a silly shoujo manga plot, complete with sparkles and flowers, and a heroine that looks just like herself. Her notebook is her secret, and it would be horribly embarrassing if anyone found out about it... Story 3. High school girl Naomi is excited to learn there is a new boy transferring into their class. Until this year, her school was a girl’s school, and even though it’s now co-ed, biys are scarce. So a new boy at school is big news! Unfortunately for Nao, the transfer student isn’t exactly a nice guy. His name is Katsuyuki-kun, and he’s tall and scary looking. He has an aura around him that just screams ‘do not touch! go away!’ He is like a feral cat or some other wild animal. But in spite of this, Nao doesn’t give in. She can tell something isn’t right. Will she be able to make friends with him? Story 4 is about a guy and girl who are already a couple. Rinako really likes Shun, but he doesn’t seem to want to take their relationship seriously. Even though he know it makes her mad, he is always going out with other girls. When Rinako confronts him angrily, he apologizes, but that doesn’t stop him from doing the same thing over again. In fact, he is always playing tricks on her and doing little things to boter her. But will she still take him back when he goes a step too far? Finally, the last story is a brief and funny tale of friendship, jealousy, and romance, with a bit of basketball thrown in.

Shitsuji Shoujo To Ojousama

Hinata is a student at a prestigious all girls private school and looks up to Tsugeyama Saki, the shining star of the school. As the younger sister of Saori, the head mistress of the school, Saki is the most popular girl at school with her warm personality, beauty, top academic skills and is pretty much the perfect girl. Hinata suddenly learns that her parents got extremely into debt, fled the country and pretty much left her out to dry. The headmistress Saori, out of compassion and seeing the Hinata's importance to the school, makes Hinata an offer to become a butler in return for providing room and board for her. Not having much choice, she accepts and is assigned to none other than Saki. Hinata soon finds out that Saki puts on a façade at school and is not the perfect girl everyone thinks she is. Source: MangaHelpers


Ishmael summary: Ishmael summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ishmael. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

An Essay on the Antient and Modern State of Ireland

An Essay on the Antient and Modern State of Ireland summary: An Essay on the Antient and Modern State of Ireland summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Essay on the Antient and Modern State of Ireland. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Anthony Lyveden

Anthony Lyveden summary: Anthony Lyveden summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Anthony Lyveden. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Religions of Ancient China

Religions of Ancient China summary: Religions of Ancient China summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Religions of Ancient China. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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