
































内容简介:“我刚接手罗德岛的时候,干员还没有形成战斗力,部队缺乏训练,缺少实战经验,最重要的,就是缺少高星干员!五星干员,全岛不到十个!六星干员,一个都没有,四星干员都是别人淘汰不要的感染者神经 病,一个个病入膏肓了,就这,两个作战小队都分不到一个!我去找凯尔希要合成玉,你猜凯尔希怎么说?”“凯尔希说,要合成玉没有,要命一条!你李云龙看我这颗脑袋值多少源石,就砍了拿去换合成玉去!!”“得嘞,我等的就是这句话!就这么着,不到一年,罗德岛什么都有了,能天使!银老板!小火龙!小绵羊!手里的干员多,咱腰杆子就硬,没有这家底儿,我敢跟整合运动硬碰硬的对着干?做梦吧!”“陈sir,这你就明白了吧?”凯尔希:“喵喵喵?!”各位书友要是觉得《罗德岛博士就是老子李云龙!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97289 >>


内容简介:小兵提供星洁大神最新作品《我在火葬场文学卡BUG快穿》最新章节全文免费阅读,我在火葬场文学卡BUG快穿TXT下载,我在火葬场文学卡BUG快穿全文字更新,我在火葬场文学卡BUG快穿无弹窗 !请关注狂人小说网我在火葬场文学卡BUG快穿吧,本站最新最快更新我在火葬场文学卡BUG快穿的最新章节。1w0-114234 >>


内容简介:每晚九点更新,有事会请假w阅读悉知:[主攻/年下/宠透文学]别人穿人我穿猫,还绑了个系统996。麻了。神原阳一:打白工是不可能打白工的,我们契约者向来利益至上,这辈子都不可能打白工的! 系统:[可是宿主,多做好人好事的话你还是有机会做人的。]神原阳一:比如?系统:[比如多扶老奶奶过马路?比如多陪老爷爷解寂寞?]神原阳一看看爪子抓抓耳朵,让猫扶人过马路?谢邀,我选择后者。于是——继安室哈罗之后各位书友要是觉得《穿猫后我有了个黑皮饲养员》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84798 >>


内容简介:意外穿越异世,别人成仙成佛,惨点的也是废物逆袭。可是到了古二蛋这里,他却发现自己一点盼头也没有。因为这家伙成为了一个骷髅兵!还是一个没有脑袋的下等残躯战损版骷髅兵!生活不易,骷髅叹气, 望着自己一两肉都没有的身体,古二蛋决定要逆袭给所有人看!“金手指系统!我要称王称霸!给我发威!”“收到宿主期盼,本系统已按照期盼进行修改,正式进化为骷髅领主系统,你可以通过收集资源来强化麾下士兵啦!而且是没有上限的强化呦!”“哦?这么厉害的吗!那么这种能力也能作用到我的身上对吧!”“…………”“对吧?”“…………”“对吧?!!!”各位书友要是觉得《骷髅领主的成长日记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79447 >>


内容简介:  降临到神话的时代,活跃在璀璨的纪元,浩瀚洪荒任凭驰骋,先天神圣谱写史诗……到最后蓦然回首,我已成为传说! ——伏羲1w0-4237 >>




内容简介:叶青云封印十万年小说全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《叶青云封印十万年小说》叶青云著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读叶青云封印十万年小说全文内容。1 w8276-72385 >>






内容简介:因为熬夜加班不幸坠河的伊势谷柊被系统救起,无奈之下接受了收集能量拯救系统的任务,绑定了超级变装系统去接近世界的气运之子。但谁能告诉他为什么可供选择的马甲都是中学生?!三句不离姐姐大人的 粉发少女,居然拥有宝贵的空间移动能力。森医生:(微笑)白井小姐,要加入我们港口Mafia吗?能驱使兽形诅咒却被同学排斥的温暖少年,默默守护着小镇的安宁。惠惠:(别扭)你,要不要来咒术高专上学?能将他人的内心抽取而出作为道具,双目失明的少年。哒宰:(跃跃欲试)集要不要抽出我心灵的形状看看?学园都市的第一位,身负罪孽的白发恶魔。人民教师:真巧,我也是最强呢除此之外还有常盘台的电击公主、Level0幻想杀手、背负着时间线和沉重的友情行走世间的魔法少女、还未变成圆环之理前的粉发小圆脸、拥有四颗蛋的酷辣火毙国中生、用超能力打网球的帅哥们、总是掉链子的倒霉男孩和他的万能猫型机器人、拥有邪王真眼的中二少女……建造基地招揽本世界人才,由异世界平行世界if线世界的各高校组成的学院联盟参上!全文无任何除原著官配以外的cp线不掉马主背景为咒术、文豪。马甲角色待定,可能包含各种看过的奇奇怪怪的番。—————放一下无cp预收—————《我穿错番了!》【正文第三人称】我,调月一树,作为一只书灵,诞生的世界却文坛式微。但这和我有什么关系呢?我只是一个沉迷漫画的没用书灵。沉醉于漫画的世界中,回过神来却发现我的身体缺了一页。我连忙跑去找顶头上司书神诉苦。书神大手一挥,将我塞进了漫画角色的身体里,扔进漫画的世界去寻找遗失的书页。而当我发现自己套着沙雕小甜漫男主的壳子出现在高危少年漫中时……救命,我穿错番了啊!!【咒术的场合】身后跟随着白色特级咒灵的男孩出现在东京的街头。“请不要伤害他!KANENOGI先生不是害人的诅咒!”当被问及身份时,挑染着红发的少年害羞地抱紧不会说话的诅咒。“我,我是它的新娘……”【侦探的场合】头戴礼帽的赭发男人倚在波洛咖啡厅的吧台前饮尽了最后一口咖啡。出门前随手扶起了快要跌倒的小学生。看着他离开的背影,小男孩悄悄带上了连接着窃听器的耳机。银发杀手的声音从另一头传来,“太慢了,Petrus。”……其余世界待施工中……【推一下cp的文:《马甲猎杀系统》by白桃脆片反马甲文设定,原驻民的猎杀时刻开始!】立意听闻少年二字,应与平庸相斥1w0-99873 >>


内容简介:【纵横一组签约作品】掌中血龙吞天戟,胯下乌云盖雪驹,天生狼王行乱世,狼旗所到敌披靡,汉末江山,且看刘郎生纵横驰骋!永恒的三国梦想,说不完的英雄故事。三国神作,历史精品,不看后悔,真的, 俺不骗你!1w0-1121 >>


内容简介:郝大根,桃花村人见人厌的二流子。在田里钓黄鳝,和村支书的女人争吵拉扯,失控强上,床压烂了,巧得神秘医经,一技傍身,治病救人、发财泡妞两不误。丈母娘毁婚,强订城下之盟,迫使他不断努力,又 能否保住亲事?睡了寡妇田春花,一起做生意,却被村官潜规则,他将如何反击?救了美妇部长,混入官场,能飞多高?看他运用医术,如何玩转乡村和官场?1w0-97446 >>

Sorairo Kaigan

Sakurai Tomo is a highschool girl who lives in a town close to a beach. One day, as she was getting molested on the bus, she gets rescued by school related person(!?). However, the key holder dropped by that man held the same Agate that she has gotten from a boy in her past!? Is he the same person!?

High School Musical

High School Musical Manga is the same as the movie, High School Musical 3. From Baka-Updates: Troy and the gang of East High School are going through their senior year, facing graduating and going their separate ways. Coming to terms with the reality of it all, Troy wants to attend the nearby University of New Mexico next year on a basketball scholarship, but Gabriella wants to attend Julliard School of Arts in New York to set her sights on becoming an artist. Meanwhile, Sharpay, the school's shallow and spoiled rich girl, plots to go all out planning the school's final musical show with the idea to add music to her hopes and fears about the future. While Sharpay takes an up-and-coming British exchange student under her wing, her flamboyant fraternal twin brother, Ryan, has his sights set on something different after school. In addition, Troy's best friend and basketball teammate Chad, and Garbiella's best friend Taylor, all have their sights set on their plans after high school and come to terms with the reality of the real world.

Zero No Tsukaima

The continent of Halkeginia is tumultuous--a place where the various kingdoms, princedoms, dukedoms, and fiefdoms strive against each other to expand their domains. The nobility scheme and plot among themselves to gain influence to their lieges or to even foreign lieges. In the middle of Halkeginia is the small but important kingdom of Tristein. The most notable fact about this kingdom is the Tristein Academy of Magic where nobility from all over the world come to study magic so they can become magi. Although friendships will form across national boundaries at this school, will they survive the politics and games of the world at large once they leave? Louise is a student at Tristein Magical Academy. She is known to be quite a screw up when it comes to her magic. One day, a ceremony takes place where each student is to call forth a being or entity that will become his or her familiar. For Louise, her familiar comes in the form of a boy named Hiraga Saito. Somehow, he managed to get transported from his world into hers, and shortly after became her familiar. (Not to be confused with the novel which has 15 volumes, so far! Will upload accurate cover later.)

-6Mm No Taboo

Collection of oneshots: 1) Half Moon Tsukito is known as the 'Angel of Death' due to the misfortune that falls to anyone that associates with him. A yakuza intrusted with the mission to kill a trader, is looking for a one sweet night before the deadly mission. But perhaps the night will become more than just one night. 'remember me in night of the half moon' 2) Private Gallery What is fake and what is real - in art and love? 3) Lover's Return Akimi Kenishi was kidnapped as a little boy in a foreign country and became a pedophiles toy in human trafficking business. His parents hired a detective to rescue their son. And the boy falls in love with his hero. 4) Night of Dismantlement Kou was 12 when he was violated by his older brother. But the one who feels the passion is Kou, and he fears that one day, his aniki will leave him. The insecurity lead him to the wrong path. Will his brother make Kou his own? 5) -6mm no Taboo 6) Neji no Kaiten EX Continuation of Neji no Kaiten Hyato is moving into Ryuu's apartment in the excuse of experiencing the real world. What his parents don't know, is that they are actually lovers. But Ryuu is Hyato's first time, but Hyato isn't Ryuu's first time. But why is Ryuu so insistent in wearing condom? Does he plan to have other partners beside him? WARNING: The third story 'Lover's Return' contains Shota and S&M. The fourth story 'Night of Dismantlement' contains incest.

I Shall Rule The Heavens

I Shall Rule The Heavens summary: I 'm just a n.o.body, with ordinary talent, low battle-power and a trash spirit essence. He said that I was a genius! Such an amazing lie! I 'm not a genius! I 'm too weak and ordinary to be a G.o.dd.a.m.n genius!That 's what I always kept on repeating inside of my head, ever since the day of the awakening of my spirit essence.What future prospects could I possibly have?I won 't bully those who...

Prayers Are Like Wishes

Prayers Are Like Wishes summary: Prayers Are Like Wishes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Prayers Are Like Wishes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Battered Young Miss

Battered Young Miss summary: Zhang Mi is in a dire situation. Her boyfriend of over over six years cheated on her with his co-worker. Cheating scandal are very hard to overcome. Out of frustration she seeks out her childhood friend Lu Yi. This marks the start of a budding romance, while growing in her role as his lover.-----------------------The cover is not mine, all credits go to the creator

A Cheap, OP Brawler

A Cheap, OP Brawler summary: A young j.a.panese man with eyes that take him as a 'demon, ' Jinma Kotori, is killed by his former shady company and gets a second chance to live in a new fantasy RPG-like world as a bodacious G.o.ddess ' 'Champion. ' He begins his new life with the world 's default starter cla.s.s, a Brawler, and a defense-based blessing. Much to the G.o.ddess ' surprise, Jinma 's stats were already high for a human before the...

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