




























远古时期,天地初生,一切秩序尚未建立,世间混沌,三界不安。幸而衡阳,东阳,凌阳,青阳四位仙君横空出世,镇守四海八荒,引得万族拜服,和谐共生。天地归于晴朗,一派欣欣向荣景象。 然而,怎么到了凤凰一族这里画风如此不同?上蹿下跳,作天作地,搅扰众仙都不得安宁,但就是有人吃这一套。


亚博浑浑噩噩的活在这个世界上,除了复仇他没有目标。在接到现任勇者同时也是王子的悬红时,他邂逅了一位心善的牧师... 但事情却不是那么的单纯,在两个神明的战争中夹杂的人类和怪物们有自己的思想和故事。 “我不想再去思考什么是正义的了,只要你跟我说那是敌人就好。”勇者这样效忠道。


内容简介:这是中二少女拯救世界的故事计划安心farm几十年,静等紫薯,谁知高一那年夏,天上掉下个大姐姐——《惊奇女士》剧情开始了这又是斯克鲁尔人又是克里人的,还是安静和平的九十年代地球吗?到了高 二,连希阿帝国都来了,说是要争夺凤凰之力“什么?灭霸这鬼·父要收我当女儿,想凑齐银河杀手三姐妹?““星爵他爹找我报仇?”“说我的大招就是放鞭炮?别急,这次互乘起爆符通灵的是核弹”(抢先观看《惊奇女士》《x战警:黑凤凰》郑重承诺,本书无脑残剧情,人物智商在线,没有主角在大事件中好似可有可无的剧情,没毒点,自我感觉干草以上,请各位放心食用)群:928781376各位书友要是觉得《变身漫威的我也要当霸主》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79176 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《雷法为王》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读道法神通万千,且看我雷法为王。仙,神,佛,魔,妖鼎立,一个卑微的仆役获得雷法传承,搅乱这鼎立恒久的局势。(本书慢热,大概会在五百万字以上,请 放心收藏。)1w0-49494 >>


内容简介:听说定国公府上的大小姐被发配到山庄种地,京中小姐纨绔们纷纷去看热闹,甚至有人趁机调戏高大小姐。后来,他的脑袋被开了瓢。高家的大小姐就算是去种地,也是个嚣张的人呢。高洛神穿到了一本名为《 女帝》的书中,成为了恶毒女配。她决心不去搞事,而是老老实实靠着金手指种地,从此发家致富走向幸福生活。可那什么麻烦怎么一个个来啊?各种各样的公子上门就算了,怎么女主也来凑热闹?高洛神瑟瑟发抖:我其实只想种地。各位书友要是觉得《女配她只想种地穿书》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84503 >>


内容简介:看书就到haitangshuwu综网王黑篮名柯南超高h涉及各种场合调教道具等不喜勿入会拆掉官配但不会黑化女生们不喜勿入请cp党勿人参公鸡谢谢!再一次醒来后,她的世界就变了,柔姬所知道、 所认识的男人们,竟然全都对她抱有别样的欲望。监视、强迫、药物、囚禁、调教、诱导……她的身子……要玩坏了。ps:隔日更尽量日更(具体还要看系统……)您要是觉得(综漫)别这么变态还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博微信里的朋友推荐哦!推荐地址:1w0-77505 >>




内容简介:郑璃得到了一个任务,要帮助那些偏离了原本轨迹的人生赢家重新走上巅峰。比如,那个街角捡破烂的少年,他本该是世界首富。暂定要写的先后顺序可能会调整:总裁他在捡垃圾(连载中)大神成了抄袭狗影 帝混在十八线状元边关做伙夫战神武力被废了救世主行动不便首相他在当星盗海王摆上了餐桌魔皇只剩下骷髅仙尊他被拍卖了……注意:本文1V1,男主是一个人。然后苏,爽,男主每个世界都会天下无敌,嗯,就是这样作者微博:晋江决绝1w0-76876 >>


内容简介:作者:夏夜无眠所写的《龙魂武神》为转载作品龙魂武神最新章节由网友上传发布小兵提供龙魂武神全文免费阅读。如果您觉得龙魂武神不错,请分享给您的朋友:重生天旋大陆,两世为人!携至尊武魂,掌巫 尊传承,修逆天之力!从此一飞冲天,化身为龙,闯九天十地,战万古魔窟,成为一代龙魂武神!1w0-28323 >>


内容简介:一天,全京都的少女哭红了眼!如日中天的秦家家主秦傅承,竟然结婚了,还娶了个傻子!有没有天理啊?她们那么优秀,却败给了一个傻子!秦傅承冷冷抬眸:我家晴宝又甜又软,不是傻子。萌宝圆圆生气嘟 嘴:就是就是,晴宝妈咪最棒啦!于又晴暗自勾唇:傻子招人疼,秦少就爱傻白甜。情敌们哭得更大声了……直到有一天,神秘傻妻的马甲开始掉!1w0-57461 >>


内容简介:五代十国——夹在唐朝和宋朝之间,历史上最混乱的时期之一,造反谋逆层出不穷,朝政更替屡见不鲜。节度使——手握一州之军政大权,手下士兵“唯知其将之威,而不知天子”,是古代第一热门造反职位, 唯一能约束他们的是对君主的忠诚。后世青年陆原,无意中穿越至一名南唐进士身上。他对皇帝毫无忠诚可言,当官至节度使时,也因不可抗拒的原因,走上了举兵造反之路。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《南唐节度使》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76112 >>






内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者GK不想说话的经典小说:《总有偏执狂要娶我快穿》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说封东语身为穿书界的女配,为了业绩绝佳,患上强迫症,总是疯狂地 想要收集男女主一切信息才能安心搞事。新穿的这个世界,原书男主看似是个治愈美男,实际冷漠又阴险,是个驱使和帮助女主前进复仇的超级大杀器;原书女主刚从酷刑炼狱里爬回人间,同时是一个拥有凶残、重度被害妄想症、偏执狂等多重黑暗属性的神经质。封东语只是想做书里的最佳反派而已,为什么男主总是爱上她也就算了,女主也总是……总是阴郁地盯着她,卑微地渴求她1w0-75284 >>

Deep Kiss

Deep kiss, torrid kiss... Discover the 1st volume of the collection of the mangaka Kasane Katsumoto! Collection of stories about the difficulty in love and making confessions, Deep Kiss is a first sensual and romantic incursion into Lolita's universe... 1. The Gaze - Nana has been fascinated with Onozato ever since she noticed his cold gaze. When she confesses to him, he tells her he likes girls with a different style - and that she should try out. Will she listen to him? 2. Deep Kiss - Yuka has always attracted guys only interested in her body because of her big breasts. What she really wants is someone who will love her for herself... 3. Magic Fingers - Haruna starts getting worried when her boyfriend, Kazuto, spends more time at work than with her... 4. Summer Memories Yuki moves back to her hometown after splitting up with her boyfriend. There she meets up with Kohei, her high school friend

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Katase and Kohiwa are high school classmates. Liking someone so much it makes your head spin, exchanging kisses with every little chance, touching each other, connecting your bodies... The main story is about two guys in the spring of their youth who find themselves rapidly drowning in one another. Also included in this highly-anticipated debut book are the sweet and heartbreaking one-shots, 'Tranquilize' and 'The Thorns are Hurting my Cheeks'.

The Cryptogram

The Cryptogram summary: The Cryptogram summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Cryptogram. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

She Buildeth Her House

She Buildeth Her House summary: She Buildeth Her House summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of She Buildeth Her House. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Three Commanders

The Three Commanders summary: The Three Commanders summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Three Commanders. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Lightning Conductor Discovers America

The Lightning Conductor Discovers America summary: The Lightning Conductor Discovers America summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Lightning Conductor Discovers America. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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