


简介可爱又可怕,像猫又像虫的谜样生物咖波, 治愈你的心,吃光你的肉。 温馨猎奇的日常故事就此展开!

Fate_Grand Order Comic Anthology Next















类别恋爱 校园 生活 其他 少男














内容简介:宁小凡重生于修仙世界,穿越到焚天谷杂役弟子身上,无意中开启了修仙系统,正式开始艰难修仙之路。天地变色,山川崩塌,河流逆转,无数的妖、无数的魔从空间裂缝内进入,无数的猛兽妖禽从深渊大泽中 跑出。为了生存不只要堤防人,还要提防着妖族、魔族。妖、魔、人,三族争斗悄然开始。多年打磨的作品,五百万诚信作者,带你爽,带你飞,带你畅游修仙界……。1w103825-105140 >>






内容简介:苏路:兵卡、将卡、军阵卡,打仗我用卡小兵:跟着大人打仗,敌人就像纸糊的一样,战功就像捡的一样被调走的小兵:不跟着大人打仗,敌人都是铁打的一样,怀念在大人麾下的日子同僚:跟苏路打仗很爽, 就是抢不到战功啊敌军主将:什么,对面是苏路军,放水,啊,不是,遣使,求和本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《兵将卡牌系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82976 >>


内容简介:【重生爽文超甜高级宠】一场阴谋,她成了他的合法妻子,羡煞旁人的厉太太。世人皆传他危险薄情,高冷禁欲。婚后,才发现他是名副其实的妻控,视妻如命,一宠成瘾。“先生,太太心情不好,要砸车发泄 。”“高价收购兰城所有车辆!”“先生,太太想要天上的星星。”“立刻派人上天!”“先生,太太想和当红小鲜肉环游世界。”“呵,全面封杀!”当晚,某男按住试图逃跑的她,危险一笑:“1w0-98940 >>


内容简介:一股地球游戏电网数据,一枚从天而降的奇怪戒指,一次电击事故,成就了一个穿越异界大陆后的世界王者!“叮,开启全职业系统。”“叮,恭喜击杀xxx,获得经验xxx,等级提升”“叮,恭喜击败x xx,获得药剂,xx装备,xx图纸”“叮,系统升级,正在自动改善和新开发某些功能!”“妖孽啊,2年跨7个大等级,抵得上别人数十年的苦修了!”“不好意思,我修炼主要靠打怪!”“不好意思,我的装备和东西全1w0-77289 >>




内容简介:  地球唯一的先天巅峰强者唐不凡冒险接引天雷入体冲刺更高境界,最终在天雷之下化为劫灰。然而唐不凡并没有死去,而是在祖传神秘小剑的帮助下重生到斗罗大陆昊天宗一名弟子身上,从此地球的先天宗 师唐不凡消失了,取而代之的便是昊天宗的唐不凡。重生一世,唐不凡能否完成前世为完成的梦想,突破先天之上的境界呢?而此时的昊天宗又因为某种外界因素不得不封山,曾经的天下第一宗落魄至此。作为昊天宗的弟子,唐不凡能否带领昊天宗重新崛起,再度缔造天下第一宗的无上神话,拭目以待吧!1w0-893 >>






内容简介:18章已更,如果有看不到可以清缓存或者从17章往后点,预收《他不解风情》,求收藏呀于知蕴八岁那年,隔壁搬来了一个小男孩。小男孩长得瓷白又精致,可来的第一天就在她门口哭红了眼。她极不情愿 地将人先带回了自己家,把人哄住。后来,她便经常能在放学回家时,看到孤零零坐在楼道里的小男孩,有些可怜。她于心不忍,总会送他一颗糖,偶尔心情好,还会带他回家。直到十五岁,因为一场意外,她搬去了别的城市。从此,再没见过那个“可怜”的小男孩。毕业后,于知蕴进了一家杂志社,为金钱所迫被老板坑去参加了一档综艺。开录那天,她早早到场,看着突然出现的熟悉面孔,笑容顿时僵住。正准备尴尬走开,某人已经走到她面前:“又不认识我了?”于知蕴强装镇定:“认认识,封老师,您好。”“老师?”对方低喃了声,俯身凑近,轻声纠正道,“姐姐,你以前可不是这么叫我的。”入坑指南:1、音乐鬼才x美女娱记,女主是作为素人参加的综艺,后期也不入圈2、人物均无原型,年龄差三岁年少暗恋久别重逢本文又名《撞见了长大后小奶团子,超A》《他欠了我一笔医药费,还不记得我了》《其实我也不记得他》《好吧,我装的,所以什么时候还钱》《所以扯了这么久你不看看吗》———————————————————————★预收《他不解风情》文案★萧栗入圈三年,演技毁容,脾气骄纵,路人缘极差。但一路走来却资源不断,话题度居高不下。众人纷纷猜测这个花瓶的背后到底是谁?傅司珩,一流名校毕业,臣域集团掌权人,因年轻多金皮囊好,气质矜贵又温柔,暗地里是圈内不少女星心中最想嫁人士排行榜第一名。但只有萧栗知道,这个老男人私底下有多抠门毒舌,且不要脸。一次商宴结束。两人从不同方向退场,坐进一辆车。萧栗挤出一个自认为美到炸裂的笑:“阿珩哥哥,郑导那部戏的女一号,我想试试。”傅司珩温声拒绝:“不行。”萧栗心里怒骂老男人,脸上依旧强撑笑容:“为,什么?”老男人若有所思了几秒,认真道:“那部戏是臣域投资的,你去演,恐怕会影响后期效益。”萧栗笑容彻底垮掉:狗男人!这是在讽刺她演技差?!【明艳骄纵小作精×心机深沉老男人】她终究会长大,可我无耻地想陪她一生如果您喜欢你多宠着我,别忘记分享给朋友作者:零砚所写的《你多宠着我》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-82086 >>


内容简介:意外穿越异世,别人成仙成佛,惨点的也是废物逆袭。可是到了古二蛋这里,他却发现自己一点盼头也没有。因为这家伙成为了一个骷髅兵!还是一个没有脑袋的下等残躯战损版骷髅兵!生活不易,骷髅叹气, 望着自己一两肉都没有的身体,古二蛋决定要逆袭给所有人看!“金手指系统!我要称王称霸!给我发威!”“收到宿主期盼,本系统已按照期盼进行修改,正式进化为骷髅领主系统,你可以通过收集资源来强化麾下士兵啦!而且是没有上限的强化呦!”“哦?这么厉害的吗!那么这种能力也能作用到我的身上对吧!”“…………”“对吧?”“…………”“对吧?!!!”各位书友要是觉得《骷髅领主的成长日记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79447 >>

Downtown Shuffle

1--3) Downtown Shuffle - Everyone wants Sakura: an aloof, elegant and unattainable beautiful 'princess'. Syou is no exception. He desperately wants him. So bad that he visits all Sakura's favorite night clubs nearly every night. Somehow, somehow, Syou unexpectedly wins Sakura's attention. His friend and bartender Miyako is pleased for him. However it doesn't go as smoothly as Syou's hoped. Sakura may be truly unattainable. Syou falls in love, but not in a way he expects it to be. 4) Let's Go to the Hospital Tsukada Riku's mother forces him to track down their missing cat. He gets into an accident that lands him a hospital, which his high school friends nicknamed 'ERO hospital' (Porno hospital) because of a hospital sign and rumors that nurses seduce hapless patients at night. Will Riku be seduced? Dr. Hiroo might have the answer. 5) Eternal Melody - Rock guitarist Kouga is acknowledged as the guy who formed a rock band, Zest, at high school and has an eye for beauty. However he's never explained why he chose Mei as their singer who ~ as Kouga says ~ has nothing but good looks. Kazuki, a good looking singer of HYPE, enters the picture with a desire to take over Mei's place ... 6) Four Seasons - Mizuta Hayato is overjoyed when he discovers his childhood friend Hyouno Wataru has returned ~ from a four-year stay in Tokyo ~ to work as a teacher at his school. Wataru isn't, however, what he used to be. He's so cold now.

Crossbone Gundam: Skullheart

Sequel to Crossbone gundam. Unlike the other two episodes of the 'crossbone saga' this volume focuses on several short stories that don't have such a great effect over the jupiter war. While the book itself is not meant to be comedy, but the 'character' of the stories is (generally) much less serious than either the first or the third part of the crossbone series. The stories are pretty varied in both, placing and characters. Due to that the series is actually decently strong in the cameo department.

Strenuous Life

A collection of 24 short stories about the troubles and stress at work faced by a wide variety of people, including a novelist, a dancer with a secret, a rabbit-powered bus driver and an elephant tamer.

Midgard No Shugosha - Re-Birth Of Norse Mythology

Soah is a lively human boy who dreams of becoming strong enough to defeat the Jotunn. He is also inspired by Thor, the heroic God of Thunder, who has patrolled around Midgard in order to eliminate all the Jotunns, protecting powerless humans, and Soah's friend. One day, after Thor returned to Soah's village for a short stay, Soah got captured by the Jotunn while he's training. Despite of his hesitation to attack the Jotunn because of the friendship they shared, Thor finally destroyed the Jotunn, but killing Soah as the result as well. Seeing Soah's determination, Thor bestowed all his Meging into reviving Soah, sacrificing himself. Several years passed by since the incident, Soah now is traveling out of his village along with three Meging weapons Thor left behind, in order to carry out Thor's will and protect Midgard from the Jotunns. ----------------------- From MangaHelpers: In this story of Norse mythology, humanity's world of Midgard is caught up in a war between two of two powerful divine races, the Jotunn and the Aesir. Humans can't stand against them, due to the godly 'Megin' power of the divine races. The Jotunn see conquering Midgard as the first step toward attacking the home of the Aesir, and they slaughter many humans along the way. The Aesir step in to rid Midgard of the Jotunn and protect the defenseless humans. One of these Aesir, Thor, made his home base in a certain grateful human town. In this town lives a young boy named Soah, who lost his parents in a Jotunn attack. He idolizes Thor and dreams of one day becoming strong enough to fight Jotunn and protect people. Thor enjoys Soah's childish enthusiasm, and the two of them share a warm friendship. One day, a Jotunn invading the town uses Soah as a human shield. Thor protects the town, but at the cost of the life of his young friend. Unwilling to let the strong-hearted boy die, Thor bestows his Megin upon Soah and vanishes. After much training, the now-powerful Soah begins to realize his dream, fighting against the Jotunn in Thor's place! [tethysdust]

Picked Up A Demon King To Be A Maid

Picked Up A Demon King To Be A Maid summary: If the big breasted demon king was reduced to a slave, what would you do to her? Would you kill her and become humanity’s greatest hero? Or would you enslave her and enjoy the highest level of pleasure in the world? No, he doesn’t want any of that, Lin Xiao just wanted to be an unremarkable reserve hero. Black stocking long leg princess, two-faced loli saint… no one can tempt him to change his majestic ideals of eating and waiting for death! That’s why his answer was — “Demon King, can you quickly put on your clothes and scram on out of here?”

A Journal of the Plague Year

A Journal of the Plague Year summary: A Journal of the Plague Year summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Journal of the Plague Year. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I Somehow Got Strong By Raising Skills Related To Farming

I Somehow Got Strong By Raising Skills Related To Farming summary: To live as a top-cla.s.s farmer, Al・Wayn levelled up his agricultural skills, and sometimes his other skills by helping out his friends. One day, when his last skill level hit MAX, his life changes. “I want to live as a farmer!!”

Wrapped In Pleasure

Wrapped In Pleasure summary: Wrapped In Pleasure summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wrapped In Pleasure. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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