
































内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者剑狂燕飞的经典小说:《剑上之臣》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说一声巨响,整个唐家堡似都在颤抖,许多无辜的唐家门人就不幸遭了殃。有人双手一抖 ,毒药配错了,一股悲剧的气息迎面而来。有人两脚一颤,暗器扔岔了,一阵惨烈的哀号不绝于耳。有人身子一晃,机关碰倒了,一众被压的工匠扑了满地。“新火药看来效果不错,下回可以再接再厉!”衣着精致的秀丽少女眯着狡黠的眸子,满意地审视试验结果。她,正是唐门唐二小姐,唐倾墨,与1w0-80995 >>




内容简介:萧萧重生在了她十八岁那年。她面临着以下问题:一:高考二:减肥三:打脸当秦渊止向萧萧告白的时候,萧萧十分震惊。萧萧:“我们还不怎么熟……”秦渊止(微笑):“可我已经暗恋你六年了。”男神突 然撩我怎么破和编编商议,定于12月五日周一开v,届时请小天使们支持正版生前后男主不渣。偏轻松,爱古耽的请戳哟以身相许的一百零八招接档坑,脑洞大开之作,依旧果对胃口的话请先收着呦每天都要攻略反派1w0-81814 >>


内容简介:无法无天大尾巴狼小霸王×乖软可爱爆甜系小仙女身为一点就炸的小霸王,林慕衍生平最烦哭哭啼啼的小女生。初见,小姑娘哭着扑进自己怀里:“我好想你!”林慕衍冷漠推开:“滚。”后来,林慕衍跪求小 姑娘来自己怀里。小姑娘林式冷漠:“滚。”再去追,却发现有一群人横在自己面前。亲哥冷笑:“想追我妹妹,问过我了吗?”学长磨拳霍霍:“学1w0-82953 >>


内容简介:妙妙有个大将军爹,声名赫赫,战无不胜,所向披靡。这是她娘临死前说的。她也没见过她爹。他们都说她爹是个游手好闲的混子,在她出生前就死了。她跟舅舅一家生活,住最小最破的屋子,干最脏最累的活 。有一天,她被舅舅从小破屋里赶出去,和家里大黄狗一起住。村口来了一队兵马,为首之人骑着高头大马,战甲闪着寒光,威风凛凛。她的大将军爹1w4455-71886 >>


内容简介:  脑海中充盈着的是仇恨的画面:原来,曾经的温柔呵护都是假的,简单的一袋大米,就是自己整个的价值。原来爱自己的,一直都被自己忽略着,直到死去那时才懂得。末世重生,谁主天下?张娴只知道今 生今世,既然重来一回,那么她将不再辜负对自己好的人,而那些曾陷自己于不义,欺凌侮辱过自己的,她必要他们付出惨重的代价。1w0-3405 >>


内容简介:  小喽啰:大当家,不好了,他们打进山来了。林子然:慌什么,稳住!小喽啰:那我们现在怎么办?林子然:让兄弟们赶紧收拾东西,我们立即走人!小喽喽:我们跑?林子然:不跑你还想咋地?正经版: 永昌四十八年,藩镇混战,民不聊生,这一年的秋天,青山镇城外来了一个年轻人,他说:大恒该重新统一了!(雨天新书,一如既往的稳定更新,请诸位放心收藏阅读,读者1群:31779983,读者2群27661165)1w0-2989 >>


内容简介:“花小意”平民小丫头,因为从小喜欢安羽希的关系,决定考入威廉音乐学院去找他,但是因为身份等级的不同,在贵族王子小姐中求生存,简直就是在水深火热中沉浮啊。为什么会这么倒霉,在这所贵族学院 里总是撞在恶魔的枪口上。上帝,你一定要可怜可怜她,快赐给她一位英勇无畏又俊美无比的骑士吧,最好纯洁得像天使一样。什么?MYGOY!为什么恶魔与骑士长得是一模一样的?眼看光了?拼命地揉一揉。呜呜…是真的一模一样的孪生兄弟,到底哪一个才是她心中最爱的骑士呢?骑着白马的,不一定是王子,也不一定是唐僧,哇哇哇,还有可能是恶魔!嘿嘿,当然啦,骑着白马的,也许还是带着洁白羽翼的天使。1w0-84762 >>


内容简介:  电商企业高管,重生回到大学校园。 面对波澜壮阔、波涛汹涌的移动互联网时代,洛修不由发出一声呐喊:爷的青春回来了!Q群:9518445891w0-3098




内容简介:(日更,晚六点,于入V,预收文《勾走他的心》求收藏哇)文案:某个大型晚宴上,众人猜测多金又矜贵的顾少会带哪个名媛赴宴。是前段时间传过绯闻的张家千金,还是一直对他有意的李家千金?然而,被 他牵着走下车的却是一个从未见过的、外貌清秀温婉的姑娘。路人甲:“顾少今儿突然换口味了?新鲜啊……”路人乙:“这也……太素了吧?”路人丙:“就是逢场作戏罢了。”但接下来——他竟然当着许多人的面,蹲在小姑娘面前,旁若无人地给她穿鞋。众人惊掉了下巴。姜媱面色酡红,弓着脚背,用只有他俩能听到的音量对顾穆年说:“喂,你不是不喜欢我穿这双鞋吗……”顾穆年抬头睨了她一眼,语气冰冷,“谁缠着我求了一个下午?”他抓着她脚踝的手没有松开,继续说:“等会儿挽紧我,不准摔倒。”姜媱莞尔,“啰里啰嗦……”顾穆年这辈子做的最‘难以启齿’的事,就是年少时悄悄给一个女孩写了封情书。更跌份儿的是,即使结果‘石沉大海’,他还是不死心。【甜美温婉但敢在老虎屁股上拔毛的小仙女VS口嫌体正直又超级护短的大灰狼】【珠宝设计师x珠宝大亨】——下一本校园小甜饼:《勾走他的心》求预收戳专栏可见文案一:甘念主动把许怀深堵在班级门口,已经是这周第三次了。她捏住对方的校服下摆,眉梢微挑,笑得勾人:“许怀深,我就只问你一道物理题,好不好?”许怀深沉默了一下,拨开她的手,目不斜视地走了。后来某天放学。许怀深听说甘念要和别班男生去跑步,直接走到她桌边拦住她:“回家好好做题。”她垂眸,故作委屈:“做了那么多题,你都不看我一眼,还做个什么劲?”谁料男生直接俯下脸,将一个热烫的亲吻印在她唇角,他声音低沉:“还做不做?”文案二:许怀深的梦里原本只有数理化直到他无意间看见了甘念盈盈一握的半截腰肢此后晚上的梦便换了个滋味【肤白貌美超会撩的小狐狸×寡冷内敛但占有欲超强的假书生】本文Tips,1V1,男主不渣!!主都市2超级甜,甜甜甜,漫天撒糖文案已截图1w0-53598 >>


内容简介:朝堂腐朽,兵伐相争。魔门乱世,妖党作奸,世家称尊,门阀割据。有野心者,称尊作祖,妄图再立天下;亦有大义者,剑指苍穹,竭力拨乱乾坤。武道、术法、神通。乱世之中,豪杰四起;江湖之中,已有堪 称仙佛者。陈休手持半部武神典,于晦暗间降世,踏平这纷乱世间。“我名休,挡我者,万事皆休!!”1w0-83411 >>

-6Mm No Taboo

Collection of oneshots: 1) Half Moon Tsukito is known as the 'Angel of Death' due to the misfortune that falls to anyone that associates with him. A yakuza intrusted with the mission to kill a trader, is looking for a one sweet night before the deadly mission. But perhaps the night will become more than just one night. 'remember me in night of the half moon' 2) Private Gallery What is fake and what is real - in art and love? 3) Lover's Return Akimi Kenishi was kidnapped as a little boy in a foreign country and became a pedophiles toy in human trafficking business. His parents hired a detective to rescue their son. And the boy falls in love with his hero. 4) Night of Dismantlement Kou was 12 when he was violated by his older brother. But the one who feels the passion is Kou, and he fears that one day, his aniki will leave him. The insecurity lead him to the wrong path. Will his brother make Kou his own? 5) -6mm no Taboo 6) Neji no Kaiten EX Continuation of Neji no Kaiten Hyato is moving into Ryuu's apartment in the excuse of experiencing the real world. What his parents don't know, is that they are actually lovers. But Ryuu is Hyato's first time, but Hyato isn't Ryuu's first time. But why is Ryuu so insistent in wearing condom? Does he plan to have other partners beside him? WARNING: The third story 'Lover's Return' contains Shota and S&M. The fourth story 'Night of Dismantlement' contains incest.

Gwisin Byeolgok

From: Easy Going Scans When Ah-ryoung was only a baby, her mother made a pact with a demon named Nachal, who would claim Ah-ryoung's body once she turns 15. She has inherited her mother's considerable spiritual powers but that “gift” that allows her to see ghosts even from an early age, has made her an outcast for the other kids. She has finally turned 15 and it’s now time for the demon to claim her body... but then an accident happens...


Contains one main story, and a few oneshots. Story 1 - A girl who has always put studying as her main focus in life, now finds she wants a boyfriend. But will her high scores make the guy she likes feel inferior...? And this guy seems to be the ex-boyfriend of the most popular girl at school! Is he really a player...?!

Biyaku Kyoushi

From Intercross: I hate it, but my body doesn't act the way I want. Haibara is a chemistry teacher who hides his handsome face behind a pair of glasses and conducts research on suspicious medicine. What will happen to Mayuko, who accidentally drinks Haibara's special aphrodisiac that can't be cured without having sex? These two's secret starts to unfold after school in the laboratory... Includes 5 oneshots: - Sensei no omocha - Pretty Jewelery - Kinren ~Yajuu no takara mono~ - Devil or Angel? - Ura sensei no omocha (included with chapter 4)

The Villain Is Too Beautiful

The Villain Is Too Beautiful summary: Xu Xing Zhi wrote in his story: At the mountain, near the ocean was a group of villain, they are cute and clever. They are fantastic oddities of every description, they are industrious and conscientious, they want to escape from the prison. Afterward, he transmigrated into the story. The word said: Your presence disrupted the balance of the world. You will have to kill those villain bosses that escaped from the prison. Xu Xing Zhi said: “Sorry, I am a salted fish.” The word said: “It’s alright, the villain is your junior brother that you pampered from young, he listens to you the most.” Xu Xing Zhi: …… I did not write this. Boss with a gentle face: “ Senior brother, you love this gold necklace or this silver necklace? You slowly choose, I will listen to you.” Xu Xing Zhi: “….. I really did not write this. -this was all you wished. Blackheart beauty junior brother GONG VS real carefree senior brother SHOU


Dragonborn summary: The Dragonborn is a mortal with the blood and soul that of a dragon.The Last Dragonborn appeared on the on the Tamriel Continent in the world of Nirn to slay the World Eater 'Alduin ' and the other dragons that returned to the world following the events of the Civil War in the Kingdom of Skyrim. His legend also contained a lot of epic adventures throughout the world of Nirn.But how did this all start?Who is the Dragonborn?How did he arrive in Skyrim as the one we know today?Did he have a family or any friends?Here is a story an Earthling reincarnating as the Dragonborn with his gameplay mod list.

Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man

Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man summary: Meng Yang had done a lot of s*upid and wrong things in his life. Jumping around like a clown, annoying and unpleasant. Only after his tragic death did he know that he was a cannon fodder written in a book who only existed to set off the protagonist shou.
Although he certainly had done things to hate, the protagonist gong and the protagonist shou were not totally innocent. The protagonist gong betrayed him first, then the protagonist shou framed him. So when he was reborn, he decided…
Marry the protagonist gong’s rich father and give the protagonist a few younger brothers to divide the property.
He wanted to be pregnant soon but thinking that the old man was getting older it would be more difficult. But he didn’t expect that the old man was not only strong, he was even more handsome than the protagonist gong. The steady momentum and charm of that mature man was so attractive that a certain person couldn’t close their legs…ahhhh, he accidentally told the truth. He just couldn’t hold his mouth.
Luo Xiu and his ex-wife had been in a business marriage and were divorced for many years. He really did not expect that he would marry a boy so much younger than him, that he would become an extra son to raise.
He just didn’t expect this delicate and tender little guy to be so attractive, making him pamper him and spoil him and eventually take his heart.

Under the Red Robe

Under the Red Robe summary: Under the Red Robe summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Under the Red Robe. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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