
































内容简介:7月19日入V,请大家支持我,鞠躬【预收文《在交换恋人节目当万人迷》《穿书十次后我撕了炮灰剧本》求收藏】黎欢穿书了,穿成了女主堂姐在直播节目里的对照组,女主踩着她立了一个豪门千金的人设 爆红网络,抢了她的老公,嫁入豪门生儿育女幸福一生,而她却活成了墙上的黑白照。黎欢来的时候正好是节目第一期,系统:“生命倒计时一年,友情提示:只能花钱才能活命。”节目里,女主正在化妆台前展1w0-26961 >>


内容简介:林钟远是公认的美人,追求他的人一拖一卡车,为了摆脱他们,林钟远谎称自己有一个深爱的白月光。“我很爱他,我们年少相识相知,虽然他现在已经不在了,但我已经发下毒誓,这辈子只有他一个爱人。” 没过多久,他就在任务世界里翻了车,被最大的反派Boss按在墙上,“听说,你非我不嫁?”危险度Max的丧尸皇笑得恶劣又危险,“要是早知道你这么爱我,我就不死了……”林钟远:QAQ白月光诈尸了还诈成了最大反派反派非要我负责第一个世界:丧尸末日位面,丧尸皇攻。第二个世界:待定。攻从始至终都是同一个人。受身上有个出了bug的万人迷光环。没心没肺,吃了就睡,天塌了也无所谓,潇洒不羁戏精小渣受又疯又病,记仇偏执,惹上就别想甩开,心思深沉重生狂犬攻哈哈没想到吧我又把文名改回来了!预收文欢迎收藏!现代妖怪题材的沙雕甜文:《我靠沙雕新闻爆红》伪替身真沙雕的欢脱甜文预收:《AI替身中病毒了》1w0-60794 >>


内容简介:现代人高燚在一次意外中穿越到三国乱世,遇明师,结英豪,诛奸贼,扫佞臣,逐鹿天下,问鼎九州,与刘备、曹操、孙吴展开生死对决,英雄意气,热血功名,沙场征伐,朝堂诡谲,一段段情仇爱恨血泪史, 一篇篇豪迈雄浑宏伟章,碌碌无名之辈,亦可扬鞭策马,号令三国!凛凛雁门…本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《回到三国当黄巾》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69030 >>


内容简介:  帝王一心只求长生逍遥,妖魔化人操弄江山社稷。这个世界获得权力最快的办法,便是抓住权贵们脖子上的缰绳。而权贵们最为害怕的力量,便是那些隐藏在黑暗中的妖,那些防不胜防的魔。1w0-14 78 >>


内容简介:下一本《漫画男主教我谈恋爱》《犯罪现场禁止恋爱》求收藏!——文案作为多金的百年寺庙继承人,周元不仅长得帅,还有一门精准算命的能力,日常除了给各种香客指点迷津,就是去青州市最牛的警局上岗 就业。没想到有一天他的算命对象躺在地上,而他成为了警方的第一目击证1w0-97057 >>


内容简介:  (禁欲摄政王×软萌小娇妻,独宠,1v1双洁)顾卿宁重生了,重生到了她四岁半的时候。重活一世的她,深知她上辈子没活到及笄就以和亲公主的身份嫁去燕国,受折辱致死。于是,果断的抱住了路过 的某人的大腿。“爹爹……宁宁要糖糖……宁宁要抱抱……”某男阴沉着脸,提着女娃的后领把她丢了出去……后来,打脸了。“王爷,小姐又把皇帝惹哭了……”“王爷,小姐又将太傅的胡子拔了……”“王爷,小姐又上房揭瓦了……”“王爷……”“无妨,她爱闹,本王就陪她一起闹。”1w0-3341 >>


内容简介:免费提供作者方方的经典小说:《盛世娇医》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说★精华简介★她是顾家痴傻的六小姐;她是名满天下的金神医;冷暖两世,双面人生;只为那最残 忍的温情。咦?为何半路又杀出来个程咬金?这又是个什么鬼?1w0-81074 >>


内容简介:小兵网提供孙悟空的人生模拟器最新章节免费阅读,请将孙悟空的人生模拟器章节目录加入收藏方便下次阅读小兵小说阅读网尽力在第一时间更新小说孙悟空的人生模拟器,如发现未及时更新,请联系我们。1 w0-84968 >>


内容简介:“你渴望修仙吗?”“不,我渴望妹子,很萌的那种!”“当你触及到人类修仙的巅峰,无所不能的你想要什么就有什么。”“那我渴望修仙!”说人话,这是一个少年重生变成了一只鸡,以一个妖的身份重新 走上人生巅峰的故事。交流群,4112056531w0-85644 >>


内容简介:朕真没把敌国皇帝当替身简介:狗血沙雕风无火葬场无真替身文学疯p小野狼暴君攻×咸鱼美人大佬受钟阑从无限流中退休,选了一个古代世界养老,穿成男主的敌国国君。男主被送来当质子,钟阑正好趁此机 会好好宠着男主,就等着男主攻占各国、统一天下,他必会因为长幼情分,当个清闲富贵的快乐废物。一切尽在掌握,钟阑一天天数着退休倒计时,直到发现——自己认错人了!真男主当了三年没人疼爱的小可怜,早就黑化了。钟阑赶紧弥补,但发觉不对劲。他对真男主越好,对方的笑容越冷。几年后,男主成为一代枭雄。传言他是玉面阎罗,1w0-67563 >>




内容简介:“别惹我,我老公超凶。”十八岁的姜咻嫁给了豪门老男人冲喜,同父异母的姐姐假惺惺:“听说寒爷是从地狱里爬出来的恶鬼,杀人不眨眼,凶残暴戾,咻咻去了傅家肯定会被折磨的很惨,活不过三天不说还 会被羞辱的嘤嘤嘤。”后来,她亲眼看见在豪华的商场里,传闻中恶鬼一般的老男人不仅帅到令人窒息,还单膝下跪温柔的给姜咻穿上了一只水晶鞋。再后来,记者采访傅沉寒:“请问两位这么多年来一直恩爱的原因是什么呢?”寒爷表示:钱给你,随便花。人给你,随便睡。就会一直很和谐。1w0-4970 >>

Ayakashi Koikitan

From Aerandria Scans: A collection of one-shots all based on popular ballets, but in Japanese setting and with a definite supernatural twist! Ghosts were once humans, too, and their love is still alive, told by the master of lovely, but eerie supernatural stories, Kamata Kimiko.

Family Complex

From Dragon Voice Project: Family Complex... This is exactly what Akira Sakamoto suffers from, being the second eldest son of the Sakamoto family and the only NORMAL person. The rest of the family consists of beauties, from the parents to the eldest son and the 2 daughters. Poor Akira feels that he's totally out of place, and tries to hide this from the others... but then one day it all comes out. How will his family react to this? In this hilarious manga, every chapter is dedicated to one family member, starting with Akira. Family Complex isn't quite like anything else. The second eldest son, Akira. Appears in another manga Princess Princess as a minor character.

Goshujinsama Ni Kiwotsukete

1)Take Care About the Master: When his twin sister breaks her leg, she forces Tsuda to substitute her at her secret job as 'Ruu' a waitress in a maid cafe. Of course, on his first day classmate Kaname shows up! But they're not close and Kaname has a hard time remembering people's faces... 2)The Romance Hidden in the Student Council Room: Over-achiever Kamida is used to manipulating people to suit his own ends, so gentle Kijima doesn't stand a chance. But Kamida is pretty stupid, and Kijima is unexpectedly stubborn. Can they get their feelings through to each other? 3)My Favorite Lunch- Company president Watanabe Kouichi is a bottomless pit and junior secretary Aibo Shuu is given the responsibility of keeping him fed. But the president is young and handsome and is being pushed to marry soon, and with a wife at home to make bentos, will Shuu still have a place next to the man he admires? 4)The Witch in the Health Room (Fake)- Atsurou thought life at an all boys school would be boring, but when your cousin is the school nurse and a beautiful young crossdresser, it makes things more interesting, unfortunately. 5) & 6)Family Pop- Hopeless college student Minoru doesn't know what to do when he's suddenly stuck babysitting for his cousin's daughter, sparkly classmate Ogura offers to help is a godsend. But family life quickly becomes very comfortable for the boys...


From The Pink Panzer: Partners was first written 15 years ago, although it has been re-printed several times since then. It's a ground-breaking classic, in the sense that it's the very first manga to realistically depict the gay S&M scene. Set in New York in the late 1980s, Partners follows the lives of six close friends who also happen to be leathermen. The manga depicts their relationships -- both sexual and emotional -- with unabashed honesty. While the story practically explodes off the page with a continuous, unremitting and glorious parade of smut, it isn't 'meaningless sex' -- these are committed couples in full-time relationships, where pleasure and pain are natural expressions of affection for one another. (You guessed it; that's where the manga's name comes from. They're 'partners.') The six friends that star in this manga are split up into three pairs. The main pair consists of Marlon and Doug, around whose relationship the manga revolves. Marlon, a high-flying executive, plays sub and devoted masochist to the beautifully dominant Doug. Doug is, interestingly enough, a janitor at the very company Marlon directs; during the average workday, they barely even make eye-contact. The contrast between their private and public lives is as stark as it is lovely. The other couples also feature in major roles, and what we end up with is an intimate and moving glimpse at an otherwise unconventional lifestyle. Be warned -- these aren't willowy bishounen clasping each other in slender arms! These are very real, very authentic male bodies bending and contorting in well-established ways. If beefy shoulders and leather chaps don't do it for you, you might be in for a bit of a shock!

Teachers' Outlines for Studies in English

Teachers' Outlines for Studies in English summary: Teachers' Outlines for Studies in English summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Teachers' Outlines for Studies in English. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

1000 Trillion Conglomerate

1000 Trillion Conglomerate summary: I want to get out of the soil. I want to get out of poverty. I want to make money / very much … !!! I want to live my life nicely. The greatest fortune of life comes to who has such a wish.

The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess And The Genius Young Lady

The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess And The Genius Young Lady summary: The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess And The Genius Young Lady summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess And The Genius Young Lady. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Neon Dreams: Loving Dallas

Neon Dreams: Loving Dallas summary: Neon Dreams: Loving Dallas summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Neon Dreams: Loving Dallas. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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