


























类别都市 恋爱 总裁 宠婚










内容简介:前世孤苦一生,今世重生成兽,为何上天总是这样的捉弄!为何上天总是那样的不公!他不服,不服那命运的不公。自创妖修之法,将魔狮一族发展成为能够抗衡巨龙的麒麟一族,成就一代麒麟圣祖的威名。1 w0-28882 >>


内容简介:  一直紧握着她手腕的手渐渐松懈了下来,若舒却忘记了挣扎,自从杜若远离去后,她又一次感觉到惶恐不安,却不敢去看他的脸,只喃喃说道:“秦道川。。。”就像她愤怒时,失神时都会叫他的名字一般 ,可是这次她再没等到那声轻笑。1w0-3312 >>


内容简介:元朝雨穿成一篇古早狗血文里的炮灰受。还正揣着崽。老公是“掌握全球经济命脉”的大佬东方博衍,偏执冷漠,并不爱他,结婚只是给他一个名分。书里原主想得到东方博衍的心,昏招迭出,最终被送入精神 病院,宝宝认正牌受作父。元朝雨:好可怕,我要带着宝宝离婚,远离这对狗男男!只要大佬你记得按时打钱,我绝不来打扰你!东方博衍:离婚?嗯,没睡醒?mua!亲爱的你再睡会儿,我去给宝宝换尿布。★沙雕小甜文,逻辑不要深究★冷漠偏执宠妻狂魔大佬攻vs软萌沙雕小明星受★21点日更,其余时间都是捉虫。★作者微博:蛐流逸★有防盗,72小时后可看。★预收文①校园玄学幻耽《我给死对头下情蛊解不了怎么办》高冷腹黑正道传人校草攻VS农村少数民族反派世家传人贫困生迷糊美艳受★预收文②《龙族元帅的人鱼童养媳(星际)》(要被老攻烤成鱼干啦)傲娇喷火龙帝国元帅攻VS盛世美颜大佬人鱼受1w0-26121 >>


内容简介:衣冠南迁,胡狄遍地,汉家子弟被屠戮殆尽。血雨腥风,刀枪剑影,血性男儿的绝地反击。以挽吾汉之既倒,扶华夏之将倾。他垂危受命,力挽狂澜,救冉闵,灭氐秦,平鲜卑,定天下,创立大魏武卒,横扫天 下!这里有勇冠天下的冉闵、有东山再起的谢安、王羲之、王猛、刘牢之;魏晋士子风流俏佳人,花前月下,剪不断理还乱的爱恨缠绵。且看后世一个叱诧风云的黑道大佬,如何玩转五胡乱华。1w0-84121 >>


内容简介:  一觉醒来,夏凉发现整个世界都变了样,物价狂跌。 相亲对方居然只要五毛彩礼! 市区房子只需要一百块就能买下一栋! 原来价值几千万的跑车只需要几十块 ! 看着余额的十二万,夏凉发现,自己好像成首富了!1w0-2074 >>


内容简介:【早上九点更新轻松萌文】我叫爱新觉罗·弘晏,阿玛是太子,额娘是太子妃,历史上并没有我这个人物我阿玛他惨极了,二立二废我额娘她也很惨,终生无子我想了想,不行啊,亲爹没了储君之位,作为嫡皇 孙,我能有好下场?于是乎人前抿嘴笑,人后讲礼貌出门争圣宠,回房苦读书。万万没想到,我爹他拿了人生赢家剧本——前有老爷子保驾护航,后有亲儿子摇旗呐喊我深沉地问:“阿玛,你是不是头顶光环的男主角?”阿玛呵呵一笑,当晚,1w0-65477 >>


内容简介:重生废柴班班主任,陆泽获得【超强硬核教师系统】。陆泽:初次见面,这样,班长拉个群,大家一起加进去吧。班长:好的陆老师。下一秒。陆泽:来,已经进群的这25位同学,手机交上来。这老师,这么 坑?又一次。陆泽:来,大家和我一起念,老当益壮,不移白首之心。众学生:老当益壮陆泽:穷且hi,sirisiri你好,我在。陆泽:刚刚出声了的,手机交上来他是恶魔,也是1w0-81274 >>


内容简介:一次真心话大冒险,她坐到李易的大腿上,搂着他的脖子,娇滴滴地喊道“哥哥”沉默寡言的男人慢条斯理地抽着烟,烟雾缭绕,几秒后放下烟,说“你觉得哥哥会喜欢你这样的嫩草吗”她一脸的娇俏瞬间消失 ,刷地站起1w0-25380 >>


内容简介:【全文已完结,养肥的宝子们可以开宰啦】桑瑶有个自幼定亲的未婚夫,对方是伯府公子,家世显赫,清贵无双。桑瑶的继妹也有个自幼定亲的未婚夫,对方是个住在山里的猎户,一穷二白,为人粗野。姐妹俩 同一天出嫁,可桑瑶醒来后,却发现自己竟被人弄坏嗓子躺在了那猎户的床上!原来是继母为了让自己的女儿嫁进伯府,设计两人换了嫁。一开始,桑瑶无法接受这样的事,但渐渐却发现,换来的便宜夫君哪儿哪儿都很对她胃口……就在她心生动1w0-81952 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我是范进,我中举后的大明风华】穿越到了儒林外史中的大明。十六岁的范进不想等到五十多岁才中举。少年的范进,照样能中秀才,举人,进士,状元。并且是一代文宗。琴道宗 师。棋道天下第一。书法自成一派。随手一画,就是传世佳作。不光是文采风流,也能权倾天下。洪武末,建文初,乃至永乐,仁宣,这些大明既定的历史走向,因为范进的出现而改变。我是范进,这是我的大明风华。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-79605 >>

Ai No Kotoba O Uragaeshi

1. Before Saying that It is Love + On a Certain Sunday A kind uncle, Suda Masayoshi, met a middle school brat, Hasegawa Souma, when he moved into his new house. Because of Souma’s complicated background, Masayoshi decided to take Souma in and raised him. Two years later, the high-schooler Souma confessed his love to Masayoshi. A cute little puppy turned into a horny wolf, how would our dear Masayoshi handle Souma? 2. Don't Cry, My Little Lamb Continuation of chapter 1 with the grown-up Souma. 3. Reversal of Love Talk - Anri Story Long-time lovers Anri and Satoshi have hit a rough patch. Satoshi isn't as loving as he used to be and Anri seems to get needier every day. Will these two survive their troubles, or is it time to call it quits? 4. Reversal of Love Talk - Satoshi Story Continuation of chapter 3, except it is told from Satoshi's POV. 5. Anata wo Matsu no (I Will Wait for You) High-school student Kengo's pretty miserable when his girlfriend dumps him right before Christmas. Trying to keep his mind occupied by working at his family's bar, he finds himself thrown in with regular drinker Nishizawa whose kindness soothes Kengo. 6. Uncontrolled Puberty Shuuto's attempts to control his feelings for his older brother's friend Yukihiro are failing miserably. No matter what he tries, the high school student can't stop fantasizing about his long time crush. But Yukihiro has no intention of letting Shuuto avoid him forever... 7. Passion Recycle 8-page short story about a sexually molesting shop owner and the employee who puts up with it. 8. Honey 8-page short story about a student trying to hide his secret crush from his overly affectionate best friend.

Koishiki Kaikyuu

By Backlash67: Sgt. Akasaka, a college graduate, who enters the army after passing the high level exams is raped by LP Oohori. LP Oohori is a solider who is younger and of a lower rank than Sgt. Akasaka. LP Oohori was tasked with teaching Sgt. Akasaka about his unit. However, after Sgt. Akasaka advises LP Oohori to take the army examine, Oohori gets angry and rapes Sgt. Akasaka. For reasons unbeknownst to LP Oohori, Sgt. Akasaka doesn’t report the assault. From this point on Sgt. Akasaka is continuously sexually assaulted by LP Oohori as “payment” for his lessons but is the sex only payment for LP Oohori or something more?

Sentou Jousai Masurawo

Kawamura Hideo, a typical ordinary guy with no job, he came to Tokyo searching for jobs, he sent a total 34 job applications to only failed at the first hurdle (all of the companies didn't even ask him to attend an interview). Feeling rejected, he became a hardcore hikikomori and shut the world around him, his parents also won't send him money since then. When he starved to death without any money, lost hope and would decide to go just die he found a computer on the street (containing Will.CO21 virus) and took it home. He found a way to participate in a martial arts tournament 'Holy Devil Cup' from that computer. Where the winner could get the power to rule the world, martial artists, soldiers, vampires, Majin - all 3024 participants gather there. Now what Hideo would do to win this mad tournament...

Hajimari No Natsu

From Chibi Manga: Shinji, Manabu and Chinatsu are neighbor and childhood friends. Because they hide their thoughts from each other, their feelings became lock inside their heart. At that time, Manabu informed the other about 'that things'. He could trust his friends forever, but what will happen when they grown up and start to change the way they feel about it...? Included is the oneshot: I Just Love You.

Wings In The Night - Blue Twilight

Wings In The Night - Blue Twilight summary: Wings In The Night - Blue Twilight summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wings In The Night - Blue Twilight. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Trade Union Woman

The Trade Union Woman summary: The Trade Union Woman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Trade Union Woman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

An Outcast

An Outcast summary: An Outcast summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Outcast. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Brian's Saga

Brian's Saga summary: Brian is on his way to Canada to visit his estranged father when the pilot of his small prop plane suffers a heart attack. Brian is forced to crash-land the plane in a lake--and finds himself stranded in the remote Canadian wilderness with only his clothing and the hatchet his mother gave him as a present before his departure. Brian had been distraught over his parents ' impending divorce and the secret he carries about his mother, but now he is truly desolate and alone. Exhausted, terrified, and hungry, Brian struggles to find food and make a shelter for himself. He has no special knowledge of the woods, and he must find a new kind of awareness and patience as he meets each day 's challenges. Is the water safe to drink? Are the berries he finds poisonous? Slowly, Brian learns to turn adversity to his advantage--an invading porcupine unexpectedly shows him how to make fire, a devastating tornado shows him how to retrieve supplies from the submerged airplane. Most of all, Brian leaves behind the self-pity he has felt about his predicament as he summons the courage to stay alive. A story of survival and of transformation, this riveting book has sparked many a reader 's interest in venturing into the wild.

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