





Mean girls茶里茶气





简介从我的身体里分裂出来的女孩子,天哪怎么会这样?我们该怎么相处?!更加坑爹的是我的青梅竹马的哥们死党也分裂出了一个。淡淡的基情,浓浓的逆伦理。。 。。这是怎样的坑爹生活啊。






















内容简介:已婚少妇去同学家借住,却不小心和同学的老公ca起腾腾yu火。她只不过是去喝个酒,顺便借着酒劲想跟陌生男人接个吻睡一觉而已,关他什么事。他只是她同学的老公而已,guan的未免太多了。她有 些恼羞成怒,她通红的眼睛瞪着他,忽而屈辱地哭出来,“是啊!我没醉!我就是想找男人zuoai!怎么了!你guan得着吗?!”男人轻轻笑了一声。他忽然走近一步,他个tou太高了,压低了背,才凑到她脸前。“跟我zuo。”他说。本文出轨偷情,1v1,高h1w0-98483 >>


内容简介:穿越为十四岁的美貌小娘子,却是一名死了未婚夫的小节妇,上有严谨古板的婆婆、下有刁钻弟妹。后面是烽火四起、前方是祸结兵连。咱要发扬一不怕苦二不怕累的精神,在乱世中活出精彩、与幸福。好不容 易让婆婆疼、弟1w0-46531 >>




内容简介:原书名《最强装逼打脸系统》!最强反套路,我TM反手就是一个套路,横扫修仙界无敌手,就问一声还有谁?装逼如风,常伴吾身!长路漫漫,装逼相伴!生死看淡,不服就干!“年轻人,当年我开始套路的 时候,你们还在穿开裆裤!”徐缺踏上了一条套路之路,每天不是在套路,就是正在去套路的路上!各位书友要是觉得《最强反套路系统开局烧毁》还不错的话请不要忘记向您的书友朋友推荐阅读哦1w2505-25001 >>


内容简介:天相奇观,五星连珠,这么重要的日子,萧七竟然被戴了绿帽子。意外的手机一响:七仙女邀请痞仙加入仙宫红包群。“咦,我捡了个七星葫芦丹。”“我靠,手气最佳,三十万功德币,赶紧闪。”“财神爷, 跟我拜把子吧。”“织女妹子,叫声痞子哥,你的仙籍,哥早晚给你要来。”这是情场失意,人生得意么?航大四大花旦,我萧七来了……1w0-27828 >>


内容简介:  三岁半的江怀鹿穿到了砍头现场!  睁开眼,闪着寒光的鬼头刀正悬在她头顶,摇摇欲坠。  爹娘正穿着囚服,伸长了脖颈,露出光洁的脖子,等待鬼头刀落下。  她爹正一脸严肃的看着她:“脖子 不要缩,一刀没斩断,痛不欲生。”  …………  这是一个邪祟盛行的世界。  这里阴气肆虐,百姓入夜闭户,天明而出。  王朝动荡,世界崩坏,国君残暴无度。  战火四起,百姓怨声载道,民不聊生。  国师预言,灾难将至,邪祟灭世,传说中的救世主降世,才可拯救世人。  救世主身怀异宝除邪祟,通阴阳,断公道,判生死,诛妖邪,能还人间清平!  全王朝都盼着,寻着……  可救世主,她才三岁半!  救世主能给灭世的邪祟表演个嚎啕大哭吗?  三岁的江怀鹿表示,她真的不想当救世主啊!  …………  阻止邪祟为祸苍生,只为祸我一人,不就行了?  曲线救世,那也是救世!1w0-1934 >>


内容简介:难道一个小小的属性点,就能打破自己认为的力量巅峰?……吕布手中闪着金光的方天画戟遥指天际,凌厉的恐怖气息从身遭迸发开来。“并州铁骑,出来吧!”……曾经辉煌的并州铁骑,如同黑色的潮水,带 着一股肃杀之气冲入敌军阵营之中。……天下,无人能挡住并州铁骑的冲锋。1w0-29914 >>




内容简介:既然穿越到游戏王的世界,那么就打牌吧,不对,决斗吧!真红眼中的无限银河,怀着暴怒与战意,一次又一次的击败敌人,黑暗游戏?我就是黑暗。红瞳的少女中二病又犯了可还行。游月你在墓地里挖土呢? 给我上啊!打开盖卡,真红眼之魂!出现吧,我最强的仆人!红瞳少女喂!我才不是你的仆人!该死的小鬼!游月不想打么?哦,那我把真红眼献祭,上级……主人!不要啊!!!1w0-60058 >>


内容简介:等待(百合ABO)是由板凳所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供等待(百合ABO)最新章节阅读等待(百合ABO)全文阅读等待(百合ABO)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现等待(百合ABO)更新慢 了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-87316 >>


内容简介:真千金她法力高强简介:苏黎曾是真千金,长到十六岁才被谢家认回去,然而谢家已经有了一个谢小姐,千疼万宠,天之骄女,苏黎备受冷眼郁郁而终,死后被困千水湖底,终成一代鬼王,重生没多久,谢家来 人了,苏黎:呵虞市上流圈子流传了个大八卦,谢家夫人十六年前生产的时候女儿被掉包了,真千金在山里长大,一进高中就跟人打了一架,还对深爱假千金的未婚夫死缠烂打,没多久大家发现被打那个跟在真千金后面叫老大,季家小公子天天接送她上学回家,可望不可即的大佬们都尊这位粗鄙真千金一声大师。众1w0-77897 >>


内容简介:  弘治十一年,弘治中兴正由兴盛走向衰落,贤臣们年衰致仕,内阁三人渐渐老去,弘治皇帝励精图治,也无法将大明推向更高的太平盛世。此时,京城西北角的破旧院落中,一个书生正翻阅着史料,检查这 个大明和穿越前那个,是否严丝合缝。1w0-1637 >>

Hajimari No Ao

Timeless love is… sad and faint, but also hot!! An evangelist pure love is spinning!!

Tokei Jikake No Ringo

Short story collection of a variety of more mature Tezuka work. The story 'Clockwork Apple' was borrowed from the book, before the movie was made, but has very little to do with the book either as Tezuka admits to writing it without reading Clockwork Orange.

Tour Shangri-La

1) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 1 Hirastuka and Matsuzono have been friends since college, but Matsuzono harbors secret feelings for Hirastuka, but as the heir to the company they both work at, Matsuzono's step mother opposes any relationship (be it friendship or more) between the two. She calls for Hirastuka and offers him a choice - never see Matsuzono again or become the tour guide to a Shangri-La trip and all that it may entail... 2) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 2 Kanou has traveled the world and seen many things, but the one thing that has haunted him for years is the sight of his father making love to a young man. The image burned into his memory is that of the young man, whose body pulsated with pleasure, and Kanou dreamed of being the one giving the pleasure. As a present for beginning a career, Kanou is on Tour Shangri-La, where any dream can be fulfilled. Can the tour guide Asada help this dream become a reality? And why has Asada, who hasn't been a tour guide for years, decided to accept Kanou's tour? 3) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 3 Daichi and Housei are step brothers. What started as a biker gang showdown between Housei and Daichis respective gangs ends in Housei raping Daichi as part of a ritual punishment for the loser. However Housei isn't happy to leave it at just once and continues their relationship until Daichi escapes. Now Daichi is a Shangri-La tour guide, and it just so happens Housei is his next client! 4) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 4 Kashii would often visit a small cafe where Hiroki, a young cook worked and before long Hiroki began to yearn for Kashii's approval of his cooking. However Hiroki decides to take on the job of a Shagri-La tour guide in order to experience and learn foreign cuisine after hearing that Kashii has a 3 star personal chef at his disposal. Kashii finds out about Hiroki's sudden change in job and follows after him, taking the place of the first client - and his first request is that Hiroki become his personal chef for 3 days. 5) Safari Act. 1 Kazuki is a half-human werewolf, Akira is a legendary pure white wolf. They fall in love, but Kazuki as a half breed is considered an outcast in the tribe. One day the tribe tells him to leave so that Akira can get a real mate. Kazuki, recognizing the truth of their words leaves and takes on the life of a normal human, even becoming a teacher at a school. Yet, five years later Akira reappears in Kazuki's life. 6) Safari Act. 2 Story about a veterinarian and his love for a particular breed of cat. Satoya owns and runs the Satoya Veterinary Clinic alongside his adorable assistant Minami. After a customers' criticism over Satoya's favorite breed, Minami becomes quite upset. What's hiding behind his reaction?

Sumomomo Momomo

Koushi Inuzuka is heir to an ancient family tradition of powerful martial arts. Unfortunately for his father, Koushi wants absolutely nothing to do with such dangerous things. His goal is to become an avenging prosecuting attorney, turning him into a bookworm that his father simply can't understand. Still, Koushi finds a great deal of comfort both in his studies and in the structure of law. Until the day that Momoko Kuzuryu, daughter of another great house, drops into his life and demands that he, the last scion of the strongest family of bushido martial arts, sire a baby with her. From that moment on, Koushi is forced to think and act faster than ever before as ever-stronger opponents appear to challenge him. The race to stay alive hinges on unlocking memories from his suppressed past and, possibly, unleashing his forgotten physical courage. And somehow, at the center of all those memories, stands Momoko. How can a wimpy bookworm survive the attention of skilled assassins for long? Then again, his opponents are discovering that some forms of strength have nothing at all to do with muscles or techniques...

My Reality is a Romance Game

My Reality is a Romance Game summary: A protagonist whose reality turned into game; the power of save-and-load bestowed to him; heroines with different and unusual personality traits. This is a story that turns around the whole concept of a romance game.

Capt'n Davy's Honeymoon

Capt'n Davy's Honeymoon summary: Capt'n Davy's Honeymoon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Capt'n Davy's Honeymoon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Raid of John Brown at Harper's Ferry as I Saw It

The Raid of John Brown at Harper's Ferry as I Saw It summary: The Raid of John Brown at Harper's Ferry as I Saw It summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Raid of John Brown at Harper's Ferry as I Saw It. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

American Institutions and Their Influence

American Institutions and Their Influence summary: American Institutions and Their Influence summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of American Institutions and Their Influence. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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