
































内容简介:带着升级系统和数百本小说穿越异界,成为罗家养马的废物少主。丹田破碎不能修炼?哥有升级系统,突破对我来说不过是杀杀怪,做做任务,偶尔杀杀人,太轻松了!没有功法?哥有数百本小说,只要升级就 能得到那些小说中主角的功法,哥烦恼的是选择《星辰功法》,《大地法则》,还是《幽影秘典》呢?好烦躁呀!…………狂,就要狂个极致出来,我罗天来了,你们就准备好跪下唱1w0-83533 >>




内容简介:手机阅读《弃妃倾世》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读谁说穿越后宫就是圣宠不衰、六宫无妃的幸福生涯?她保证不打死他!“过来,朕不打你。”“放屁!”“渺渺,过来朕抱。”“谁信!”“苏渺,再不过来打 断你的狗腿!”“皇上~~~”苏渺一睁眼就是冷宫的四堵灰墙,简直凄凄惨惨戚戚!为了保住她的腿,只好狗腿的腻在皇帝陛下身边,惹得众人纷纷嫉恨白眼,直骂妖妃。可惜皇帝陛下不知怎的就宠上了这个冷宫弃妃,明明一开始恨不得将她千刀万剐,如今却大有昏聩独宠的意思。前朝后宫无不盼着她失宠的那一天,可是等着等着……她似乎就此长盛不衰了!等他们反应过来,哪儿还有什么后宫啊?六宫粉黛,就剩她一人了!【1v1,身心干净】1w0-28248 >>


内容简介:“大人,不好了!沿江三省灵异爆发!申请支援!”“什么?我得赶紧躲起来……”“…&h ellip;大人,您身为阎罗难道不想振奋一下军心来个视察吗?”“视察哪里有小命重要!”阎罗叫我来巡山,我到人间转一转………………V群,71273563,微信公众号:eyeguaike11w0-1031 >>


内容简介:月华新书:霸剑灭武,希望各位兄弟姐妹多多支持,拜谢。东岳大陆,一个武师横行,优胜劣汰的世界,主角张涛,一个普通的山村少年,原本只能默默无名的成为一个猎人。如果遇到一个拥有大神通的穿越者 当师傅会如何?加一本绝世秘典又会如何?再加一只来历不明的异兽相伴又会如何?月华群:12218358912047110V群:1814694641w0-107172 >>


内容简介:一岁的她和六岁的他定下娃娃亲,包下他所有么么哒。三岁时她成天嚷着要给他生猴子,他置之不理。可十八岁时,她却反被他吃干抹净,厉言墨勾唇:“不是说要给我生猴子吗,现在满足你。”宁甜甜欲哭无 泪,年少无知竟不知道自己惹到的不是什么邻居家温柔小哥哥,而是一个彻底的腹黑大恶魔!【养成系,青梅竹马,甜宠无限】1w0-27965 >>


内容简介:她小心翼翼、未雨绸缪,是太后的掌上明珠,武朝难得的贵女,却依旧被人算计而死。她重新归来,却只想要活一回自己,穿越到一个品行败坏的妇人身上,没关系,正好她也不想做贤良妇。不闹个风生水起, 让那些害她的人不得安宁,怎么对得起老天赠送给她的这条命。——————————云霓VIP群:542814025,欢迎订阅过云霓任何一本书的亲们进群。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《嫁冠天下》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84539 >>


内容简介:【快穿养娃女强有CP】工作狂妈妈,致使孩子惨死老公自杀,乔桥穿过去后,圈子盛传,乔总是个宠夫和宠娃狂魔。宠溺儿子的妈妈,压榨闺女供养儿子,最后却被儿子推下山崖惨死,乔桥表示,棍棒下出孝 子,打一顿不行就两顿。迷信文盲妈妈,导致孩子符水中毒去世,乔桥表示,科学与我同在。………越来越多的孩子,被父母忽略成长,变得性格乖戾,不得善终。乔桥:我将亲手修补好你们被折断的翅膀,让你们自由飞翔。1w0-107711 >>


内容简介:赤贯妖星从天而降,世间一切从此颠覆,超能时代降临,古武,异能,机甲,当真理就在机甲枪炮射程之内,当规则在武者异能神秘覆盖之下,万物皆虚,万物皆允。这是一个天才辈出的时代,人族和兽族冲突 不断,联邦和帝国明争暗斗,平民与贵族矛盾重重,少年天问持天之道踏入波澜壮阔的世界,来自星河彼岸的超智,又会给这个世界带来怎样的火花,让我们拭目以待吧。作者:暖男不胖所写的《苍穹尽染》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-82032 >>


内容简介:苏明妩本该嫁进东宫,和青梅竹马的太子举案齐眉,然而花轿交错,她被抬进了同日成婚的雍凉王府中。恨了符栾半辈子,住在王府偏院瓦房,死前才知策划错嫁的人是她的心头朱砂白月光。一朝重生,苏明妩 重生在了洞房翌日。好巧不巧,她正以死相逼,要喝避子汤药……1w0-4048 >>


内容简介:穿越的那一刻,苏北觉得自己是最幸运的人,尤其是自己穿越的地方叫地球,有个系统叫穿越武侠系统,这是要逆袭的节奏啊。可是整理下记忆,为什么有个职业叫武者,有个爷爷叫苏展,有个学校叫京武?全 球高武的世界,小李飞刀,能否一刀戳破源地?降龙十八掌,是否真的能降伏龙皇?我就是把武功练到极致、练到破碎虚空的境界,有用么?1w0-26883 >>


内容简介:雇佣兵王陈扬回归都市,只为保护战友的女神妹妹。无意中得罪少林俗家弟子这个恐怖的集团。一时间风起云涌,杀机如流。且看一代兵王如何用铁拳和智慧去征服一个个强大对手,创造属于王者的辉煌传奇… …1w0-1452 >>

Battle Royale

Read Battle Royale Manga Battle Royale Manga has been accommodated into a manga that was serialized, composed by Koushun Takami and Masayuki Taguchi, was released in Japan by Akita Publishing. Tokyopop consists of 15 volumes and distributes in English the manga. There's a manga sequel called Battle Royale II: Blitz Royale. At October 2007, a fresh special version of the manga will probably be published.   The manga follows the storyline of the novel fairly carefully, but additionally enlarges on the back story of all the pupils. Additionally it is much more sexually graphic as opposed to movie and novel versions, and can also be noted for the extreme violence.   In addition, the English version of manga alters the time the story is occur by nearly 10 years, utilizing the phrase 'in the close future', but on Shogo Kawada's account, it references the software 2005 period; he claims his last application was a year-ago, resulting in the supposition the manga establishes the story in 2006. In quantity among the English language variation, the information channel reporter as well as Shinji Mimura mentions the 2007 report of seven hours, three times and twenty two minutes. To the 2009 period, which will be the 2009 one Kamon refers in quantity 14. Not one of the dates are mentioned in the first Japanese version. Seemingly they were formulated by Keith Giffen through the variation (see below) along with a number of other particulars nonexistent in the authentic.   The manga revolves around seven main figures, for instance, righteous Shuya Nanahara, the tender and affectionate Noriko Nakagawa, the case-hardened expert Shogo Kawada, the pro Shinji Mimura, the kindhearted kungfu expert Hiroki Sugimura, the distressed Mitsuko Souma, as well as the cool, merciless Kazuo Kiriyama. As of January 2006, all 1-5 volumes are released in Japan. In Great Britain and the United States all 1-5 of the volumes are released as of April 2006.     Primary Character in Battle Royal manga Shuya Nanahara is among the three primary protagonists plus a fictional Japanese pupil. Shuya, who's nicknamed 'Shu', lives in the fictional city Shiroiwa in Kagawa Prefecture.     Noriko Nakagawa is the primary female protagonist of the show. She's among the class of third year pupils in Shuya's college. Noriko has a crush on Shuya, whom she admired for his songs and songwriting. Battle Royale Manga's Characters Shogo Kawada is the victor of an earlier Program as well as a transfer pupil. In the start he joins up with all the both of these and satisfies Shuya and Noriko. Kazuo Kiriyama is the main opponent, who attempts to win the Program (utilizing a coin toss to determine whether or not he performs), killing the most quantity of pupils in the class making him the biggest risk. It's afterwards mentioned he'd experienced an automobile crash in a youthful age (where he watched his mother's passing), causing brain injury and resulting in too little emotions and sorrow. Mitsuko Souma is the secondary antagonist, regarded among the very beautiful women in the system, she's also the female together with the most kills, along with the most deranged, in using her womanly wiles and power to feign feelings to falsify afterward kill her school mates triumphing. It's later shown that these emotional issues come from the following sexual abuse she received from her step-father in addition to physical abuse from her very own mom, as well as her dad after her parents divorced, leaving.


Cleta summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cleta. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sweets Fortune Telling

Collection of Oneshots! ♥ 1) Boy of Macaroon Colorful Shounen to Monochrome na Atashi by SHIRAISHI Yuki Naoki and Kiyo have known each other for a long time because they live in the same apartment complex. One Valentine's Day, Kiyo gave Naoki a chocolate cake, but Naoki threw it away and laughed it off. Because of that, Kiyo doesn't make sweets anymore! Because Naoki's dad is Kiyo's dad's boss and they are going on a trip, Kiyo has to make food for Naoki. Will Kiyo re-live the trauma of the past? - From Intercross (Also included in Bokura no Himitsu o Kyouyuu Shiyou ka) 2) Boy of Pudding Puri*Puri by MITSUKI Miko He's giving headaches to the serious student council president. But they are strangely in tune with each other...!? - From Shoujo-Sense 3) Boy of Gelato Gelato no Koi - Ai no Chikara by SAKISAKA Mea (Also included in Douzo, Meshiagare) 4) Boy of Chocolate Un Chocoholic by YAGAMI Rina I thought we weren't living in the same world but then I had to play the perfect girlfriend for that popular boy?! No wait! Don't be that kind with me!!! 5) Boy of Roll cake Koi Lab by NANAJIMA Kana 'I'm in love with him but... he's in love with her.' How will this complicated love end?

They Are Something Special

Our young heroine - Choi Lee Na. She has a brother who's the leader of a gang of four members. All four of them are arrogant and one of them seems to be a playboy. On one stormy night, Lee Na somehow bumps into one of them and cant forget him ever since then. Is this the beginning of love?

Young Jedi Knights_ Trouble On Cloud City

Young Jedi Knights_ Trouble On Cloud City summary: Young Jedi Knights_ Trouble On Cloud City summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Young Jedi Knights_ Trouble On Cloud City. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Meaning of Night

The Meaning of Night summary: The Meaning of Night summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Meaning of Night. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Nye and Riley's Wit and Humor

Nye and Riley's Wit and Humor summary: Nye and Riley's Wit and Humor summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Nye and Riley's Wit and Humor. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Poison Doctor Demon Consort

Poison Doctor Demon Consort summary: Poison Doctor Demon Consort summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Poison Doctor Demon Consort. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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