










简介你想梦想成真么?看做梦大师让你梦想成真!已完结,谢谢观赏。交流Q群: 246040985 欢迎加入。






















内容简介:退婚当日,她给他算了一卦——大凶。于是,果真大凶。身着军装叱咤风云的他,因此“大凶”,成了她的顶头上司。一场退婚风云,一场隐婚历程,一场追妻之旅。他视她为掌心至宝,她却避他如洪水猛兽。 事实证明——这个人,这段情,是你的,那就——必须躲不过啊!楚凉夏永远也想不到,兜兜转转,她还是嫁给了他。一纸合约,一张结婚证,一个俊雅腹黑的男人,从此,楚凉夏开始了自己的隐婚生活。合约如下:一、婚后生活,各不干扰。二、亲戚朋友面前,该装的,那还得装;三、同居期间,互帮互助,以和为贵;四、……此合约,讲究公平公正的原则,绝对合理、互惠互利。楚凉夏很满意。但——结婚没多久,楚凉夏便悲催的发现,自己被坑了!那个衣冠楚楚的冷峻军少呢,怎么就成了个无耻的衣冠禽兽?!擦,脸呢?!【坑剧场一】婚前的生活——认真工作;认真相亲;认真坑蒙拐骗。婚后的生活——狠斗极品;智斗小三;勇斗家中那位爷!于是——楚凉夏爆发了!“我要离婚!”狠狠拍桌,楚凉夏手持桃花剑,直抵男人下巴。封子珩脸色一黑,一纸合同糊她脸上,“敢离婚,打断你腿!”【坑剧场二】晚上十点。楚凉夏手脚麻利的低头收摊。“算个命。”头顶声音飘来,冷得很。“收摊了!”楚凉夏头也不抬。“十倍价钱。”那声音强调。“成交……”楚凉夏欢喜地抬眼,可在瞥见来人后,笑容立即僵住,“再见。”抱着神棍必备道具,楚凉夏转身就跑!然——身后伸出一只手,揪住她的衣领。“这位爷,看您面相极佳,咱俩相遇算缘分,给您免个费如何?”楚凉夏一脸假兮兮的真诚。“再敢摆摊,扣两个月工资!”某位爷冷着脸开口。“……”某楚秒怂。下一秒,直接被丢上车。【坑剧场三】深夜。被压在床上的楚凉夏,抓住某位爷的衣领抗议。“合同上没这要求!”“也没禁止。”某位爷理所当然。“你个禽兽!”“楚凉夏,你果然天真。”某位爷冷笑。“……”于是,扑倒!本文又名《我是神算我怕谁》、《我家娘子会算命》、《兵哥哥该如何挽救媳妇的封建思想》、《剪刀手一波三折的成名史》、《爱上无耻军少该肿么破》,等。男主军人出身,霸道总裁一枚。女主歌手出身,神棍一枚(伪),有正经职业,后期当红明星。一对一,婚恋暖文,半娱乐圈,主打温暖搞笑的爱情故事,欢迎跳坑。PS:本文神棍设定乃虚构,一切纯靠作者YY,不涉及歪门邪道思想,不牵扯怪力乱神,请勿考究。1w0-29144 >>


内容简介:姚青梨穿成未婚生子,被赶出门的名门嫡女。全京城都等着看她笑话,想看她如何凄惨度日不料,她左手医术济天下,右手毒术退宿敌,凭实力玩转京城失节无人敢娶可眼前这群优质男是怎么回事?个个争着给 她娃当后爹这时,某权倾朝野的战神把她往墙角一堵“娃都给我生了,还想找别人”她咬牙冷笑“你个狗男人,我找你很久了这四十米大刀,准你跑三十九米”1w31366-93310 >>


内容简介:周森,顶流男团偶像,归国后被黑料风暴笼罩。但他只想成为一个演员,重新追梦,只不过现实总是喜欢开玩笑。周森:“咱们商量个事。”粉丝:“啥事?”周森:“我不想当偶像了。”粉丝:“?”周森: “我的意思是,我想当个影帝。”粉丝:“?我们只管票房。”颁奖现场:“恭喜周森获得最受欢迎男演员奖和最佳导演奖!”,所以最佳男演员呢?我的影帝呢?1w0-60025 >>










内容简介:已婚少妇去同学家借住,却不小心和同学的老公ca起腾腾yu火。她只不过是去喝个酒,顺便借着酒劲想跟陌生男人接个吻睡一觉而已,关他什么事。他只是她同学的老公而已,guan的未免太多了。她有 些恼羞成怒,她通红的眼睛瞪着他,忽而屈辱地哭出来,“是啊!我没醉!我就是想找男人zuoai!怎么了!你guan得着吗?!”男人轻轻笑了一声。他忽然走近一步,他个tou太高了,压低了背,才凑到她脸前。“跟我zuo。”他说。本文出轨偷情,1v1,高h1w0-98483 >>


内容简介:作为《犯罪心理》的忠实粉丝,牧歌穿越到了一个奇特的美剧世界。故事从高中开始,请跟着牧歌感受一个不一样的美国。从标题就大概知道作者君想要讲述的是一个关于杀手和警察之间的故事。作者君第一次 写小说,手速有限,但是保证不TJ!!就算烂尾也一定将这个世界描写完整!!!准备融入的美剧:《犯罪心理》、《汉尼拔》、《美国恐怖故事》等等,适当的时候可能会加入《邪恶力量》本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《连环杀手在美国》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80767 >>


内容简介:  重生为细胞,携狱典之力,来到古老者已苏醒的平行世界。蒸汽文明、惊悚空间、永夜旧王、城外异魔。命运之门已开启-十字军、图书馆、掌控、机械、神秘学将作为人类发展的全新成长体系。人类的赞 歌是勇气的赞歌!勇往直前的骑士团,驰骋在古老王者统治的世界下,夺回属于人类的自由。Ps:普通一群437125775(已满) 普通二群1020207022(还有很多位置)请先进普通群后,看群公告加入V群。1w0-208 >>


内容简介:简介:时沂X钟俊同温柔可爱自卑人妻X话少的丈夫时沂嫁给钟俊同一个月了。钟俊同娶到时沂一个月了。但是两人都有个隐秘的期盼:要是他多喜欢我一点就好了。他们都是冰面上的人,冬日里的鱼在冰面下 相吻,而天光之下,他们得鼓足勇气才能若无其事地牵住对方的手。1w0-80314 >>



Top Wo Narae 2!

Adaptation of Top Wo Narae 2!/GunBuster 2 From here 'Top wo Nerae 2! Diebuster follows the story of Nono, a country girl who dreams of becoming a space pilot (or to be more precise, 'like Nonoriri,' the meaning of which is revealed as the series progresses) who, due to a chance encounter with an actual space pilot finds herself becoming part of the elite Fraternity. Made up of teenage pilots called Topless, and armed with quasi-humanoid weapons called Buster Machines, the Fraternity's mission is to protect the people of the Solar System from attack by swarms of uchuu kaijuu (literally, space monsters). The series revolves around Nono's quest to become like Nonoriri, her relationship with Lal'C Melk Mark, the first Topless she meets whom she immediately idolizes (to the point of 'ironically' calling her onee-sama, or big sister), and the hard work she believes she has to do to be 'worthy' of Lal'C's attention. It also explores her interactions with the rest of the Idols, her efforts to fit in and, ultimately, the truth to her forgotten past.' The manga covers about half of the OVA story. The 'extra story' chapters in Dragon Age are more comedic than the Dragon Age Pure chapters.

Oujisama Game

A series of interconnected romantic comedy one-shots involving a Royal Family with 7+ sons in line for the throne and the men they fall in love with. The series also occasionally chronicles the romances of other palace employees and secondary characters. 1) Prince vs Slave - The youngest (7th) prince Shuki, gets hugged by new slave, Fuanron, that seems to know young prince. Shuki starts to bully the slave till their roles get reversed and he even takes place of the prince's teacher, Riiren. Who is Fuanron in reality? 2) Prince vs Assassin - 1st prince, Ryuuen, gets attacked by Seiran, but he defeats him and makes a deal: the assassin can try to kill him all the time, but if he fails, then he must spend the night in the prince's embrace; and so starts Seiran's life as an official consort. 3) Right-handed Priest vs Left-handed Priest - Rei has been in love with Ryuuen (the 1st prince) for years and now he has finally become the minister of the right. He thinks he can get closer to the 1st prince, but there is an obstacle, the minster of the left, Rai, that says that he is in love with Ryuuen too. 4) Mercenary vs Prince (vs The 4th Gun-Warrior?!) - 6th prince, Kagetsu, fell in love in Jin, who helped him with his wounded feet. Now he escapes from the castle everyday to tell Jin that he loves him, but the mercenary doesn't believe him. Suzaku always comes to drag Kagetsu back to the castle, but what are his real motives? 5) Scramble Showdown (?) - Short comics (one page for each) with pairing: Jin x Ryuuen x Seiran, Rai x Seiran, Kagetsu x Fuanron x Shuki, Rei x Shuki (x Rai x Fuanron), Suzaku x Riiren x Tailor. This story of 2nd prince is also featured in the manga, Ousama Game. 王子様★ゲーム

Candy Life

( From, Angel~kurumi. xD ) The series basically talks about, which Makoto will choose. Life's been hard on her lately. She doesn't have money and a man. But, suddenly, things will turn in the bright side. But, just who will she choose between the them? The 39 year-old man or the hot 19 year-old guy which is the 39 year-old's sort of adopted son. Who will give her the sweetest life? From Baka-Updates: Life has been hard on Makoto lately, and she's nowhere close to her wish. She wishes to have a sweet, sweet life. When she's at the lowest of her luck, after her boyfriend took all her money and split, she's rescued by the handsome and rich Aeda CEO. To make things stranger, when she's supposed to get married to the ceo, she fools around with his son, without knowing his identity! Will she be able to find and choose the man that will be able to give her a sweet life?

Over Reach Boy

By Backlash67: While handing out flyers in the park for an art exhibit, Hideaki Kaoru meets a tall handsome young boy. The young boy, Kitamura Shin, immediately asks Kaoru to be his boyfriend. Kaoru refuses; he claims he doesn’t want to have a relationship with someone younger than him especially a high schooler because they would not have anything in common and lack maturity. Kaoru further states he isn’t interest in males. However, once Kaoru notices a bracelet that Shin wears which Shin claims is very important to him and from an unrequited love; Kaoru can’t help but become agitated with himself for being jealous of Shin’s secret crush. Can Kaoru overcome his prejudices against having a younger lover and develop a mature relationship with Shin?

Joe Miller's Jests or The Wits Vade-Mecum

Joe Miller's Jests or The Wits Vade-Mecum summary: Joe Miller's Jests or The Wits Vade-Mecum summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Joe Miller's Jests or The Wits Vade-Mecum. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Within Prison Walls

Within Prison Walls summary: Within Prison Walls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Within Prison Walls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

If Only etc.

If Only etc. summary: If Only etc. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of If Only etc.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Hidden Life and Other Poems

A Hidden Life and Other Poems summary: A Hidden Life and Other Poems summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Hidden Life and Other Poems. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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