
























简介前世恋人漫画 ,人们都拥有着前世,并且皆有可能苏醒前世的记忆。四对恋人跨越数十年的...不介绍了,狗粮真香!


简介她是最强修仙者,穿越异界,上有家族欺压迫害,下有渣男未婚夫凌辱践踏…想虐她?呵呵!笑看作死者自作孽不可活,顺我者昌 逆我者亡!只是…这个貌美如花的国师大大为啥总是对她“暗送秋波”?某国师:“睡过那么久,这会儿就不认账了?”






内容简介:什么?我得了绝症,天哪!我不活了,额,也活了不了。唉,等死不如做好事,呵呵,救了一个孕妇。晕,为我诊断的医生是神经病。。。我汗!nbspnbspnbspnbsp吓!我见到鬼了啊,竟然是 那个孕妇,呜呜。。。在她的口中才知道自己死了,不过,那个孕妇为了报答我,竟一脚把我踢进婴儿的身体里,还是她女儿!nbspnbspnbspnbsp被一个自称爷爷的人接到家,醒来时见到三个惊天地泣鬼神的饿。。小帅哥。原来他们就是我的哥哥们啊!1w0-96616 >>


内容简介:【【云起书院“我们的2020”创意征文大赛】参赛作品】【女配,逆袭】姜柠穿越了,她觉得自己稳得一批,当她知道穿越到一本玄幻女主升级文时,她有点慌。当她知道自己穿越成了下场凄惨的恶毒女配 时,她慌得一批。在她身边不仅有着气运爆棚的女主,还有着一个如同高岭之花的妹妹,同时男主已经把她列入必杀名单了。苟,必须得苟着,不然得玩完!正当她准备逃之夭夭时,她绑定了一个系统。姜柠觉得自己够倒霉的了,而系统告诉她,像她这么倒霉的,还有一群。她释然了,于是,不久后,无数世界的画风都变了。震惊!一代魔祖为何放弃统治世界,一心只搞社会主义。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《穿书之女配她超凶》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-63125 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:大秦融合凯多,祖龙让我东巡】赵天融合最强生物的模板穿越大秦成为嬴政最小的儿子,嬴子天。因出生时天降异象且头上生有一对龙角,被天下人传为神龙庇佑,因此也深得嬴政 的喜爱。然而,十二年过去。这位小公子除了喝酒玩闹,没有展现丝毫天赋。这天,大秦剑圣叛逃,派出去的三百秦锐士全军覆没。嬴政大发雷霆正欲以李斯之策毒攻毒时,嬴子天一人却抓回了剑圣。朝堂震惊。嬴政沉思,随后作出了一个决定。让嬴子天代替他东巡。从此,一发不可收拾。章邯陛下,十九公子妖孽啊,一人踏平了墨家机关城。王贲陛下,十九公子化身神龙令十万农家弟子臣服了。嬴政原来我儿,是神龙转世!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-71903 >>


内容简介:始皇祭天:我携仓库,落于祭台上这一年,魔都港的大型集散地管理员柳谪,例行巡查,盘点仓库中储存的蔬菜,钢材,原料……一夜之间,整个港口,包括港口储存的无数物资凭空消失,让全球震动!那一年 ,徐福1w0-87311 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:娱乐:一首赤伶,震惊了蘑菇屋】沈亦穿越到平行世界,一个京剧文化即将要落幕的时代。作为京剧班的少班主,沈亦不甘华夏的国粹艺术,在自己手里断送,幸亏此时他激活了系 统。受邀参加《向往的生活5》,在节目中,沈亦凭借一首《赤伶》,让所有人重新认识了国粹京剧。一首《卷珠帘》,让所有人感受到了京剧戏腔的魅力。一首《虞兮叹》,让所有人感动霸王别姬的那段千古绝恋。一首《新贵妃醉酒》……一首《苏三说》……我,沈亦,开启了一个新的戏腔时代。【简介无力,请看正文】【日更万字,童叟无欺】飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢娱乐:一首赤伶,震惊了蘑菇屋,别忘记分享给朋友作者:英年枣红所写的《娱乐:一首赤伶,震惊了蘑菇屋》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-93747 >>


内容简介:【种田+轻松搞笑+穿越】方正一穿越至大景朝成为一名小县令。花费七年时间打造了属于自己的世外桃源,本想做个土皇帝逍遥一生。景和十三年,大景皇帝微服私访,偶然间来到了桃源县……皇帝初入桃源 县满心震惊!各种新奇之物,让人目不暇接!“抽水马桶为何物!嘶,竟然如此方便!”“你们竟然用纸擦……”“这镜子竟然也如天上之物?”不久之后景帝带着太子再临桃源县…且看小县令如何玩1w0-90154 >>




内容简介:  紫檀木钿,指狐为妻,六大预言,谁是太子  一个现代狸猫换太子的故事1w0-223


内容简介:  重生幼时,她只想好好守着家人。  可他说,我愿我余生来守护你,我愿将我的余生给你,让你以‘我’活着。  还有一个他说,我曾以为我是最有资格和你一起守着的,但是没想到,世事无常,你成 了我的心头砂。  有一个他什么都没有说,只手拎着外套,背覆一生宠爱和静好安稳强行住进了她家。1w0-4370 >>


内容简介:  “我书读的少,你别骗我,咫尺之间人尽敌国的意思分明是说我站在这咫尺之间不动,可以一人之力毁灭一个敌对国家。”“可是,我记得,这句话的意思好像是形容两个人很近时,另一人即便背后有一个 国家都没用。”“假的。”百里青锋一剑平举,雷霆真气运转形成的电磁场爆发出庞大的安培力,推动手中超导体赤神钢铸成的神剑,以二十倍音速撕裂大气,将三百公里外一艘航空母舰射爆,火药库殉爆的火焰升腾照亮天空。“你看,我就在咫尺之间。”……一个无修真、无异能、无魔法、有一点点真气的世界,一个武者有文化的世界。1w0-216 >>


内容简介:傅少的小娇妻顾浅浅全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《傅少的小娇妻顾浅浅》顾浅浅傅景之著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读傅少的小娇妻顾浅浅全文内容。1 w35984-62595 >>


内容简介:  如果你无法战胜女人,那就去变成女人。 ——云汐【本书为变身文,无变嫁无变嫁无变嫁!!!融合了轻小说,玄幻,都市三大元素,整体风格惬意轻松愉悦,无毒点,】【读者群:809699978 】1w0-3315 >>

Sono Kuchibiru, Itadakimasu

Description From Intercross: What the poor Sana is aiming for is the boy who has a mysterious mole on his lip: Aki. You won't be troubled over eating with a mole on your lip, so if she gets Aki, she won't be troubled over money... or so she thinks, but Aki is also poor?! With their Culture Festival's Best Couple Contest prize as 'A year's worth of free school lunches', what willl happen when the two join forces?! Includes 3 other oneshots: - Sukitte Iccha XX Nandesu! Kurashima Touko has been working up the nerve to finally call out the President of the Disciplinary Committee. However, she accidentally sends it to the wrong person, Takimoto Chikage! He is a delinquent that is totally opposite of her ideal man, however, Takimoto likes Kurashima! - Narabuna Kiken!! Miku and Natsume have always been fighting with each other until Natsume suddenly asks Miku to pretend to be his girlfriend!!! At first, Miku is quite opposed to the idea, but slowly… - Koi ni Nante Naranai! Sakashita Yue is known for being fierce, violent, and abnormally strong. After being dumped by her boyfriend, rumors spread that she beat him up. When she confronts her ex, Ogata Touma helps her. Immediately afterward, he confesses and asks her out.

I Can't Tell Anyone

From Shoujo Manga Maniac: Ruka's a junior high student in love with her father's assistant, Fumi-sempai. She wants to become an adult quickly because everyone sees her as a little kid! But what would happen if she actually became an adult with the help of a time machine?

Nemurihime Age

From Shoujomagic: Ayane's seventeenth birthday may very well be the worst day of her life. From the moment she opens her eyes in the morning, it just goes from bad to worse. The crowning glory is when she throws a beer in the face of a man whom she only realizes later is her favorite musician, the wildly popular Shiina Etsurou. Ayane loves to sing, and she's really good at it, but fate seems determined to play these cruel jokes on her. The best joke of all is Ayane's abnormal height of 173cm (5'8'). She can't step on a stage without being laughed at...she can't meet her idol without throwing beer in his face...it's enough to give a girl a complex. So when Shiina comes back and wants to make music with Ayane...she declines the offer!? V3: Story 2: Ring A Ding The story of how Shiina and Yuu met. V.6: Story 3: Friends One year later... A continuation of 'Sleeping Beauty Age,' focusing on the unresolved emotions between Ayane, Ryouta, and Nakako. V.6: Story 4: My Sweet Relationship with You Kousuke is in love with his next door neighbor and childhood friend, Ruriko. They always used to play together as kids, but now she won't even let him in her house. Hoping it will bring them closer together, Kousuke lies and says, 'This guy Eiichi who I thought was my friend is trying to kick my ass,' and tries to get Ruriko to shelter him... dropped by ShoujoMagic on 10-15-07

Garden (Kimura Yuuji)

Humanity is on the brink of extinction as a flower known as “Viscar” infects humans and animals, turning them into mindless hosts that feed on others. If you get bitten by the infected, or inhale the pollen that emits from their bodies, the flower will plant itself into your brain. Humanity is fighting a losing battle against this world-wide pandemic, and most people have given up hope. Volt was once part of the army and had been assigned to be the guard of Dr. Kisling, the scientist leading the development of a vaccine to fight against the Viscar. From an unfortunate accident, one of the contained Viscar pollen escaped, infecting Dr. Kisling. Dr. Kisling’s final wish to Volt was to find his daughter Lilith, and, with her help, continue the development of the vaccine. Lilith and Volt now venture into the post-apocalyptic world to bring back hope to humanity. [DrCoke]. — quoted from Mangahelper

Seven Keys to Baldpate

Seven Keys to Baldpate summary: Seven Keys to Baldpate summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Seven Keys to Baldpate. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Bibliotaph

The Bibliotaph summary: The Bibliotaph summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Bibliotaph. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Rose O' the River

Rose O' the River summary: Rose O' the River summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rose O' the River. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Hohenzollerns in America

The Hohenzollerns in America summary: The Hohenzollerns in America summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Hohenzollerns in America. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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