
































内容简介:【【2019“玄幻王者”征文】参赛作品】穿越王朝废物王子,幸得大帝系统,从此逆袭而上!王朝、皇朝、帝朝、天朝、天庭、天界!且看楚天如何崛起,带领王朝一路晋级天界,势要做那最强大帝!本站 提示:各位书友要是觉得《无敌最强大帝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83641 >>


内容简介:方云,因为误入修真者遗留的洞府成为地球上最后一个修真者,却因为念家只想在家陪陪家人,搞搞旅游。展起来的神奇的小山村引来了许多心怀鬼胎的各路人马,但是都在方云绝对的力量面前碰得鼻青脸肿。 本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《霸道修真农民》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81391 >>


内容简介:十年相处,她有眼无珠,不知渣男狼心狗肺,不识渣女伪善蛇蝎!被削了手足,剜了琵琶骨,惨死在冷宫深处!一朝重生,她一路披荆斩棘,剑指渣男,步步相逼:“上官鸿,我慕容笙怎会放过你?!就算是死 ,这一世,我也要带着你,黄泉路上一道走!”1w30741-30749 >>


内容简介:这世上有太多的未解也注定无法解开的谜团,比如萧如薰就不知道为何自己能从末世回到五百年前的大明朝。万历二十年,是最好的时代,也是最坏的时代。距离神州沦陷还有一个甲子,挽回一切的最后机遇就 在眼前。征西北,征朝鲜,征蒙古,万历三大征,成就绝无仅有的大明战神。然后。各位书友要是觉得《万历1592》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79768 >>


内容简介:  穿越到星际时代的一颗垃圾星上面,季柚穷得都快要刨土吃了,可……这里土有毒不能吃……没办法,她只能放低身段去捡捡垃圾,卖卖破烂啥的……  比如这么漂亮的草籽果然竟没人要,捡起来车个珠 子,能挂网上卖。  可一挂上网,就有人打差评:“草籽果都拿来卖,想钱想疯了吧?”  数日后,这人就后悔的直捶墙:“跪求卖我一个颗草籽果,就一颗!一颗就好了。”  季柚高冷道:“不卖!”  再比如,这满大街的破石头,亮晶晶的,竟然没人要,捡起来,打磨成镯子,挂网上卖。  众人口出恶言:“破岩石都拿来卖,是没见过钱吧?”  数日后,众人痛哭流涕道:“是我有眼无珠,是我眼拙,这么漂亮好看的石头,跪求卖我一个吧。”  季柚摊手:“没了。”1w0-913 >>


内容简介:当同学在为一年100万年薪得意时,李阳身上却出现了一整座玉山,随便拿出一块玉石价值就超过5亿。接着,李阳发现了这玉山上的一株植物竟然有神奇功效,可以研究出一种被西方垄断的治疗SMA的药 物。这种药物在西方一针才280元,却对华夏售卖70万。所以,李阳花100亿买了一家医院,宣布为华夏所有SMA病人免费提供药剂!很快,李阳又在山上发现了一种植物,研究出了治疗癌症的药物!他决定垄断,禁止对西方世界出售!之后,李阳又在玉山上发现了更多神奇的植物,最后甚至研究出了改变人体基因的创世纪药物……而当李阳翻过了玉山看到另1w0-29033 >>




内容简介:  侵华日军铁蹄践踏山西,一座隐藏着惊天内幕的绝密营地悄然落成:精锐兵力拱卫,诡秘队伍进出。中国军民为破此迷局,展开了惊心动魄的谍战与搏杀……1w0-3601


内容简介:一百年之后,一个人打井偶然发现了秦始皇陵的入口。世界顶级专家组成一个考古队,霍桑任考古队长。进入秦始皇地宫。中国特种部队教官临风担任考古队护卫。大战地宫鼠王和白化巨蟒,历经艰险抵达地宫 深处,奇珍异宝数不胜数。整个地宫以寒武纪黑鳞岩为苍穹,镶嵌夜明珠和钻石为星辰。秦始皇是一座金身塑像,以鎏金包裹尸骨,他没有棺材,坐在流光溢彩的宫殿正中,手握一把神剑。阅读一卷竹木简,传国玉玺也放在面前的玉几上。竹木简上是蝌蚪文。无人读懂,后来被陆离教授破译。里面隐藏着一个关于世界末日的秘密。秦始皇手里握着的神剑乃是陨石打造,有着神奇的力量,但是这把剑被盗墓贼吉斯抢走。从秦始皇陵地宫出来以后,临风为了夺回焰火神剑,他和考古队长霍桑,以及霍桑的孙女朵拉,从此开始了世界范围的冒险之旅。一路上历经磨难,探寻北极水晶洞,穿越死亡山谷,闯入亚马逊森林,最终集齐了三颗陨石。找到了传说中的失落之城,然后,世界末日即将来临……蜘蛛鼎力大作,必看恐怖小说。1w0-30941 >>


内容简介:当流浪地球穿越到无限世界,会发生什么事呢?三体舰队:“全体返航,地球向我们冲过来了!”霸天虎:“这谁顶得住啊?”行星吞噬者:“昨天我在太阳系输给一颗类地行星,它用引力弹弓过弯,它的逃逸 速度很快,我只看见了蓝色的行星发动机尾焰······”在阿凡达世界开采矿石,在星际争霸中抵御虫族入侵,在漫威宇宙收集无限宝石。因为一次离奇的带球穿越,乔律从此走上了不一样的人生。小破球,我们走!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《会穿越的流浪星球》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-28176 >>


内容简介:  带着吃不完的二斤牛肉来到1980年,海王没有再次下海,转身做起了人民教师。渣男本不渣,他也想成家。上本入了精品的小说没有写好,这本已经酝酿半年,定当努力讲一个好故事。群号33506 84791w0-3570 >>



Grand Sun

In Japan, criminals are running rampant, and the law enforcement quality is worse than it has ever been. Anyone who has a large amount of money or is even a bit famous is liable to be kidnapped at any time, and it happens constantly. Bodyguards have become a necessity for anyone who doesn't want to be held captive, and special schools have been created for the soul purpose of training body guards and special organizations called vigilante groups that are made up of of highly trained people with advanced combat skills enforce the law since the police do not. Asahi is part of a vigilante group called Nekomata, which makes its headquarters in a cafe of the same name in downtown Tokyo. Asahi is still young, but she's the best of the best working in the city, and is very passionate about her job. Then she gets called to a security school and offered a contract to be the bodyguard of the incredibly famous Kisaragi Sakuya, the rich heir to the Kisaragi Group and the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Prize with his incredible inventions. However, all of his previous bodyguards quit because of his personality and rather unfortunate hobby of testing his inventions on his bodyguards. Asahi accepts, and is whisked away from her rough-and-tumble home in Tokyo to a totaly different enviroment: the Kisaragi mansion. Eventually, she mangages to befriend Sakuya, and friendship grows into romance. Now, she must work to thwart the various criminals attempting to kidnap Sakuya, 90% of which want his money and 10% his skill, for if Sakuya were to join a criminal society and invent weapons for them, they would become the best in the world. Note: Originally used in Emura's W-Juliet II, the sequel to W-Juliet. The characters Sakuya and Asahi are played by W-Juliet's main characters, Ito and Makoto.

Itoshi No Kana

Though his name may mean good luck, Daikichi is far from lucky. Losing his home and his job, he narrowly avoids being homeless when he finds an old abandoned apartment building. But the apartment isn't nearly as abandoned as it first appeared, as it's being occupied by the ghost of a girl who committed suicide there many years prior. An ecchi romantic comedy from Tanaka Yutaka, mangaka of Ai-Ren. --from Solaris-SVU

Marry You!

A pixiv short story.

Oresama No Toriko

From Attractive Fascinante: Shijima Rui, a potter, and Ubukata Toriko, a cram school teacher, finally got to live together. Just like any newly-wed couple, because of their different backgrounds and lifestyles, they had to learn how to accommodate each other. Learning how to take care of a baby and getting their families' recognition were also the challenges they needed to face. But how would Shijima going to prove his love for Toriko when they met with a new love rival?

Creating A Virtual World

Creating A Virtual World summary: Creating A Virtual World summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Creating A Virtual World. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Wealthy Family's Warm Wedding

Wealthy Family's Warm Wedding summary: “If I really want a woman now, I hope it is you!” In the doctor’s office, Dr. Fu, who has always been proud and reserved, restrain his breathing and giving an invitation to the patient in front of him. “Although you are very handsome,…” “I can be responsible for you afterward!” Facing the patient’s embarra.s.sment, Dr. Fu suggests a very responsible suggestion. Life is not easy, she is careful at every step, attacking those who frame her. He helped her everywhere and cherish her to the extreme. It is said that Dr. Fu is not powerful and impotent. Who would know that he is powerful and skilled in bed. One night, he pressed the beauty under his body. “Doctor Fu, how can I thank you for helping me?” He caressed her small waist and made a low-key announcement. “The dowry should be prepared!” Dr. Fu said: Happy to meet you in my lifetime! Miss Gu said: In my lifetime, please treat me kindly!

Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha summary: “Hey, you said you wanted a little sister, right?”
First year highschool student, Toujo Basara, was suddenly asked this question by his father, and he fell into a state of panic. On top of that, the eccentric father told him that he will be getting remarried. He then departed overseas after bringing Basara two beautiful step-sisters.
But Mio and Maria’s true forms are actually a newbie Demon Lord and a succubus!? Basara was almost forced into a master and servant contract with Mio, but a “reversed” contract was formed by mistake, and Basara is now the master!? Moreover, Basara is being hit by ecchi situations one after another due to the contract, but Mio’s life is being pursued by other demon tribes and hero tribes!!
The most powerful contractor’s desire action drama begins!

Alone in London

Alone in London summary: Alone in London summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Alone in London. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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