
































内容简介:大家好,这里是盗墓直播间,正能量主播,在线带你逛古墓。快看啊,墓里有只女鬼,等我把它抓起来,给大家表演个才艺。老铁们,棺材里有只千年老僵尸,只要礼物到位,我把僵尸灌醉。喂警官,墓主人亲 自带我来它家拿东西的,你凭什么说我是盗墓啊?尸王:“这小子怎么又来我墓里了?我金牙都让他拔了,他还来干啥?”厉鬼:“有没有谁报警把他抓了?盗墓就算了,怎么拿了东西还打鬼啊?”妖女:“我这么漂亮,他都不放过我的墓,还有没有王法?还有没有法律?”陈三夜:喂,前面哪个鬼,对,就是喊你,过来。你的墓在哪儿啊?墓里有没有什么好东西啊?不说?沙包这么大的拳头,你吃不吃得消?1w0-97075 >>


内容简介:“女神,都说了猫在棺上滑,尸体往外爬,你非得放只猫进去,这下好了,你妈诈尸了!”“哪里诈尸了?你这个臭神棍,少在这里吓唬人,你看我妈动都没动,就是样子吓人点。”“要动是吧?行,今晚你来 找我,我给你看个大宝贝。”1w0-70249 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,全球被传送到一个异世界。开局一条木筏,生存物资全靠捡。每晚诡异还会找上门,要怎么才可以生存下去?开局获得了一只虎鲸还有一个植物种植系统。让虎鲸去把东西捡过来,领先别人好几步! 不仅如此!在别人还在担心怎么抵御夜晚的诡异的时候,他已经种上了豌豆射手。在别人还在担心食物的时候,他已经种上了蘑菇和向日葵。口渴了就找西瓜投手要块西瓜,饿了就将虎鲸抓的鱼烤了。小日子过得美滋滋。于是苏成开始了在大海上兴风作浪的日子。1w0-28853 >>


内容简介:凤凰岛凤影山庄庄主之女风霓华奉父命比武招亲,却招来了个丑八怪为夫,为退婚她参与武林大会,途中认识了神秘人袁公子,阴差阳错下还险些成了他的妻子。当她渐渐对袁公子产生情绪,却发现袁公子接近 她是另有目的……1w0-76143 >>


内容简介:【双重生,青梅竹马双洁1vs1】前世,她整日药香缭绕缠绵病榻,好不容易找到个神医能治病,却在那一趟飞机上香消玉殒。死后执念化成一缕孤魂,她看到了所有人的结局,包括他,那个为她终身不娶, 青梅竹马的他。一朝重生,她隐忍筹谋,学成归来后,将前世那些让她亲朋好友落得悲惨下场的人都虐的渣都不剩!只是某位青梅竹马的兵哥哥却在她虐渣以后,黑着脸帮她擦手道:“小笨笨,下次让我来。”她挑眉道:“怎么,你不满意?”兵哥哥一本正经道:“不是,老婆,我怕脏了你的手。”本文架空背景,男女主不走寻常路,甜的掉牙,放心入坑!1w0-61050 >>


内容简介:和直男总裁结婚后蒋游小时候被人贩子拐卖,逃出来后流落福利院,在晏氏集团的资助下完成学业。大四的某一天,他被长康制药的总裁贺长康和二少爷贺年找到了。贺长康:“儿子!我苦命的儿子!1w0- 78424 >>




内容简介:王阳穿越大明崇祯年间,成为了后宫一名假太监。并且,他幸运的得到了系统帮助,可以兑换武功秘籍,各种神奇道具。从此,一个小小的假太监,走上了开挂的人生。各种皇宫美女,江湖美人,源源不断而来 。他一步步的,从一个假太监,走向了皇帝的宝座。1w0-79788 >>




内容简介:天之骄子蓄谋已久快穿笔趣阁,天之骄子蓄谋已久快穿sodu,天之骄子蓄谋已久快穿小说,天之骄子蓄谋已久快穿顶点,天之骄子蓄谋已久快穿唐之秋,精选来自————蓄谋已久快穿时代奇缘情有独钟天 之骄子甜文所有一见倾心的情愫,都是蓄谋已久的占有。世界顺序可能调换,以文实际为主【仙女味男友】美艳小妖精x心机少女心唐之秋玩骰子惨败,被迫上学校表白墙羞耻征婚。有漂亮的少年找上门来,笑容乖巧朝气:“学姐,学弟可以吗?”毕业学弟表白,她不接受异地残忍拒绝。一年后,迎新晚会后台,褪去青涩的少年将她逼至墙角,炙热的气息扑面:“学姐,别来无恙?”【今天男主在人设上吗】唐之秋穿越剧本,成功干掉傻白甜女主反转剧情上位,结果意外和未婚夫男主同归于尽。一睁眼回到现代,不料身体被夺只能以阿飘形式存在,原身还是个被全网喷的无脑花瓶。男主却成了高高在上的总裁,高冷矜贵堪比天骄,并且似乎能看见她的存在。唐之秋装死:“我失忆了,你是谁,我是谁?”男主一脸从容:“我是你老公。”嗨?还记得你的霸道总裁人设吗未婚夫?【请师兄停下黑化的脚步】穿成修仙文的早逝白月光小师妹,唐之秋心平气和混日子,但求早日远离未来的反派大师兄,不走炮灰路。只是剧情走向来了个急转弯,温文尔雅的大师兄笑得漫不经心:“小师妹,想去哪里?”【蓄谋已久】被家中长辈安排联姻,大小姐唐之秋以取材为名逃婚了。她来到最接近北极的城市,路上与地理考察团队结伴,还同队里年轻温润的教授看对了眼,认识一个月迅速闪婚。带着新婚丈夫回家,唐之秋心想这回可不会被逼婚了,不料家中父母亲切迎上,笑容满面:“小沈?婚礼还在安排呢,你们先把证领了怎么也不说一声?”【这个故事单独开了一篇预收,《蓄意深情》在专栏。】《隋书·天文志》:“日循黄道东行……行西陆谓之秋。”【食用指南】1、寒假零碎的灵感太多,索性拼成大故事,把之前的梗都放进来。2、单元独立,无世界观无主线,男女主不带记忆,名字不变。所有故事1v1高洁。3、全文无逻辑玛丽苏,谢绝考究抬杠人身攻击,和谐看文天天开心!微博棠花沾衣1w0-79238 >>




内容简介:一、顾令颜自小就是内定的太子妃人选。人人都道太子徐晏美姿仪、通诗书、善骑射,她喜欢徐晏,对他掏心掏肺的好。然而得到的,永远都是徐晏的一张冷脸等她清醒时,方才明了俩人之间,自始至终只是她 的一厢情愿。也是在这时她才明白,原来所有人都知道太子不喜欢她只有她自己不知道。二、太子徐晏烦透了顾令颜一直缠着他直到那次顾令颜被他伤了心,终于不来了。徐晏却突然觉得哪里都不得劲。听说俩人决裂后顾令颜一直以泪洗面他想着女人嘛,总是要哄哄的。既然顾令颜放不下身段,那只能他这个做太子的先低一低头。等他提着礼物去寻顾令颜,想要服个软说两句好话。可却瞧见了顾令颜在筵席上谈笑风生,哪有半点传闻中憔悴模样?!091食用指南093男主前面欠揍且狗,但是火会烧的很旺很旺我的预收《皇帝的火葬场》,戳专栏可收藏文案新帝登极,以雷霆万钧之势拔除顽固世家。皇后赵懿懿的父母二族首当其冲。皇后自请幽居于椒房殿,顾祯无任何表示,一时之间,昔日夫妻形同陌路。顾祯一直以为时日很长,他又是帝王,天下尽在掌握,无需着急。可等他回首时才发现,一切,早就已经来不及了。看着面前祈求她原谅的皇帝赵懿懿微微勾唇,跪下求我啊。顾祯径直跪在她的贵妃榻前,没有丝毫犹豫。赵懿懿不屑的看着皇帝,轻蔑冷笑,男人嘛,就是这样下贱。她攫住顾祯的下巴,俯身道:我骗你的,你还真信了?顾祯眼眶发红,伸手想要拽住她的一片衣角,却被赵懿懿无情的拂开。他嗓音沙哑,懿懿,你父兄的职位我已恢复,我们还和从前一样,好不好?赵懿懿低头欣赏自己指尖蔻丹,漫不经心道:不好。立意要想获得原谅,就要坚持不懈1w0-76628 >>

Animal X: Genshi Sairai

Far away from home, Yuuji and Minato have carved a place for themselves in Alberta, Canada, with their new baby daughter, Yui. Yuuji works at a University, while Minato – though still as childish as ever despite being a new dad, works at the conservation center as a mediator for the better understanding between humans and Dinosauroids. It’s been a year since the contagion called X Syndrome had been unleashed on the human race. Just as distinguished government officials and police force began to regain control of the situation, the existence of the Dinosauroids became known by the academic community. Dinosauroids – while they have a tendency to possess superhuman abilities, female births are extremely rare and problematic. Which is why the existence of Yuuji (a converted female Dinosauroid), and the newly born Yui are so valuable and sought after by many – most of whom wont hesitate to resort to dubious means to acquire either one of them! True to words, Yuuji has indeed become the beauty as many had predicted – provided he takes off his heavy glasses of course! He is never short of admirers – both males and females, including a University student Linea, and the various Dinosauroid males eager to mate with a Dinosauroid female. And this is where the role of a female in a heavily populated male Dinosauroid society comes to play. Add to that, the various nefarious people after the newly born Yui, both the parents Yuuji and Minato might have their hands full this time around as well. This is the third and final installment of the Animal X series.

Www.you Are So Busted.com

A girl has to transfer to a new school on a scholarship. She can't refuse because the person who offers the scholarship is her mother's boss. On her first day of a new school, she discovers things are not what they seem. 'Snow White' greets her with a threat in front of the school. She encounters the rude 'King' who also force her to leave like 'Snow White.' Later, she learns she is 'prophesized' to be the 'Queen,' future wife of the 'King,' by the 'Priest.' What is with this superstitious school!

Toshiue No Hito

From Anime Waves: The woman Tsutomu encounters in college was older and smaller than he is, and for some reason, looks like the same girl in his dreams. The heart-pounding love affair between him and the 'older woman' begins. NOTE: This is a manga for MATURE readers. While it is not a 'hentai', it does contain sexual situations and nudity.

Haitoku No Niwa

A “love” story between You, a priest with a active sex life, and Kihirito, his “friend”.

Dayworld - Dayworld

Dayworld - Dayworld summary: Dayworld - Dayworld summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dayworld - Dayworld. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine summary: You have many opportunities when it comes to reading novels these days. Many new writers create a great pool together with old and famous ones, so you have the possibility to choose the best for yourself. That's very useful, in fact, because not all the writers and books are the same.

Some are really good and interesting others might not be so well. Also, tastes are different, and not all the readers like the same genre. That's why you should check book reviews like this one before purchasing, and you will increase your chance to get what you want.

In the text below, you can find some basic details on the Methods to Save the Villain Who Was Abandoned by the Heroine novel. The book is quite interesting and hides different twist and turns which enable an exciting reading experience.

The story starts when a Korean woman reincarnates into a young girl whose life is in danger again. She is, in fact, in serious trouble and near to the death, however, her grandma and villain are there to save her life. They, fortunately, succeed in their intention, so the girl gets another chance to live a fulfilling life without any problems. He imagination is now very rich, so she imagines various things in different ways. For instance, the villain becomes her chief in her dreams, and he is more than good on the position. The girl receives a high regular salary that is always delivered as promised without any delays.

And the job is truly good for the girl because she has had previous working experience in similar positions. So it is all familiar to her, and she can work without obstacles. Unfortunately, not all the things are so ideal as her job. The Villain's fiance creates a dangerous plot that is potentially harmful to the workers including the girl. The fiance cheats on the villain with the Emperor and looks for the most suitable way to get rid of him. That's why she makes a plan to poison him.

Unfortunately, her evil activities are not only the danger for the villain, but the girl is also in the danger because others might start believing that she is the killer.

Also, another group close to the Emperor and fiance can harm her too. That would lead to a big problem, so the girl makes a plan to save the villain and stop the poisoning. In the end, she succeeds to stop the evil activities of that woman and rescues the life of the villain. However, the

girl comes in touch with the poison that transforms her into a little girl. Others notice her generous act including the n.o.ble family, so they decide to accept her as a part of their n.o.ble line.

These are main and basic events from the novel, however, you will definitely notice many more details, so do not wait. Take this book as soon as possible and enjoy the content.

The Old Republic_ Fatal Alliance

The Old Republic_ Fatal Alliance summary: The Old Republic_ Fatal Alliance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Old Republic_ Fatal Alliance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Second Year of the War

My Second Year of the War summary: My Second Year of the War summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My Second Year of the War. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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