



蛮妻有毒 贴心大叔暖上天

类别总裁 军阀 婚恋


类别都市 恋爱 少女 总裁




















简介改编自网易文学作者 清尘淡出 作品《猎爱游戏:总裁情难自禁》 她是单纯温和的乖乖女,他是庞大财团流放多年的帝少。有天她被爱了五年的未婚夫劈腿,一气之下她嫁给了传说中有生理缺陷的未婚夫同父异母的哥哥。






内容简介:  《龙樱》、《海女》、《半泽直树》,不论是多么吸引人的影视剧,背后的故事都是由字组成的。当清水彻意识到这一点时,他还不知道以字为武器的自己,会在日渐倾颓的日本影视界掀起多大的风浪。日 娱相关,多涉及日本小说与影视剧。1w0-3437 >>


内容简介:有人说摄政王爷有洁癖,生人勿进,靠近者死。叶初云:???那这个天天缠着她,黏着她,骂也不骂走,踹也踹不开的男人是谁?又有人说摄政王爷权倾朝野、权势滔天,便是皇上也对他礼待有加,这世上再 无一人能让他低头折腰。所以眼前这位低着头弯着腰给她穿鞋的摄政王怕是个假的吧?还有人说摄政王沉默寡言、不解风情,视女色为无物。“本王的王妃貌美如花、娇俏可人、知书达理、贤良淑德,这世上再1w0-28282 >>


内容简介:狐女:“…”腾越:“你的话我真听不懂!”狐女:“…”腾越拿出手机,打开翻译软件。狐女:“…”[你想怎么死我都觉得不痛快去死…]腾越:“呃……”…简介无力,小说还是挺好看的。1w0-81 249 >>




内容简介:修炼一途,在于一个逆字!所谓逆天而行,不外如是!人可杀,天亦可逆!那么,比天更为强大的呢?能逆么?或者说,敢逆么!一切尽在本书之中……—————————————推荐老乡兼好友大作:《一 念成尊》推荐好友大作:《九天霸神》推荐好友大作:《异世之菜刀至尊》本书绝不会太监,烂尾。书友群:300462113本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《异世玄修》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84511 >>


内容简介:摄政王,你家王妃又退婚了简介:简介:一夜之间,大将军府林家,满门被灭,摄政王妃林清羽,赐白绫。到死,他才明白,什么喜欢、对他好,都是假的,楚翊川娶他,不过是让林家放心交出兵权,而后斩草 除根,好让幼帝稳坐江山,楚家天下再无后顾之忧。没想到,再睁眼,他竟然回到了还未和楚翊川成婚之前,重活一世,他绝不会重蹈覆辙,兵权,他林家不交;摄政王妃,他不做;这婚,必须退!“楚翊川,我要退婚!”“退婚,你想都别想!”(双重生宠文,1V1双洁)1w0-127776 >>


内容简介:关于反派他心狠手辣:【甜宠双洁1v1】江朱死了,江朱绑定系统了,江朱遇到了——反派萌萌小奶包反派阴翳美少年反派阳光小鲜肉反派超有钱大佬………………最后,江朱和反派过上了没羞没躁的幸福生 活。1w0-100555 >>


内容简介:粉丝交流群:73965128时隔八年重回故乡的王铁棍却赶上仙地村劫难,父亲重伤幕后黑势力逼迫,身为神秘组织成员之一的王铁棍奋起反抗,小小农民开始了一系列装逼打脸着实大快人心,期间俘获各 色美女芳心,不断上演暧昧小插曲,展露实力的同时也引起对立组织注意,导致诸多高手凶残追杀,跟美女总裁白紫菱之间的感情纠葛让王铁棍陷入更深的漩涡之中,小农民瞬间爆,为了保护亲人和爱人,王铁棍毅然决然踏上征途。1w20921-69425 >>


内容简介:那么多年下来,老苗家就剩下苗芊语这一根独苗苗可以传宗接代,无奈,老苗家的独苗苗根本不想结婚??!老苗家列祖列宗:混账!有一天,老苗家的独苗苗找了对象了……老苗家列祖列宗:混账!因为,独 苗苗自己捡了一个小孩儿,和这个小孩儿在一起了,然后……老苗家断子绝孙了。这是一个年下双性多肉精和年上花店老板娘的故事,只谈恋爱,不干别的ps有点担心你们分不清楚,所以特地说明一下,苗桃桃是男主,苗芊语是女主,顺便一提,男主和女主在一起就断子绝孙了。pps我的男主是真软妹再强调一下,在男主还小的时候,没有恋爱没有恋爱没有恋爱1w0-25970 >>


内容简介:◆文案◆傅家金龙令,紫玉斩花宫!江湖上,每个人都有秘密。你若踏入江湖,永远不知道下一秒将发生什么。恩怨情仇,爱恨纠缠,江湖上的血雨腥风挡不住无尽的缠绵爱恋。爱与不爱的距离,不过是那人转 身时,你抬起又放下的手。梦醒处,一场烟花散尽;回首成长,淡淡的香气中亦氤氲着淡淡的痛。◆读书群:60861592加群请加备注,为书中人物名字。谢谢支持!◆◆◆小贴士◆◆本文将于6月14日周六入(倒)V,倒ampgt看过的读者请勿重复购买哦!入ampgt谢谢大家一直以来的支持,往后也请继续支持……入更3000,如特殊情况会请假,然后补更。谢谢大家的支持。其他《傅家金龙传奇》系列文。喜欢的请点:傅家金龙传奇之傅家金龙传奇之傅家金龙传奇之傅家金龙传奇之傅家金龙传奇之各种风格不同的朋友的文文,喜欢请点:1w0-70625 >>



兽夫太污 h个不停

内容简介:涂山兰兰打了个盹一觉醒来,回到洪荒大陆刚穿越,就被一头夜鹰给掳回了家。面对身高三米,形如小山的大佬,涂山兰兰每天都在担心小命玩完。唯一的办法,就是讨好大佬!抱紧大佬的腿!意外发现,大佬 居然是吃货!涂山兰兰每天拿着各种各样的好吃的,去勾引大佬。涂山兰兰递出各种美食:“大佬,好吃吗?”某男直勾勾盯着她,“甜。”涂山兰兰可开心了,每天投喂大佬,并且带着大家全面建设小康社会。只是某个大佬,你能不能别用盯食物的目光盯着我?涂山兰兰:“瑟瑟发抖。”某大佬:“好甜,想吃。”1w0-28974 >>

Bokura Wa Itsumo

The series is composed of four heroine/hero. Nori: An energetic, upbeat girl who was heartbroken sometime ago due to her childhood friend. Now she is headed to meet Haruna, the lonely kid who she always played with back then but she was surprised to see he turned out to be a hunk. Kyou: The school's prince. From a distinguish family: he is handsome, smart, athletic and rich. He has never struggle for anything in his life, be it money or women. Haruna's sudden return throws him off momentum. Saeka: Nori, Kyou and her are childhood friends. She is mature, composed and understands the two quite well. Although beautiful she has never gone out with anyone due to being in love with her teacher from middle shool. Will her feeling be answered or will she find an unexpected love around the corner!? Haruna: The boy who comes back after leaving for many years. His reason for returning is unknown. The guy who’s clouded with mystery shows interest in Nori. Does he really like her or is there something else behind it... Summary: Nori Sakurada is told to pick up her child-hood friend Haruna at the train station. While there she sees a handsome unhappy guy who tries throwing his phone on the ground but Nori saves it...Suddenly she finds out that out is her crybaby child-hood friend Haruna. What will this lead to Also contains a side story called Himitsu no H-kun in vol.1: The well-known and popular Hakozaki-kun is the dream of every girl in Miwako’s school. However, he's hiding a secret! One day while walking down the street, Miwako notices him secretly taking photos of elementary schoolers!! Could it be that the famous Hakozaki-kun is actually… a… a pervert?!


Nana, a young boy suffering from extreme amnesia, has forgotten his real name. After helplessly witnessing the unjust death of three children during one of his trips, he vows to eradicate all wars of the surface of the earth. He then joined Tripeace, a small group of activists whose members use all kinds of weapons and will stop at nothing, not even the violence, bring peace to the world. But soon, the new registration number 102078 of Tripeace is faced with a dilemma: can we protect the peace at any price?

Kiss In The Blue

[From ShoujoMagic]: This is a very dark and angsty work, much more so than Miyasaka's other works. Saeki Chise has no recollection of the summer of three years ago. Whenever she feels as though her memories might be returning, her head begins to ache and Chise stops trying to remember. That's when Tamiya appears before her. He has a familiar face and photographs from the traumatic time that Chise's mind has suppressed. He uses the photos to blackmail her into becoming his woman...but then Chise is saved from Tamiya by Katsuragi Kaoru, the biggest delinquent in class! Chise begins to fall for Kaoru, but his role in this situation is not as innocent as Chise at first believes...

Tonari No Kare

From Wasurenagusa Matsuda moves to Tokyo to experience student's life for the first time. Already at the first day he meets his neighbour, who lives with a small girl who calls him Yo-chan. Why are they living together and where's the mother of little girl, and also why Matsuda is so interested in their affairs...

Protect Me, Love

Protect Me, Love summary: Protect Me, Love summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Protect Me, Love. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Flemmings And

The Flemmings And 'Flash Harry' Of Savait summary: The Flemmings And 'Flash Harry' Of Savait summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Flemmings And 'Flash Harry' Of Savait. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Series Of Short Stories

Series Of Short Stories summary: A series of short stories that go per volume, I have a pa.s.sion for writing and I just want to let some ideas get out there.

The Companion - The Hunger

The Companion - The Hunger summary: The Companion - The Hunger summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Companion - The Hunger. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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