


































内容简介:  岛国留学不忍耻辱愤然回国,潜伏在军宪警内部,具有多重间谍身份,周旋于各方之间,几次生死、几次游刃于枪口之下,误会、暗杀、身负骂名......1w0-358


内容简介:p应小川某日突然被拉入一个群,在里面自称太白金星的忽悠下,莫名成了ldquo天庭地府办事员rdquo。这群里还活跃着一群自称天庭、地府的神仙们,他们闲着无事就吹牛灌水,偶尔也为天庭地府 的排位,吵架打闹不亦乐乎。当然,更多时候,他们习惯于一言不合发红包。于是应小川发达了,闲着无事逛逛微信群,手指一动,红包到手!1w0-75218 >>


内容简介:预收文挂一下哇主鬼灭乙游女主今天活下来了吗——让一个乙女游戏的女主上战场,你这是想让我死!眼睛一闭一睁。敌人死了。文案一:神原加奈原以为,就算见识过那么多的异界来客,所有的平行世界中, 自己的世界依旧是唯一没有超能力存在的和平世界。直到有一天,她出门(世界)旅游时遇见认识五年的网友藤丸君,从对方口中得知他们的世界本书关键词:幻想奇缘综漫少女漫黑篮校园《这座神社大有问题》小说推荐:异界之步步生莲、神之禁忌目录、醉卧红尘梦未醒之载酒行、冷宫签到八十年,我举世无敌、公子天下、星际之亡灵帝国、综漫良善一念为恶人间、精灵史前一万年、最高赦免、刺青、玄幻:我!天命大反派、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、夫君是我一手带大的、dota传奇教父、狐狸的报恩、霸爱(GL)、领主时代:百倍增幅、海贼:垂钓就变强、港片:我是幕后大BOSS、居山海、秋以为期、姽之婳、跨物种相亲、诸天里的美食家、超次元事务所、爱情公寓:全能逗比、不如休去、从西伯利亚开始建立帝国、茕茕、论如何追求一个志同道合的变态1w0-65551 >>


内容简介:“这个世界不是真实存在的。真正的现实是不可知论的,而平日的生活只是一层薄壳。”黑暗如是说道。在行走过一个又一个光怪陆离的世界之后,秋玹再一次,亲手触碰到了黑暗。秋玹:你敢直视我吗,崽种 ?黑暗:……无限流。升级流。1v11w0-25904 >>


内容简介:整个丰城都在看叶栗的笑话,看着她从名媛变成贫民,但所有人都没想到,叶栗转身一变成了名副其实的陆太太。整个丰城都知道陆柏庭恨叶家,但没人知道,叶栗却让陆柏庭爱了一辈子。各位书友要是觉得《 傲寒不知春》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w18823-25151 >>


内容简介:林寻独自从矿山牢狱中走出,掌御灵纹,心通万古,踏上了一条古今未有的传奇之路[微信公众号:xiaojinyu233]搜索公众号“萧瑾瑜”也可以添加。1w0-103 7 >>


内容简介:【万人嫌乐观小编剧X求而不得金融大亨】【先婚后爱】【十五年暗恋修成真】1白苏苏这人运道有点怪,从小就是挨骂体质。爹不疼娘不爱,老师同学嫌的快,就连初恋追了十年都只得了个“谢谢”。长大后 当了编剧,更是被无数观众骂上热搜,大喊退票。好吧,反正她也习惯了,靠着与生俱来的阿Q精神,小日子过得也还算不错。直到……她赶时间意外撞上了高中死对头程楮墨的限量版法拉利。对方目光沉沉,开出保险单:“200万,赔不起,人来抵。”白苏苏:!!!TT我这生活还能更惨一点吗?2凤城一中所有女生的心底都藏着一个白月光。他既是学霸也是众人可望而不可即的神。她们坚信无人可以配的上他,对方注定独美一生。直到七年后,他们收到了程楮墨的结婚请帖。而另一栏赫然写着高中时代总是对程楮墨避之不及的白苏苏。所有人都疯了,百般询问程楮墨是不是被绑架了?只有程楮墨淡淡的说道:谢谢祝福。婚宴后,有人撞见程楮墨发疯般的将白苏苏按在后花园亲个不停。这才知道,原来他早就走下了神坛,不过分人而已。3从见到白苏苏的第一眼起,程楮墨便知道他这一生,再也难以逃离。他试探着鼓起全部的勇气,向她告白,然而对方却只是低头冷笑,骂了句。“白痴。”于是,十五年的时间。他退让,沉默,极尽克制,只远远地看着,心里像是住着一个发疯的病人。直到……对方跌入他的陷阱。一而再再而三的诱他沉沦。那便,吞噬干净,别想离开。【早有图谋X一无所知】【偏执极端金融大佬X没心没肺金鱼记忆编剧】预收文《五个我皆深爱你》求收藏!文案:1黎素素作为一个打戏替身,见到过无数演技厉害的人,可偏偏没有遇到过像王嘉明这样变脸如此之快的人。每次见到她都像是陌生人一般,前一秒极尽温存,后一秒却冷漠至极。身份成谜,又充满神秘。有时他是作为财阀大佬出现,有时又是玩滑板的叛逆少年。有时他是偏执冷漠的外科医生,有时又是文质彬彬的文学教授。仿佛无数层面纱等着黎素素去追寻,尽管危险至极。幸好,尽管他每次都如同第一次见到她。但每一次初见,他皆是对她一见钟情。“我等了你几个世纪,终于等来了独属于我的药。”“要么和我一同沉沦,永世不可超生,要么带着我寻找光明,拯救我的人生。”2王嘉明的身体里住着五个人。他们跨越几个世纪汇聚在一个身体中,年龄不同,身份不同。每日吵嚷着,各执一词,从来没有一个固定的意见。然而,当遇到黎素素之后,他们开始合作了。因为同一个目标,一场无形的战争正式开启。硝烟开始弥漫,争抢、厮杀、夺取、占有。他们是同一个身体里难以共享的资源,不愿分享这人世间唯一的一抹光亮。只要成为主人格,她便是我一个人的。“你更爱谁?不被你爱的人格不配存在。”“谁是最后的王者谁便是最后的主 >>




内容简介:周三一月二十五号入V,家连载绿皮唧,盗文者顿顿吃鲱鱼罐头喝洗脚水满脸长腿毛。(西皮:晋衡×秦艽,不要逆西皮不要逆西皮不要逆西皮。)姓师,是一种我国民间极少被人提及的古老职业。传说每一个 姓氏都蕴藏了一种属于古老氏族的天赋,而只要拥有了这种姓氏便相当于拥有这个姓氏的能力。据全国第二十八次人口姓氏普查显示,在中国目前有超过一万三千六十个姓氏。那你知道……自己的姓氏在过去曾代表了什么?注意:姓师是一种职业。万家姓传统文化科普文。西皮:晋锁阳×秦艽,高贵冷艳瘸腿攻×邪魅狷狂神经病受,双主线不要逆西皮,一个残疾的我拯救一个有病的你的故事,谢谢配合。1w0-77280 >>




内容简介:微生渺死翘翘了,为了能够继续活下去,她开始在各个时空辗转,什么渣男、渣女们,你们准备好被各种打脸了吗?你们的宿敌来了。在这些过程中她自己也开始变的强大,灵魂渐渐的苏醒……(快穿,女强) 1w0-84769 >>

Shuu 7

A collection of love stories of girls who harbor unrequited love. 1) 7 Days a Week Fujimiya Ayu has been working in an amusement park during the summer holidays with her crush, Seto-kun, but on the last day of their job, she sees him get rejected after confessing to an older, married woman. When they get to school, they have a talk about their broken hearts and become closer. What will happen now? 2) In Love Saya, an energetic girl who loves heights, has an enemy. Natsume Ryou, a popular guy which she met in kindergarten, always teases her but even though, she (somehow) likes him! She tries many different tactics to get him to show whether he likes her or not... 3) The Fruit of Love Yuzuhara Mai quit the track-and-field team due to an accident a while back. In her classroom, she is seated next to the window and suddenly a freshman called Tooda Shuuhei appears at her window and asks her out! She turns him down but he said will keep appearing at the window for a month, until the seating arrangements change, trying to win her heart. Then she finds out from a classmate, about Shuuhei's illness.... 4) Sweet Little Winter Ashun has liked Zaine Nayuki since childhood. Nayuki has only thought of him as a little kid whom she takes care of, but when she found out that Ashun was going to go to another high school, Nayuki was surprised when she realized she didn't want Ashun to go...


The story of Steins;Gate takes place in Akihabara and is about a group of friends who have managed to customize their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past. As they perform different experiments, an organization named SERN who has been doing their own research on time travel tracks them down and now the characters have to find a way to avoid being captured by them.

Ookami Nante Kowakunai!!

A collection of six stories. I. I'm Not Afraid of the Wolf!. II. Occult Detective Group - Part 1. III. Occult Detective Group - Part 2. IV. Horror Angel. V. Tonda Birthday Present. VI. Ookami Nante Kowakunai!!.

Papillon - Hana To Chou

The story is about an ordinary (and rather unpopular) girl named Ageha who is constantly overshadowed by her popular and beautiful twin sister, Hana. Because Ageha grew up in the countryside with their grandmother while Hana was raised by their parents, the two girls ended up with drastically different personalities. For the most part, Ageha remains a silent and hidden student in the school, with only one friend (who isn't all that nice either). In fact, nobody even really knows that she is Hana's twin sister, because despite looking alike, there is still a large gap between the levels of their beauty and popularity. When Hana finds out that Ageha has a crush on a cute boy named Ryuusei (who is actually Ageha's childhood friend from the countryside), Hana becomes curious about their relationship. However, after hearing that Ryuusei hates people like Hana, Hana becomes irritated and using her charming personality, actually manages to snag Ryuusei as her boyfriend! Ageha is left with no one, but thanks to the strange (and attractive) new school counselor, and some unexpected allies, Ageha decides to do her best and take Ryuusei back.

Reynard the Fox

Reynard the Fox summary: Reynard the Fox summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Reynard the Fox. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Sleeping Bard

The Sleeping Bard summary: The Sleeping Bard summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Sleeping Bard. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

The Fierce Illegitimate Miss summary: Yu Linglong is the shu (born of a concubine) daughter in a general’s family. Since her mother was only a tribute dancer, her position is the lowest of the low. She used to live with her mother outside the father’s residence, and they only received some monthly money from him. He didn’t bother seeing them. But when her mother dies, she moves into the general’s residence.
The general is a very irresponsible and violent man. He doesn’t really get attached to women, just letting his l.u.s.t dictate his actions. His wife is a jealous woman, who killed one of his previous concubines, because he doted on her too much. She similarly wants to get rid of Yu Linglong, in part to vent her frustrations over her husband’s cheating habits.
Because the sixth miss – the general’s legitimate daughter, was bitten by a snake, she needs detoxification. The cure was apparently getting poisoned by scorpions, to fight one poison with another. But since she’s already weak, they decided it would be better if she drank the blood of someone poisoned by scorpions instead. The general’s madam naturally decided to use Yu Linglong’s blood. During the process of getting bitten by the scorpion, the original timid Yu Linglong died of fright (and maybe poison? it’s never made clear). Then Yu Mei takes over her body.
Yu Mei is a modern woman. She was some mafia boss, so she’s very capable with fighting and overbearing att.i.tude. She died because the man she fell in love with betrayed her and killed her. So she doesn’t trust easily afterward.
Since she took over Yu Linglong’s body, she refuses to adapt to the circ.u.mstances of a lowly illegitimate daughter, and uses her violence to fight for a peaceful life, where no one will challenge her and plot against her. Basically, she beats them up into submission. In the meantime, she acquires a tail – a very persistent prince, who only seems to stick to her harder, the colder she treats him. Did ancient men have such heavy tastes, she wonders.

The Influence of the Bible on Civilisation

The Influence of the Bible on Civilisation summary: The Influence of the Bible on Civilisation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Influence of the Bible on Civilisation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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