














简介【每周四更新】在没有遇到柯明轩之前,边老大酷炫狂霸拽,走路带风。纵然没有柯明轩,想必他也会继续活得开心快乐。 可惜偏偏遇到柯明轩,让他遭遇了人生中最大的皮肉之痛。续集《论一个厨子的撸猫修养》同步更新(改编自长佩文学网《秋以为期》,原著桃千岁)


















内容简介:地下界第一大佬楚狂魂穿修真大陆,成为仙武玄宗一名不入流的外门弟子。本以为人生彻底无戏之际,却是突然激活《诸天反派之首系统》。了解到系统作用以后,楚狂不经一阵发呆,从未见过如此邪恶的系统 。叮【外门第一反派秦笙,将于一天内上门寻求您的帮助,届时从秦笙手中获得的好处越大,完成任务之后,系统所给的奖励越丰厚!】自此,无论楚狂去到哪里,基本都会有反派找上门来寻求帮助。这是一个真正的反派系统,专门帮助各路反派,碾压、虐杀他们招惹不起的主角。慢慢的,楚狂也喜欢上这种碾压、虐杀、欺凌主角的快感。从此,在反派之首这条路上越走越远…本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《开局成为反派之首》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82643 >>


内容简介:楚乾穿越成了大楚王朝寿元耗尽、突破失败的太上皇,本以为又要挂了,却没想到激活了签到系统,在任何地方签到,都有奖励。在禁地洞府中签到,奖励涅槃金丹!在皇宫御膳房签到,奖励吞天魔功!在皇宫 金銮殿签到,奖励天子封神术!……楚乾本着不无敌不出世的想法,苟在皇宫禁地签到六十年!六十年后,百万异族铁骑杀入皇都,要对无数百姓展开屠杀之时,炼化极道帝兵的楚乾终于走出皇宫禁地!……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我太上皇禁地签到六十年》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70314 >>


内容简介:我总以为,一旦女人渴望权力,会比男人更加狠心绝情。在桑家,我是最不起眼的三小姐,只因我是小妾所生,而这个妾,还出身青楼。我的姐姐们可以是凤身,而身份卑微的我,只配做妾。我不做妾,他们想 我卑微,我偏要活得万民敬仰!当姐妹共侍一君,究竟是情深,还是恨浓?我争宠,只为尊严!r各位书友要是觉得《从庶女到后妃:妃子不善》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70250 >>


内容简介:微博小磨唧传闻国内顶尖战队的鬼才队长freedom对奶茶上瘾。他眉目寡淡,沉默少语,轻狂孤傲。后来才发现她比奶茶更甜。呵尝过她,便发现奶茶什么也不是。小剧场:freedom散漫的歪在电 竞椅里打游戏,淡道:“经理给我叫杯奶茶。”林苑眯眼,点着手表:“明天有比赛,你该睡觉了。”freedom薄唇紧抿,键盘按的啪啪作响。队员1:喂喂,队长生气了。队员2:生气又怎么,还不是乖乖听经理话。ti夺冠那天。西雅图钥匙球馆,上万中外观众面前,冠军队长消失了。解说席一脸懵逼,喂喂,你的冠军盾不要了?镜头一转。解说惊讶“找到了,freedom在他们战队经理这!”freedom意识到镜头,嘴角微扯,瞥了眼摄像机,一把捞过身边的林苑,低头吻了上去。林苑停顿了片刻,怔了怔,双眸闪过一丝柔意,纤细白嫩的手臂勾了上去。周围全是尖叫欢呼声。赛后采访林苑笑了笑:我只是想陪他一起拿到ti冠军。freedom面无表情:我拿到ti冠军不只是为了国家荣誉,也是为了她。阅读指南轻狂孤高dota大神x美貌战队女经理dota2电竞小甜文。没有过多的游戏内容,人物无原型。游戏赛事或许会与现实不同,勿细揪。各位书友要是觉得《她比奶茶甜》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27243 >>




内容简介:一介凡人,无奈进入江湖随波逐流,为掌控自身的命运不断努力,机缘巧合之下的进入修真界并以追求长生为目标。各位书友要是觉得《天行缘记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1 w0-31362 >>


内容简介:末世降临,秦枫激活神级选择系统,只要进行选择就能无限变强!叮!您有新的任务,先选择……选项一、等待尸毒扩散,奖励楠木棺材1选项二、寻找幸存者5,奖励黄金武器箱1选项三、拯救暗恋女神,奖 励逆天异能1于是,…1w0-75719 >>


内容简介:结婚半年后,我向丈夫提出了离婚。婚姻是自由的枷锁,我决定放飞自我。然后我的桃花运突然旺了起来。追我的人多到需要建一个聊天分组。就在我犹豫不决时,我的前夫,那个异能为超推理的横滨名侦探追 了过来,将他的各位书友要是觉得《我和乱步离婚以后综》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-37160 >>


内容简介:尸横遍野,哀叫连连,随着一场叛乱被镇压,云烨的倒下,似乎心中满是不甘。小冉的笑,李承乾的哀求,辛月的决绝,李世民的威严,长孙氏的慈爱,侯君集带血的脸,一幕幕从脑海中闪过,而云烨,就会真 的这样死去了吗1w0-69535 >>


内容简介:穿越洪荒被女娲用泥捏出来才能自由行动,话说需要捏这么大个泥像吗?九丈高!?本想在洪荒混日子,在妖庭和十金乌称兄道弟做二世祖。然而十金乌变成了“十”金乌,女娲只带着金乌老十蜗居退隐。二世 祖只能靠自己,在洪荒拼出个一片天!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我在洪荒有座山》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71934 >>


内容简介:1尽量日更2打开作者有话说配合食用更佳,wb空硬硬艾朗人如其名,爱浪,爱撩。新学期睡了一个颜好身材棒,一见他就会亮着星星眼并红了脸的乖学弟,艾朗的人生目标也从“挣大钱”变成现在的“挣了 大钱才养得起乖宝宝”。学弟疑惑地问:“……乖宝宝?”艾朗半开玩笑半认真:“我觉得,像你这样的乖宝宝就挺好的。”学弟红了耳廓,唇边若隐若现的小梨涡藏着未说完的话:像我这样,可不太好哦。甜宠指数★★★★☆Tags主受互宠年下学弟攻Gay里Gay气「一句话:一朵娇花变成一朵家花的成长史」受爱浪(理论强悍,缺乏实战)攻爱装(装乖装纯,有点偏执)★作者是文案废,请见谅★系列完结文《恶毒继妹的男神要撩我怎么破》★封面自绘想看大图的宝贝儿欢迎移步微博空硬硬■谢绝扒榜仙女们记得收藏作者专栏哦Mua1w0-96188 >>



Outbreak Company - Moeru Shinryakusha

Having a light novel author father and an eroge illustrator mother, Kanou Shinichi is a thoroughbred otaku. However he does not have any special power except for his broad knowledge, sharp insight, and impeccable instinct about 'moe' and its products, from manga to anime to games to light novel to figures. One day he found himself transported to a fantasy world where elves live and dragons fly. And he is given a task—not to fight monster or embark on a quest, but to enhance cultural exchange by becoming a 'moe missionary' in this fantasy world! He meets a palace guard who has a bit of fujoshi taste, a half-elf maid, and the empress who is a little girl. He comes up with the idea of building a school. At first it runs as a comedy but later there are serious matters that Shinichi needs to face: ethnic discrimination, social problems, conflict with neighboring countries, sabotage by opposition elements including Japanese government and the likes. Can he overcome the obstacles, successfully bring 'moe' culture to the fantasy world, and help the people there as well?

Mehyou To Chuujitsu Na Geboku

From StarryHeaven The Leopard and the Faithful Manservant: 1) After getting dumped the most spectacular way at the start of a new year, she calls up her childhood friend for some emotional unloading. And when she thinks things can't get any worst, she gets her wrist broken by the car accident caused by her friend. She then commands him to be her slave until her wrist is healed. A Fiery Kiss on a Rooftop: 2) With the party girl's hands forced by her parents to either get a teaching license or have her allowance cut off, she caves. Begrudgingly, she sets off for her practicum at a high school. His Feverish Glance: 3) With her wedding nine months away and a comfortable life seemingly in her lap, she helps a handsome stranger out when he was being pursued. The House Touched by a Spirit: 4) A trip with her married co-worker to Hokkaido ends disastrously after he chickens out after his wife contacts him. The girl tries to hitch a ride to town from a passing stranger but he brings her home instead.

Love & Catastrophes

A collection of 6 oneshots: 1. Escape. Akio is a juvenile delinquent who just got suspended from school for beating up the PE teacher, Koizumi is a model student. One day Akio runs into Koizumi at a convenience store and before you know it, they're driving around in a stolen car. How come Akio even knows Koizumi's name? And why is he stopping the car in this out-of-the-way place? 2. Soulful Cherry Bomb. For the last year and a half, Shuuji has been dating Kawano, but since Kawano got married a while ago, he's been coming by less and less, and when he does show up, they only have quick sex. Still, Shuuji is not so hard up that he would pay any attention to the crazy high schooler he met at the laundromat, no matter how much that kid says he likes him and wants to go out. Not even when the kid goes to ridiculous lengths to convince him of his sincerity. Or? 3. No Place to Go Home to. Odagiri Motoharu is a novelist who's taking a break from everything by renting an apartment in his old hometown, away from all his obligations in Tokyo. He wonders whether anyone will really miss him, whether anyone actually cares about his, rather than what he can do for them. Hirotomo lives next door, with Katsurou, and while the latter's girlfriend is there, Hirotomo is waiting outside, in the snow. Odagiri feels sorry for him, and takes him out to eat. When they return, Hirotomo shows his gratitude in a rather forward way, and that sets off a strange affair.

Radiata Stories - The Epic Of Jack

In the center of the world lies the human kingdom of Radiata. People throughout the land sing of its glory. Sharing the world with the humans are the fairy creatures. Dwarves, elves, goblins, and others all lead their different lives. Although they are not exactly friends, humans and nonhumans live side-by-side in harmony. In a small village, a young man named Jack lives with his sister. Dreaming of becoming a great knight like his father before him, he ventures forth one day to join the famous Royal Radiata Knights. But the fragile peace between humans and fairy creatures threatens to shatter... where exactly does Jack's destiny lie? This is Jack's Side of the story. Based on the homonymous game.

Vampiric Blood

Vampiric Blood summary: A newly minted vampire must struggle against all odds to control his new and fantastical abilities and to defend against all the supernatural threats that come with his new ident.i.ty

Franz Liszt

Franz Liszt summary: Franz Liszt summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Franz Liszt. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

River: The Suicide Forest

River: The Suicide Forest summary: River: The Suicide Forest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of River: The Suicide Forest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat summary: Trick or Treat summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Trick or Treat. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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