








类别都市 恋爱 霸总
























内容简介:奶爸是啥?熊孩子们危险了,能替熊他们擦屁股,挡枪子儿的?非也!奶爸,就是谁敢欺负我们家熊孩子们,我就去欺负谁爹!啥,你不信那就来看看朱松这个朱元璋的便宜儿子,是怎么保护熊孩子们的!…… ……(PS:230W完本作品《大唐超级奶爸》,本书为奶爸二部曲!)本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《大明超级奶爸》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-36345 >>


内容简介:白山不小心成了恶鬼家的上门女婿。但幸好,他拥有着【“等价”交换】的天赋,只要达到功法的最低需求,就可以跳过修炼过程,并直接“大圆满”。【猛虎啸夜篇】需求1:【猛虎啸夜篇】全文需求2:肉 600斤,虎骨酒200斤,长恨草汁液3滴,焚心红花果实1颗(可通过积累达标)需求3:威慑一头携带不少于五只伥鬼的虎妖,并与之签订契约,使其认主于你需求4:在一个阴天的晚上,屠戮一个至少千人的聚落,在其中感受痛苦和恐惧作用1暴君:当你占据优势后,会彻底镇压对手,哪怕对手比你强,也会心生恐惧,而无法正常发挥作用2阳炎体质:作用3夜魔:大魔裹着人皮,心中暗藏神通。仙道通天无垠,我却另走一边。开局赘入深渊最新章节地址:1w0-80084 >>


内容简介:一个身世迷离的少年,几段缠绵悱恻的情恋!因缘际会之下掀起一场天地变色的腥风血雨!正邪相争,道魔倾轧,平静了二十多年的江湖因为少年的无心闯入而风云再起!在这里有精彩绝伦的打斗,有感天动地 的旷世绝恋,还有奇异惊险的见闻经历!1w0-95815 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《超级教师》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读【网文圈有史以来最成功的教师题材小说,青春校园第一大神张君宝成名力作】模仿跟风者众,却从未被超越的神作,被乐视网改编成影视剧《stb超级教师 》,观众人次已突破5亿,百度搜索风云榜电视剧分类第5。我的口号是:“凡是叛徒,统统都应该下地狱;凡是我的学生,一定要成才!因为我是中海有史以来的超级教师。”风格:轻松、趣味、high到爽,正能量到爆!作者自定义标签老师热血1w0-29382 >>


内容简介:江左有个貌美的老婆,可是她却经常出差。去干嘛?不是忙着给他带帽子,而是瞒着他降妖除魔去了。得知真相的江左连连叹息,看来自己也坐不住了。为了他美好的夫妻生活,江左只能暗中出手。降妖除魔嘛 ,维护天地秩序嘛,没问题,老婆高兴就行。各位书友要是觉得《我家老婆可能是圣女》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w7250-26244 >>


内容简介:面对好友和丈夫的双双背叛,她果断报复,不给自己留一点余地。她不再相信爱情,男人变成了她最讨厌的生物,避之不及。重生,她是凤凰王朝的四王女,尊贵的身份,却没有同等的待遇,母皇不爱,父后不 疼,姐姐送阴谋,弟弟送白眼。冷眼看着周围的一切,她笑的漫不经心,再怎么说,前世的她也是执掌A市经济女总裁,就不信她会在这个连指南针都没有听说过年代活不下去!场景一“王女,今天您该去‘流莺小筑’的流莺公子哪里!”“流莺?男的?”“额是男的!”“等他变成女的我就会去了。”场景二“王女,初音公子说您要是不放他回家,他就要上吊!死都不让您侮辱他!”“上吊?不错,有勇气,不放他回家?我拉着他了吗?”“。。他是您以前在大街上抢来的!”“哦。。告诉他,,我以后不会抢他了!”场景三“王女,后院里的公子们闹得厉害,都哭了!”“为什么哭?”“说您仗势欺人!还说您好色荒淫”“哦··真诚实!既然这样,叫他们全部滚蛋吧!”“”【谢谢喵咪给玉儿建的群,欢迎亲们光临【114370696】敲门砖是,书里人物名,任意一个。】【注明;亲们,玉儿这个文虽然是女尊,但是在男女身形上与现实没有差,只是地位颠倒而已,并不是说女尊的男子一定就要娇小玲珑,女子就要膀大腰圆!错!错!错!女子为尊,只是地位上比男子高,当然,男生子是必须滴!纯女尊,不喜欢的不要攻击留言哦,因为玉儿心理素质不好,当然禁止打广告!一经发现,删无赦!最后,亲们看文愉快哈玉儿耐你们哦】好文连连看喵晚歌暮雅清纯架空文;【柚香无痕:】玉儿穿越女强文:【红袖舞:天价皇后】大神卷丹火热连载【姐一个人不寂寞:】1w0-31998 >>


内容简介:【预计于1月5号星期三入v,希望大家多多支持啾咪啾咪】叶珏一觉睡醒发现自己穿越了,穿进了一本小说小说讲的是两个A之间的爱恨情仇,不过因为一些不知名原因,导致无数次重来的世界里两个A之间 只有你死我活,没有爱恨情仇他要想回到现实世界,就必须当红娘做月老,在两位主角之间架起爱的桥梁正好他又是一个和ABO世界有壁的普通人,闻不出任何信息素的味道,完全不受两位猛A的压制叶珏:哦豁,随便浪雨夜,各位书友要是觉得《穿书后被两个猛A盯上了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73004 >>




内容简介:喜欢《恐怖游戏:加爆好感,我为所欲为》可从下列图标分享《恐怖游戏:加爆好感,我为所欲为》每人日限一次分享恐怖游戏:加爆好感,我为所欲为多了无效分享越多恐怖游戏:加爆好感,我为所欲为更新 越快哦1w0-84986 >>


内容简介:宅了三十二年的君好,被照顾她十多年的自家表姐用一张机票扫地出门了。有生以来的第一次出国游,直接把君好从科技文明的世界送到了崇尚修仙文明的异时空。带着不知打哪儿冒出来的腿部挂件,君好穿越 云海,尖叫着体验了一把惊险刺激的自由落体运动。这都没死固然是好事一桩,可把正在入定的修仙界大佬砸个半死这算不算是一开局就打开了地狱模式?大佬:“很好,你成功激怒本尊了。”君好:“我错了大佬,别冲动大佬,你听我解释啊大佬,我可以赔偿你医药费、营养费、误工费、精神损失费的大佬。”本站提示:1w0-28185 >>


内容简介:你是否曾经为了寻找一个女孩,踏遍世界的每一个角落?你用血和汗水浇灌心中那希望之花,无数次的失落又重燃希望,无数次的倒下又重新站起。当你衣衫褴褛满身荆棘,终于看到那个可爱的身影,当你们的 指尖碰触的一刹那,你立下的誓言,连神都会颤抖。1w0-2359 >>


内容简介:浮尘乱世,乱的不是天下,而是人心。隶属于天风国的顾家,满门忠烈,皆是英豪。世事无常,一代将门的继承人却昏昏碌碌二十载,受尽无数人暗地里的冷嘲热讽。不过,在将门世子弱冠之日时,他竟恢复了 前生之识。最令他感到头疼的是,他似乎做了很多混账事。比如:他即将要入赘了,而且这事已经传遍整个京都了。对此,他将会披着纨绔的外衣,手持着三尺青锋,正式掀起了天下之势。1w0-1323 >>

B Kyuu Gourmet Kurabu

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Furachi Na Otoko Tachi

1)Outrageous Men Mari and younger Eiji work for the same company, and they are secretly in love. Mari feels happy with him, because he is gentle, dependent on her, and cute. When she visits him at home for the first time, she is shocked to know that he is a brother of her former boyfriend Yuichi…! In her college days, she couldn’t get along with Yuichi because he was too pushy. Therefore, she chose to part with him, but... 2) Love Communication Tanabe Sumire has trouble dealing with her client Haga Takahiko...but when her mom pushes her to go for a match-making session her partner is none other than Takahiko and after a pretending to date him she realized she is falling for him. Will love communication help in solving her problems...? 3) Marriage Pink Yamashita Riko and Hayashi Ryoji are lovey-dovey couple about to get married. But after her first time staying with Ryoji, Riko realizes that sex with Ryoji is so violent that it drains her out. Worried she might not be able to get wedding preprations done she started avoiding Ryoji's invitations...Is this another case of wedding blues or rather wedding pinks in case of Riko...? 4) Can't Take Away My Treasures Kondou Miyuki is a host of show 'Cooking in 10 Minutes' but a lousy cleaner because she can't throw anything away. The next show that requested herappearance is a Live Broacast called 'let's go people's Home!'.Panicked Miyuki decides to clean her room. Luckily she runs into Hasegawa Nozomu a pharmaceutical consumer researcher while purchasing cleaning items whom she asks to prove the products use by cleaning her apartment. What will become of her messed-up house and her Live Broadcast...? 5) Calling For Love Kitou Kazuki after becoming jobless, homeless, and divoced ends up at Shibata Kouichi's place. Kazuki always sees Kouichi as her junior from high school but that changes when he declares his love for her. Will Kazuki respond to his call of love...?

Hokenshitsu De Dakishimete

The clueless youth is still discovering the little joys of being in a conventional school, including the yearly health check-up.

Legend Of Kai Uchiha

Legend Of Kai Uchiha summary: a random guy does and is reborn in the naruto world

Golden Time Gaiden – Nijigen-kun Special

Golden Time Gaiden – Nijigen-kun Special summary: Nijigen is a freshman and Banri’s friend. He gains his nickname at the tea ceremony club’s welcoming party after declaring his despair of the three-dimensional world and that he would live for the two-dimensional world from then on. His nickname in high school was “Satoutaka”.

Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson

Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson summary: Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hammurabi's Code Of Laws

Hammurabi's Code Of Laws summary: Hammurabi's Code Of Laws summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hammurabi's Code Of Laws. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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