








简介堂堂正室夫人,先被发卖后遭休弃,最后只能回娘家喝粥度日。 极品家人个个是奇葩不说,又被赐给暴虐嗜杀的大皇子。 人生之路半点不由已…… 幸好有穿越而来自带的优良技能,落魄小郡主也能华丽逆袭!




























内容简介:【接档文《嫁给病弱大将军后》欢迎戳专栏收藏,比心】本文文案国破家亡的五公主沈延玉被新帝打发给丞相为妾。不愿受辱的五公主在出嫁当日从城楼跳下。一朝重生,却又回到了自己十二岁那年。还遇到了 一个和她一样的小可怜。她以为他俩同病相怜,于是惺惺相惜,各种给他送温暖。结果,她发现那个小可怜就是前世的那个暴君!五公主呵呵一笑“去他的送温暖吧,本公主不奉陪了。”某未来暴君一把将她圈在怀里“阿玉,乖,以后我宠你。”往后的峥嵘岁月,他当真实现了这句话。他就是被人碾碎了骨头,也要一步一步走到她面前,拥她入怀。“沈琏一生卑鄙,命如烂泥,惟愿你永远高高在上。”————————————————————双重生!阴郁纯情小狼狗在线追妻!男主对别人清心寡欲,对女主饿虎扑食!男女主都心怀家国大义,恋爱和剧情齐飞———————————————————【日更每天早上900】【女主唯一金手指可以看到别人内心的记忆,但是不定时触发】食用指南1V1,SC,高洁可入,甜文,看名字就知道了。小天使们要不要看看我的预收文《嫁给病弱大将军后》【有兴趣的可以戳专栏】女主版谢宁前十七年循规蹈矩,恪守本分。直到她被家人逼着嫁给那个瘫在床上三年的周大将军。明枪暗箭,阴谋算计。一生谨小慎微的她终是站了起来,挡在那个病秧子夫君面前“一日为君妇,一日为君忧。往后荣辱,谢宁自会和将军一同承担。”男主版周显恩十七岁拜为骠骑大将军,威风八面。直到一场暗算,他废了双腿,成了一个瘫子。他以为自己这一生都只能活着这阴暗潮湿的地方,永远不会再有一丝光亮。直到那一天,一个穿着红嫁衣的女子怯生生地推开了他的房门。他眼底泛起嘲讽,等着她尖叫着跑出去,或者嫌恶地骂他。可他却只等来一句带着颤音的“夫君。”那一刻,周显恩如一滩死水般的心第一次漾起波纹。【一日为妻,此生不弃。】————————————————————————女主外柔内刚,又甜又软的大家闺秀。男主前期敏感自卑,导致经常在黑化的边缘疯狂试探,本身是武力值爆表,有家国情怀的大将军。使用指南1V1,SC,洁党可入。治愈系男主的病会好的甜宠+虐渣正在存稿【欢迎戳作者专栏收藏哦!】如果您喜欢暴君的宠妻日常,别忘记分享给朋友作者:黑糖话梅所写的《暴君的宠妻日常》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w33161-82537 >>


内容简介:魔族最强最凶恶的魔王——伊凡仑撒,率领魔族攻城略地,对人类发动了一场旷世之战。但在此过程中,他厌倦了,所以在光明女神的帮助下,他成功的转生到了几百年后。于是,帝国最强的圣女——伊莉雅乔 尔,就此诞生!(本书前期略慢热,请酌情观看)1w0-27186 >>


内容简介:“帝师大人,听说您娘子倾心于您,只因贪恋您的权势和美色?”赫连冥烨:“不,她贪恋我身中奇毒无人能解。”“小宝少爷,听说帝师娘子收养了您,是因为您是前朝遗孤?”小宝:“走开,我是我娘亲生 的!”闲言碎语传入叶灵汐的耳中,第二天,那些乱传谣言的人全部毒发晕倒。这一定是叶灵汐的报复!众人纷纷把黑状告到帝师大人面前:“帝师大人,你娘子太毒了!”赫连冥烨连眼皮儿都没抬,“我宠的,你有意见?”1w0-27369 >>




内容简介:当家族联姻成为必然,现实世界中男朋友的背叛,让女主林筱薇对爱情不再抱有幻想。从认识前男友到如今发现他已经和自己的姐姐在一起的时间整整三年。她开始恍然大悟,自己曾经癫狂的爱情态度只会让她 更受伤,但是更让她难以平复的愤怒是来源于那一场生日宴。林家依靠杭城的财力势力,在那一天聚集了无数的贵家公子和权势人物,这一场生日宴的女主本是林夕颜,可是最后却演变成了林筱薇的闹剧。她亲眼看见自己的男友席城和林夕颜站在一起,周围的人都拍手称赞他们天生一对郎才女貌,却忽略了他们的爱情已经存在了三年。她愤怒的质问席城,想从他的嘴上知道一些答案,但是渣男的本质暴露无遗,她的质问又给自己找了个麻烦。所有人看到的都是妹妹不懂事同姐姐抢男友,但实际上是恰恰反过来。1w0-127679 >>


内容简介:【片段一】她匆匆赶到法院,呼吸困难,强忍心绞。他冷笑不语,将她扔在被告席上。一场官司下来,他的句句指证,如万箭穿心。勾引盛世集团总裁的罪名,让她成为豪门,被驱逐出门……【片段二】他扼住 她的咽喉,俯身逼近:“你刚才说什么?”“死了。”她低敛眼眸,嗓音艰涩。他一愣,继而擭紧她水嫩娇躯,前所未有的暴虐:“苏琉璃,找不到孩子,我拿你偿命!”隔日,她所在的大宅失火,仆人们说,看见夫人抱着小少爷失心疯一般跳入火海。1w0-28816 >>




内容简介:《被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书》为作者橙子蛋挞创作,作品被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供橙子蛋挞精心编写原创被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书及无弹窗被男主退婚后嫁给他叔 了穿书最新章节,被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书全文免费阅读。1w8811-29694 >>





Grand Sun

In Japan, criminals are running rampant, and the law enforcement quality is worse than it has ever been. Anyone who has a large amount of money or is even a bit famous is liable to be kidnapped at any time, and it happens constantly. Bodyguards have become a necessity for anyone who doesn't want to be held captive, and special schools have been created for the soul purpose of training body guards and special organizations called vigilante groups that are made up of of highly trained people with advanced combat skills enforce the law since the police do not. Asahi is part of a vigilante group called Nekomata, which makes its headquarters in a cafe of the same name in downtown Tokyo. Asahi is still young, but she's the best of the best working in the city, and is very passionate about her job. Then she gets called to a security school and offered a contract to be the bodyguard of the incredibly famous Kisaragi Sakuya, the rich heir to the Kisaragi Group and the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Prize with his incredible inventions. However, all of his previous bodyguards quit because of his personality and rather unfortunate hobby of testing his inventions on his bodyguards. Asahi accepts, and is whisked away from her rough-and-tumble home in Tokyo to a totaly different enviroment: the Kisaragi mansion. Eventually, she mangages to befriend Sakuya, and friendship grows into romance. Now, she must work to thwart the various criminals attempting to kidnap Sakuya, 90% of which want his money and 10% his skill, for if Sakuya were to join a criminal society and invent weapons for them, they would become the best in the world. Note: Originally used in Emura's W-Juliet II, the sequel to W-Juliet. The characters Sakuya and Asahi are played by W-Juliet's main characters, Ito and Makoto.

Eden - It's An Endless World!

In the panic surrounding a worldwide pandemic which kills 15 percent of the population and cripples many more, a secret organization, the Propater, topples the UN and seizes control of much of the world. A boy and a girl, raised in an abandoned virology research center, immune to the virus, are attacked by the Propater and escape. Based strongly on Gnostic mythology, all major characters are named after gnostic deities, and have analogous roles.

Zurui Otoko

Collection of oneshots. 1) A strange man hired a younger man to act as his new lover to get rid of his ex-boyfriend who's stalking him. It turns out the younger man is a student in the class of the older man... Sweet and a bit of angst. 2) True Blue - Momo and Harumi are childhood friends, and Harumi has always relied on Momo. One day he sees Momo walk into a hotel with an older man. 3-5) The Lover in the secret room - Kou and Natsume are good friends and also happens to the Captain and Assistant Captain on the schools soccer team. Natsume has always liked Kou, until he finds out that Kou is going to study abroad in France. Oda, who's also on the team has liked Natsume from afar. He confesses his feelings for him and then chains him up in his home. (slight bondage) 6) Kaoru and Sei have been living together ever since Kaorus' dad was sent overseas for work. Kaoru catches Sei making out. Sei tells him that he likes someone else, but he can never be with him.

Wild Damon

From Nagareboshi Manga: A girl's life is going to change because of her father who is an explorer. He found a boy living in a jungle and took him home. Now she has to take care of him and guide him as he tries to adapt to the city life. Read this manga from right to left


Qizi summary: On the distant Tianxiu Planet, there exists a group of unusual and intelligent beings. They consist of neither children nor elders. They have neither birth nor real death. They are born into the world through an extremely special process, and have managed to keep their fundamental memories of survival through their endless reincarnations. They are the Tianxiu people. For every Tianxiu person, if they find someone they like and want to bind as partners with each other — then they would have to go through a life or death Adult Ceremony. The winner of the ceremony will become the absolute dominant in this spousal relationship. While the defeated one, will be referred to as — Qizi.

Selections From the Works of John Ruskin

Selections From the Works of John Ruskin summary: Selections From the Works of John Ruskin summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Selections From the Works of John Ruskin. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Master Builder

The Master Builder summary: The Master Builder summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Master Builder. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Pleasing Start-Over

Pleasing Start-Over summary: Qiao Chen strangely enough transmigrated into an interstellar-age world and grew up once again. Then again, for some strange reason, was requested to go to different worlds and search for the soul parts of this world’s military general. As he hopped into different worlds with the help of a system, he unexpectedly discovered that he transmigrated to his other self in every world. It doesn’t matter if it’s a coincidental chance or destined arrangement, since he has the chance to start-over, why not, while he is doing his task (of finding the soul pieces), try to get revenge and fulfilling his other self’s wishes? Since G.o.d gave him the opportunity to change his fate, why shouldn’t he live a pleasing life?

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