








简介藤原同学说的大抵都对漫画 ,被大家视为“吉祥物”对待的女生·小羊,就连单恋对象也不把她当女孩子看待,而给这样的她带来改变现状的契机的是,帅气却让人捉摸不透的新任学生会会长·藤原!? 吉祥物女生×高悟性男生,LOVE课程开幕!






简介未完成的心灵致动漫画 ,国家指定笨蛋龙守山吹,第一天就缺席开学典礼。在这所有着“上级生管理下级生”制度的红叶台高中,他未来的日子又会如何呢?














类别历史 热血 动作




内容简介:1228812288我叫何炎,我不是精神病。1228812288可医生说我有病,因为我总看见一些不该存在这个世界的东西,别想歪了,不是鬼怪,嗯,怎么说呢,是一些奇怪的无法想象的东西或者 人。1228812288可我自己不这么认为,看见这些东西肯定是有原因的,只不过我还没找到。1228812288这个症状我从小就有,越长大越严重了。连娶老婆我都不太确定是不是我的幻觉。1228812288随后我真的“疯了”,可能是网络小说看的太多了,自己有病就不要看那些异世界的小说啊。1228812288此书绝不是穿越!1228812288本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我真不是精神病》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78802 >>


内容简介:农村憨厚小伙张晓凡,偶然得到造化玉瓶,成女娲传人,习太极医经。身怀失传华夏古医术,生死人,肉白骨,被尊为华夏唯一仙医!张晓凡却只想在村子里呆着,没事给村花把把脉,再给空姐看看手。今天去 嫂子家里吃豆腐,明天到寡妇家里下面条,小日子舒舒服服。“张仙医,首富已经在村口站着等了三个小时了,您看什么时候见他?”张晓凡享受着姐姐的按摩:“等着,没空!”笔趣阁各位书友要是觉得《桃源小医仙》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79128 >>


内容简介:天医出山闯都市,妙手回春,脚踢庸医烂仔,拳打超强富二代,斩获无数美女青睐。美女总裁,知性女老师,奔放护士姐姐,性感御姐……慢慢来,我都能治……我要当这世间最逍遥快活的人。醒握天下权,醉 卧美人膝!1w0-78551 >>


内容简介:主角是楚倾歌风漓夜的小说已经完结啦,这本由拈花惹笑编写的小说《楚倾歌风漓夜》内容精彩,情节跌宕起伏,非常抓人眼球,本站强力推荐阅读。这位漓世子,不好好治治他,她就不叫楚倾歌。“回、回九 公主,世子爷……去了青云苑。”1w0-27239 >>


内容简介:农民工郤向阳在一次事故中丧命,却重生到改革浪潮风起云涌的八十年代。雄心壮志做弄潮儿,彻底来次命运大逆袭,风风火火再造人生辉煌。不再搬砖,从摆地摊开启商业帝国。不再受穷,老子是纵横商界的 大亨。不再受人欺凌,老子看心情随便欺凌人。不再怕老婆跑了,老子身边美女如云。火热年代,火热的激情,把梦想点燃。火热年代,火热的干劲,把梦想1w0-89050 >>


内容简介:  等级:灰白蓝紫橙红黑 小屋:【小屋等级:3】【经验值:50/1200】【功能建筑:精湛的煤油灯,异邦人的日记本,简陋的梳妆台,普普通通的训练场,精致的鸟笼,简洁的书架,战利品展览台 。】当前主角属性如下: 【玩家ID:异邦人】【等级:7(白)】【力量:15】【敏捷:18】【体质:23】【精神:21】【技能:身体操控(蓝),撕裂者飞刀投掷法(蓝),高级毒抗(蓝),基础舞蹈(白),基础歌唱(白),契约·撕裂者的飞刀(白),基础伪装(白),基础混战(白),基础闪避(白),花式匕首(白),基础弩箭(白),飞刀专精60%,基础演技60%,拳剑基础40%,野外行走·森林20%,贵族礼仪20%,匕首进阶20%,手枪进阶20%】【伪:狼灵(橙),箭术精通(蓝),高级攀爬(蓝),暗杀专精(蓝),高级隐蔽(蓝),鹰眼(蓝),剑术专精(蓝),高级跑酷(蓝),袖剑专精(蓝),基础搏斗(白),基础骑术(白),战地指挥(白),贵族礼仪(白)】【卡槽:佛罗伦萨之鹰(艾吉奥·奥迪托雷),永猎双子(千珏)】【契约:寒鸦·维因】PS:变身文,不喜勿入(可当女主文看)1w0-3333 >>


内容简介:十年相处,她有眼无珠,不知渣男狼心狗肺,不识渣女伪善蛇蝎!被削了手足,剜了琵琶骨,惨死在冷宫深处!一朝重生,她一路披荆斩棘,剑指渣男,步步相逼:“上官鸿,我慕容笙怎会放过你?!就算是死 ,这一世,我也要带着你,黄泉路上一道走!”1w30741-30749 >>


内容简介:  江舟被一卷鬼神图录带到大稷,用手机里的半集西游记,将一个凶残的妖女忽悠瘸了,以灵台方寸山,斜月三星洞传人的身份,开始走上了一条通天路……妖魔乱世,红尘有仙。古箓一卷,造化自得。敕赏 诛鬼,封灵请神。白骨梳妆图,金人迎亲图,白骨老佛极乐夜宴图,山鬼相思图,钟馗醉酒嚼鬼图,伏魔大帝斩妖图……百日化龙草,太乙五烟罗,金刚掌……急急如律令,齐天大圣现真身! (幼苗稚嫩,急需灌溉。书荒可移步两百万字精品老书《诸天普渡》)1w0-2782 >>


内容简介:  唐宁穿越修真世界,开局连抽十个系统。“叮!开启影视世界系统……”“叮!开启剑宗养成系统……” “叮!开启末世商城系统……” “叮!开启千倍经验系统……” “叮!开启每日礼包系统…… ” “叮!开启穿越直播系统……” ……从此诸天行走,成就万界强者。1w0-3396 >>


内容简介:每晚九点更新,有事会请假云苒穿到修真界后,从小修士一路成为一宗之主,在她飞升之际,回到了以前的世界。在这,她是给真千金挡灾抵命的假千金。面对虚情假意的养父母,她微微一笑,不好意思,这个 假千金她不当了。离开宋家的云苒,在大学城周围支起了一家小吃摊。养父母知道后,笃定吃不了苦的她,一定会哭着求着回宋家。事与愿违,云苒迟迟不肯回来,养父母急了,带着亲生女儿,一起上门查看情况。发现云苒早就摆1w0-96289 >>






The story focuses around Makoto, a student who's talent is making stuffed toys. He starts researching the mysterious disease going around called 'Sudden death' after finding out that his latest creation looks like the mysterious stuffed rabbit rumoured to be causing it.

Young Shima Kousaku

One chapter in the saga of Shima Kousaku, salaryman at Hatsushiba Electric. In this part of the series, Kousaku has just started working at a branch office for the company doing an unexpected amount of menial labor when a chance meeting with the company president leads to his dearest wish being granted as he is transferred to the central office. Not all is well there, though, as he becomes involved in the complicated affairs of his colleagues, whether in business or in romance. In spite of everything, however, he retains his faith in the company and an unflappable optimism.

Hitohira No Koi Ga Furu

[Summary by: Love_blossom] It's been told that if a couple sees the blue train at exactly 6 am together, then they'll be together forever! If they see the blue train at exactly 10 pm, then they'll break up! Haruru is finally going out with the guy she likes, Nagi. She hopes to see the blue train at 6 pm with him. But what if she sees it with someone else....? From Nagareboshi Manga: There's a jinx at Haruru's school - if a couple sees the blue train at 6 am together, they'll be together forever! But if a couple sees the blue train at 10 pm together, they'll break up! Haruru is going out with Nagi, a boy who goes to another school, and their love is just starting to blossom. But what happens when Haruru happens to see the 6 am blue train with someone else?!


Ever since he was a young kid, Sora Aoi had constantly traded words of 'I love you' with his captivating older sister Aki. As he comes of age, he finds it much more difficult to trade such comforts as they did in those times. Sora finds himself questioning his feelings for his sister, when Aki presents her feelings toward him to rise above a sister's love. Understanding their fondness for one another, they consummate their love-in secret. In a culture that will never comprehend, they must keep their love a secret from everyone else and their family they know. Nevertheless, Sora soon finds himself investigating many kinds of love with different types of girls he met that isn't accepted by society so questioning his feelings for his sister. Character Sora Aoi Sora is the protagonist of the story. His given name is created as ?? in kanji. He studies in exactly the same high school as Nami, Aki and his sisters. Unlike his sisters, he's not bad at house work and cooking. As he falls unconscious by ingesting even somewhat sake, Sora has a reduced alcohol tolerance. As a result of questionably difficult relationships together with his sisters, along with his breeding with no father or any male figure in the family, Sora grew up with almost no maleness of all kinds. Nearly all of idiosyncrasies, conduct, and his bearings are those normally expected from a self-conscious girl. His effeminate look makes him an ideal prospect for crossdressing, which he finds himself participating in involuntarily because of the opinion of Runa and Nami's fetish which he loves it. He's quite timid and very much a pushover, and totally lacks the will to stand-up for himself against women, which further enables him to be made to crossdress and sexually approached. Really very much every woman around him is instantly privileged using the possibility to rape him, which some of them did or tried to undeterred by protests and his suffering. He's profoundly in love with Aki, and does not resist her the second-time she attempts to have intercourse with him, but he does issue himself at times because they've no future in a relationship, whether their incest taboo should be continued. Though with the latter two he was pushed he's also had sexual relationships with others, like Kana, Runa and Nami. After being raped if anything in regards to the sexual assault should actually be taken to to light by Nami, who subsequently threatened Sora with emasculation and departure, he became terrified of her, but promised that he will not despise her. They ultimately rekindle their connection when consensual intercourse was questioned for by Nami, and had since then became more near. With Aki, Sora completely accepts his connection in the last chapters, even defending it against their dad. When their dad takes away Aki, Sora is alone and desires to see her again. After Aki decides to disappear therefore that their love wouldn't hurts Sora, Sora is heart-broken and understands that Aki is really loved by him and needs to be with her. At their mom's grave, they fulfill in the last chapter.


Hawthorne summary: Hawthorne summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hawthorne. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sweetest In The Universe

Sweetest In The Universe summary: Sweetest In The Universe summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sweetest In The Universe. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dawn Of The Dreadfuls

Dawn Of The Dreadfuls summary: Dawn Of The Dreadfuls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dawn Of The Dreadfuls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful summary: Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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