


曾经青梅竹马的一对,四年后意外在大学校园中邂逅。 都说是,人生若只如初见……初恋之花,真能结出美好的果实吗?






























内容简介:  大靖朝一夫一妻典范,被誉为佳话的帝后,死后齐齐重生了。   这是一个重生的皇帝陛下想替小皇后择良配、拉红线,可拉着拉着却又拉回了自己身上的故事…………正版读者订阅群:734187 6741w0-300 >>


内容简介:【全文已完结,接档文《修真团宠穿成小可怜》已开,求收藏,谢谢づ ̄3 ̄づ】被认回祝家两年后,江一念嫁给了帝都人尽皆知的病秧子。所有人都觉得她爹不疼娘不爱,没享两年福,后半生还得守活寡,真 的可怜到家了。然而——“小可怜”江一念鞭抽厉鬼,脚踩妖魔,掏出一叠灵气逼人的符箓:“倒霉符、驱鬼符、转运符、引魂符、净化符……了解一下?”众人:虽然听不太懂,但是好像很厉害的样子?还有些人:再厉害又怎样?不还是得守活寡?直到他们瞠目结舌地看着“命不久矣”的病秧子徒手将厉鬼撕碎,嚼吧嚼吧吃了,抬眸扫向他们:“嗯?刚刚谁说念念要守活寡来着?”众人惊慌逃离。真的是瞎了眼,一连看错两个人QAQ大佬隐藏得有点深嘤嘤QAQ没过多久,江一念的名字响彻帝都,不是因为她是谁家女儿,也不是因为她是谁家媳妇,只是因为她是江一念。某帝都贵女:“江大师救了我的命,是我的大恩人!”某连锁酒店老总:“江大师救了我全家的性命,是我全家的大恩人!”某娱乐圈大佬:“江大师道法高深,是我们全公司的大恩人!”围观群众瑟瑟发抖:???怕了怕了,告辞!——————新文求预收——————①《修真团宠穿成小可怜》渡劫失败,天才修士叶诗远穿成了豪门备受欺凌的小可怜。渣爹继母,私生子弟妹,嫉妒成性的各路极品粉墨登场。从来没有受过欺负的叶诗远表示没在怕的。渣爹利欲熏心要把她嫁给老男人,叶诗远就直接把他打晕抗到老男人床上,送他二人入洞房。私生女莲言莲语恶心人,叶诗远一发禁言咒丢过去,世界顿时安静。不久后,叶诗远摆脱极品家人,摇身一变,成了举世闻名的玄学大师,从此财源广进,每天数钱数到手软。最重要的是她找到了一个人形火炉,再也不怕被自己的灵力冻死了≧ω≦唯一烦恼的就是明天该想什么理由接近那个孤傲的少年,苦恼jpg邢岸一出生就克死了母亲,从小被亲人送走,龟缩在龙行山上十多年才得以下山。下山后,他主动远离亲人,也从不和任何人交朋友,特立独行的像个侠客。直到叶诗远的出现,让他寡淡的人生多了一丝乐趣。看着这个对他不是摸就是抱的女孩,邢岸以为她馋的是自己的身子,没想到对方馋的只是他的阳气。邢岸:“……”CP:耿直毒舌福星女主vs天煞孤星霉神男主②《我靠种田暴富了重生》作为《真假千金》里面的真千金女主,夏知墨却惨遭穿书女配打脸,亲生父母不认,与养父母关系破裂被扫地出门,最后还被假千金的疯狂爱慕者撞死街头。重生回来的夏知墨表示这破千金我不当了,爱谁谁回老家种田去!没想到灵气复苏,老家的庄园成了其中一个灵气点。从此,古井化灵,井水变药泉,包治百病。院里,各种神奇的植物如雨后春笋般冒了出来。养在井里的百年老龟也拥有了锦鲤的属性,百求必应。夏 >>


内容简介:兽人超级人兽(高H)简介:不解释了各位书友要是觉得《兽人超级人兽(高H)》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!您要是觉得《兽人超级人兽(高H)》还不错的话请不要忘记向您 QQ群和微博微信里的朋友推荐哦!h31w0-29482 >>


内容简介:随着基因嫁接技术的成熟,玛雅大祭司的第三只眼现世,杨超然成为了唯一能够融合玛雅大祭司基因的人。 从此,逆天崛起,神瞳无敌!1w0-1186


内容简介:意外穿越异世,别人成仙成佛,惨点的也是废物逆袭。可是到了古二蛋这里,他却发现自己一点盼头也没有。因为这家伙成为了一个骷髅兵!还是一个没有脑袋的下等残躯战损版骷髅兵!生活不易,骷髅叹气, 望着自己一两肉都没有的身体,古二蛋决定要逆袭给所有人看!“金手指系统!我要称王称霸!给我发威!”“收到宿主期盼,本系统已按照期盼进行修改,正式进化为骷髅领主系统,你可以通过收集资源来强化麾下士兵啦!而且是没有上限的强化呦!”“哦?这么厉害的吗!那么这种能力也能作用到我的身上对吧!”“…………”“对吧?”“…………”“对吧?!!!”各位书友要是觉得《骷髅领主的成长日记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79447 >>


内容简介:  【这是一本披着哈利波特同人皮的火影+假面骑士文】艾伯尔特·斯托克。(Evolto·Stalk,蛇皮怪E总跑到哈利波特世界来辣!)第三代黑魔王,栖息于北海上的阿兹卡班。哈利波特世界的 首位尾兽人柱力。创造了第一代骑士系统的天才炼金学家。无杖施展五行遁术(元素魔法)的先驱者。晓组织的幕后掌控者,同时也是巫界大战的挑起者。(本文有大量乱入元素,如感不适请勿食用)1w0-3327 >>












内容简介:  有人掌出青龙,威震天下。有人拳碎青山,万人敬仰。有人千年不死,宛如仙神。有人悲天悯人,慈悲度世。这惶惶大世,岂能没有我一席之地?(主角杀伐果断,不圣母,有实力就杀,没实力就苟)建了 个群680610894欢迎来催更(请看完三章再决定要不要弃书,本书真的杀伐果断)1w0-2573 >>


From CMX: How far will one man go for love? Find out in SEIMADEN, the tale of Laures, who agreed to become a demon in order to free his one true love Erise from a demon king! Laures became the next Demon King, and Alice was freed — with death. Laures, however, realized that his new inhuman status gave him a rare opportunity: by being the cruelest and best Demon King, he survived long enough to see Alice reincarnated, and then he would effectively be reunited with her. Laures, after living through the centuries, has finally found his beloved reincarnated as Hilda, a dancer who has no memories of her own past or identity. Now he must see if she will accept him as a creature of the underworld…

Kiddy Grade Vs

From Studio ADTRW: After suffering numerous interstellar wars, mankind has finally formed an interstellar union. However there are still many disputes and wars occurring amongst the members of the union itself. In order to resolve these problems, a secret organization, known as GOTT, is formed. They employ agents with special powers to fight for the organization. Agents Eclair and Lumiere are two girls with outstanding abilities, and they are assigned as partners. Together, they fight, and slowly uncover more and more about the secret of the organization that they work for. Note: Dragon Jr version, less serious and more chibi-looking than the Shounen Ace version

Maou No Kyoushitsu

An oneshot by Yoshikawa Miki; a teacher for the fifth graders claims to be the king of the underworld!? Some of the students then decides to investigate him, is he really from hell?

Ahiru No Oujisama

In reality, an ugly duckling could never become a beautiful swan. However, when a short ugly boy makes a wish to be reborn beautiful, his wish is granted and he becomes a gorgeous young man that all the girls fall for. Will being beautiful be everything that he hoped it would be?

48 Hours a Day

48 Hours a Day summary: Growing up with eccentric materialist parents who left him in the care of his grandfather for a job overseas, Zhang Heng had learned to adapt and be unfettered by the oddities and challenges in life. But he would soon learn the baffling truth about the world he thought he knew when one day at midnight time froze and he found himself in a world so quiet and still it was deafening. That night, he discovered that he had 24 hours more than everybody else and thus, marked the beginning of his adventures. The mysteries surrounding his newfound ability only deepened when a strange old man claimed to have given Zhang Heng that ‘gift of time’ and recruited the young man to partic.i.p.ate in a cryptic ‘life-changing’ game on his behalf. Little did Zhang Heng know that accepting those terms meant embroiling himself in many versions of reality and exposing himself to the hidden secrets of the world—a decision he could never undo.

Gacha Sovereign

Gacha Sovereign summary: Alexander Sirius’ life has. .h.i.t rock bottom, his parents hate him, he lives under the shadow of his genius sister, and even his own girlfriend cheats on him, all this changed when he gets another chance.
Transported to Another World? Cultivation World? A Modern World? How about all of them? From countless planets in the Universe, Each planet has its own technology, culture, and civilization.
In another world, carrying all the traumas with him, would he manage to reform himself and become the sovereign of his life?
«Okay, what can you do?»

Emperor’s Domination

Emperor’s Domination summary:

Emperor's Domination is an engaging and exciting novel written by Yan Ni Xiao Sheng. It is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull.com. That's why you can find different interesting details about this book on the website. You can also read some chapters too, however, you have to be a registered user in order to perform that type of action. Fortunately, you can easily create an account on the site if you do not have it already. The procedure is simple and straight forward, the membership is free, so you do not have to pay a penny for the service. 

  Emperor's Domination is a mixture of few great genres such as mystery, adventure. martial arts, action, and others. So there is a little for every genre, and the content can satisfy different reading needs and habits. The book is quite popular on the website considering several hundreds of mostly positive votes. The rating is also high thanks to this fact, and that's a good testimony of the novel's quality. It is important to be aware that this is a very long book with almost 2200 chapters, so you have an opportunity to read in the long run. The status is ongoing, and the book still receives frequent updates. It means the story is not finished yet, and that's quite exciting because no one still knows what will happen at the end. 
  An imprisoned boy is at the center of the plot in this story. he is in a prison for years but now has a possibility to regain a mortal body. He becomes a disciple of a powerful patriarch who is the head of Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. They are a strong couple together, and a bright future is ahead of these two great individuals. Slowly, they will start returning a former glory the sect had in the past. In recent years the membership notice decline and many other problems but it is going to the end. That is the moment many awaits for quite a long time because different opportunities and positive things can be provided with the sect's growth and development. 
  The boy had various problems in prison as well as many of his inmates. He remembered many nasty things, and that's the part of the prison's life. However, he does not want to forget these problems he had because he believes appropriate compensation should be granted to him due to this matter. That's why he is planning a revenge that might include different persons. On his path, the boy will also meet many of his old friends, and he will also meet many new individuals. Some of these will become his new friends while others will stay just casual acquaintances. 
  He will move through nine worlds during the story, and he will also have a chance to become a new ruler of the entire Heavens. That's definitely a powerful political position that can pull him up to the sky. Will he take the chance? It is up to you to discover, so you should not miss the opportunity to read the story. 

Flying for France

Flying for France summary: Flying for France summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Flying for France. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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