














简介 布桐,作为当红影后,十亿男人的梦想,居然被未婚夫绿!了!呵,可恶历思源,贪图我布家财产,还妄想送我一片草原,休怪我励志做你的小婶婶! 厉景琛,放眼帝都最尊贵的人,我布桐嫁定了!










简介椿町里的寂寞星球漫画 ,自己的归处,需要自己的那个人。自己,只是在寻找这些。



燕山派与百花门 第一季

类别搞笑 恋爱 古风




内容简介:  无尽混沌,万界沉浮。紫胤界,妖魔肆虐,苍生涂涂。又有仙族、宗门林立,护持人族繁衍生息。陈念之携一卷道经转世而来,化作陈氏仙族弟子,从此踏上了艰辛修行,逐道长青之路。PS:百万字老书 高订近万,质量有保证,放心追书。1w0-2741 >>


内容简介:《被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书》为作者橙子蛋挞创作,作品被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供橙子蛋挞精心编写原创被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书及无弹窗被男主退婚后嫁给他叔 了穿书最新章节,被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书全文免费阅读。1w8811-29694 >>


内容简介:如果杀人不是为了装逼,那将毫无意义;如果活着不是为了装逼,那还不如死了。杀,就杀他个尸横遍野,装,就装他个巅峰不败!——新书《一剑独尊》已发布,欢迎大家去阅读, 在纵横直接搜索《一剑独尊》便可。微信公众号:直接搜:青鸾峰上。青鸾读者群:5717838241w0-1016 >>




内容简介:回到明朝洪武年间,成为朱元璋第十五子朱植,穿越的那天正好是朱植二十岁生日,他也在这天被封为辽王……从未来而来,朱植的未来同样被改变。一边是历史上记载的朱棣篡位,一边是扶不起的建文帝。太 子临终托孤,朱植该如何是好?倒朱棣,则朱棣胜;倒建文,拯救这个懦弱皇帝?还是走出第三条道路?骑兵新书《明相》2257084,已经上传。欢迎新老读者收藏支持。1w0-84583 >>


内容简介:电影对我来说首先是赚钱的工具,其次是娱乐工具,至于艺术?那是什么!关于艺术的话题,我和她辩论了一生,胜负?太容易分了,放眼全球看看是她受欢迎,还是我受欢迎!求收藏求推荐票书已经签约,封 面申请制作中,大家放心!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生在好莱坞》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77820 >>


内容简介:  多年未见,宋佳曦再次遇到梁欢,被堵在了牙科诊室里。她用最怂的心态做了最有气势的挑衅:“梁医生,是对我余情未了吗?”“呵,对你余情未了?“某斯文禁欲腹黑医生俯身,直接堵住了她的嘴,” 我想的一直是卷土重来,拐你进家门!”此刻的他一点也不想好好做个人。1w0-3763 >>


内容简介:《家教掉马进行时》云雀恭弥,并盛中学风纪委员长,最强的不良少年,极度爱校,每天都在血雨腥风的厮杀中度过。被迫当上彭格列十代目的沢田纲吉迫于恩师礼包恩的淫威,每天都在激怒云雀恭弥的底线上 大鹏展翅,提心吊胆的生怕自己不知道什么时候就被对方打死在某个巷子里。沢田纲吉一直认为对方一定会注孤生。直到某一天无意间发现了某人不为人知的秘密。远处——陌生的女孩子:哎,恭弥你在干什么呢?这个人是怎么回事?云雀:……再抓抢劫犯,抓到了1w0-69802 >>


内容简介:公告区:谢绝写作指导文案:众所周知,陆扬有个小青梅,清纯温柔端庄还很漂亮。陆扬:呵,温柔端庄?你们怕是瞎了眼,明明是刁蛮任性还臭美。然而就是这个又刁蛮又任性偶尔还很可爱的女孩,让陆扬死 心塌地的喜欢了很多年。某天醉酒后,秦婉婉从陆扬床上醒来。几个月后,秦婉婉挺着大肚子,挟孩子以令陆扬,问他:“陆扬,你喜不喜欢我?”陆扬眸子闪了闪:“乖,吃饭。”秦婉婉:“你说不说,不说我就带着孩子离家出走!”陆扬:……秦婉婉气呼呼地准备收拾东西回娘家,忽然那人从身后抱住她,亲吻她的发丝,在她耳边低声道:“我爱你。”世界上总有那么一个人,让你爱上就是一辈子。结婚前,陆医生的朋友圈偶尔更新一条,还都是“十大急救知识”之类的医疗科普。结婚后,陆扬朋友圈的画风突变,变相秀恩爱的,晒孩子的,每天一两条,让那些单身狗好想屏蔽他!【我的预收文】欢迎戳专栏求预收《学医》劝人学医,天打雷劈,被患者杀害而重生的女主,最终还是重新踏上漫漫学医路《他的小暗恋》十年暗恋最终如愿:优质少年偶像·八千万粉丝影帝X乖巧可爱星二代学霸·高冷睿智人民教师【我的完结文】《总裁前女友她回来了》骄傲任性白富美X沉稳内敛禁欲总裁【看文指南】无脑婚恋小甜文,无虐1V1男主外科医生,女主美术系大四学生。谢绝考究党和杠精,这只是一篇不带脑子的小甜文。1w0-71242 >>


内容简介:苏卞,二十五岁,直男,性冷淡。对女人无感,对男人没兴趣。某天,他穿越到自己妹妹写的耽美文里。变成了书中最臭名昭著的死断袖。cp:万人迷性冷淡直男受x只对受♂情的妖艳贱货没节操攻【此文架 空,官位银子等皆是瞎编胡造,求考据党放过。】【此文无脑爽文,作者小学毕业,没文笔。】【滚!我没有你这个逆徒】厌男症孤僻大神师父受淡定腹黑不要脸大神徒弟攻徒弟又在上女号骗师父了【宿主疯了快穿】o13身为系统,平时为宿主提供服务。它尽职尽责,恪尽职守经常化成人形帮助宿主然后它现它这次的宿主竟然在打它的主意??↓↓作者的专栏传送门↓↓各位书友要是觉得《总有人以为我是断袖》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!您要是觉得《总有人以为我是断袖》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博微信里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-28830 >>


内容简介:苍天无尽,云路茫茫,仙舟驶过的云海之下,三千世界如隔绝的孤岛。一条域外游魂,意外成为了仙舟巡界使,被派往云海下的一个又一个修真世界,完成各种各样的天道任务。不同的世界,迥异的风俗人文, 相同的道与法,憎与爱……冒牌巡界使郁子规发现,这登仙成神之路,原来跟这岁月一样,悠然而漫长。(本文非快穿非无限流。无男主。)1w0-108355 >>



Ultra Heaven

The story is set in a dystopian alternative universe where any kind of substances able to alter the state of mind is legalized and available to be consumed at home or in designated places called Pomp Bar. These products, once considered very dangerous, are now advertised on TV and the bartender choose those ones more suited to their customers or serve them his special cocktails. When the Pompies movement obtained the liberalization of the drugs it seemed a historical meaningful change destined to improve the world, a dream realized in a manner to radically affecting the way of life of humanity.But several years after the situation isn't so better, or perhaps the humanity is just adapted to the new situation. In a world where all feeling are artificials and where everyone is a potential drug addicted, nothing is really changed: the excess is near at hand and very few substances are considered dangerous and put under a strict control by a hygiene office which has full power on the drugs addicted who are in extreme condition. The main character is Kabu, a little peddler and heavy addicted. Used to any kind of hallucinogenic trip, he is able to feel the happiness through the ecstasy of the drug, while on the same time hypocritically hating who gave born to that society which has forced him to the excess. After an overdose caused by mixing two incompatible drugs, he spends his days looking for stimulants until the encounter with an enigmatic man who offers him a new kind of illegal substance:Ultraheaven From that moment his incredible journey begins, where dream and reality are fused in an undivided world, causing him hysterical or joyful reactions and unrestrained pains. But what really is Ultraheaven and who's really behind it? And who is the guru who is promoting the meditation as a powerful way to influence the whole universe surrounding us exploiting the quantum theory? With the help of a special amplifier helmet Kabu starts a trip into the deep and hidden layers of his conscience, diving into a nightmare he would never discover...

Koi To Natsu Tsubaki

Rinne, a huge fan of Buddhism, was searching for a 'monk-type,' a boy as calm, intelligent and diligent as Lord Buddha himself, when she set her sights on a young, handsome monk-in-training, Yuuryou. She soon learns that this kid, out of his robes, is not her dream boy, but a shallow, irresponsible lady killer who goes by Yura. Is Rinne going to give up on her fantasy, or is there more to Yura than meets the eye?

Zenryousei Ginsei Gakuen Monogatari

Matsushiro Atsuya is from a very wealthy family. In order to prevent his childhood friend Kyousuke from moving away, Kyousuke was appointed as his servant. However, now they're in high school. Atsuya may be falling for Kyousuke, but it may be a one-sided love. 3) Timid student Miyako Yousuke is being followed by fellow student Ayusawa Takashi, who says, 'Please let me hold you!' Is he a crazy pervert? 4) Security guard Kurafuji is scared of ghosts, so patrolling the dark hallways of Ginseigakuen Boarding School is a test of courage! But he can always count on the bright lights of the art room and Ooga-Sensei to be waiting for him. 5) Shiro didn't expect to spend his summer vacation helping his father broker a deal with a small desert country. But Prince Remul only wants one thing: Shiro. 6) Extra about Atsuya and Kyousuke.

Venus Ni Arazu

From Aerandria Scans: Misyoshi Yoshiko is working her way as a model by doing various modeling gigs for her agency. After one of those gigs causes her to lose her job as a model, she now faces a desperate situation of being broke and unemployed. Things start to look up when she gets offered another modeling job, but this time it’s modeling for Chuujou Tarou, the lecherous sculptor who got her fired in the first place! How will Yoshiko handle working for a perverted employer who can’t keep his hands off her–not because he’s attracted to her, but because he likes her bone structure?!

The Boy Scouts on Picket Duty

The Boy Scouts on Picket Duty summary: The Boy Scouts on Picket Duty summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Boy Scouts on Picket Duty. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

On the Sublime

On the Sublime summary: On the Sublime summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of On the Sublime. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Fire-Gods

The Fire-Gods summary: The Fire-Gods summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Fire-Gods. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond

Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond summary: Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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